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View Full Version : cockpit-cabin communication

10th Mar 2004, 00:45
I just came from a TRM course ,attended by .both cabin and cockpit crew ,and I would like to know your input here:
How would be better to communicate with the cabin crew in case of emergency?
What is your briefing with the FA ,before flight?
What are your actions if an emergency develop inflight,regarding the communication with the fA? You encourage the FA to let you know if they have any concern about the safety of the flight? How are they supposed to do that?
We were showed to types of cases ,one in which the presence of the FA disrupted the pilots performance of the checklists,the other one in which the implication of the FA could have solved the case.

11th Mar 2004, 18:25
Alex see: Cabin Factors. (http://www.cabinfactors.com/)

CRM - communication. (http://s92270093.onlinehome.us/crmdevel/resources/misc/transcan/transcan1.htm)

Cabin Safety Briefing. (http://www.casa.gov.au/avreg/fsa/index.htm)
Mar-Apr 2001 pages 39-40
July-Aug 2001 pages 36-37

Previous Pprune thread. (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=109420)

11th Mar 2004, 23:33
Thks alf
very interesting stuff, indeed.
Brgds Alex