View Full Version : Pprune

6th Mar 2004, 03:06
Does anyone agree witn me that the title 'Professional Pilot's Rumour Network' is a bit of a misnomer? As far as I can maintain this forum is populated by a bunch of starstruck wannabees, sycophantic t***s, and engineers who would be better off polishing their spanners than using up valuable bandwidth.
When was the last good rumour posted by a professional pilot?
Any suggestions for a new name!?

6th Mar 2004, 04:57
Starstruck wannabees spanner weilding pratts and nutters. My god you have got a chip on your shoulder, I would have thought from the ammount of postings, its quite obvious the formula works. If all we had were rumours posted by old gits us younger, brighter, foreward thinking chaps would be watching tele instead . Perhaps you might be more at ease if an old farts forum was created.

6th Mar 2004, 06:08
Thanks Old Git. Nice first posting...........don't they let you out of that Gatwick building very often?

6th Mar 2004, 07:43
oldgit:Does anyone agree witn me that the title 'Professional Pilot's Rumour Network' is a bit of a misnomer? charlie s charlie:Those wouldn't be the dulcet tones of PF#1 under a new pseudonym would they?Hey!

Although I agree in principle with "oldgit," I wouldn't go so far as to call for a forum name change. The non-professional aviators on this forum like charlie do provide the occasional amusing distraction. It's bad enough to have them here, but I would not call for their outright banning. I abide them as I do those pesky "airport kids" you meet sometimes who bother me incessantly with their inane questions about flying when I'm merely trying to get some fuel, take a leak and be on my way. "Excuse me, sir? What does that back propeller do?" Oh, please, if I hear that one more time I shall scream! We might not be able to keep them off our internet, but I mean, can't we do something about keeping kids and non-aviators out of small airports?

Flying Lawyer
6th Mar 2004, 08:11

"Oh, please, if I hear that one more time I shall scream!"
The equivalent in my job is:
"How do you feel when you're defending someone you know 'deep down' must be guilty."
(Like one or two pilots I could mention. ;) )
But in the scheme of things, isn't it a very small price to pay for doing an interesting job? Would you really want a job that was so uninteresting nobody had any questions they wanted to ask?

Non-professional aviator.
(Thanks for not asking for us to be banned.)
BTW, I didn't think you and oldgit were the same person. Your posts are much cleverer than that. ;)

Edited for typos. It was very late!

6th Mar 2004, 12:03
Flying Lawyer wrote:BTW, I didn't think you and oldgit were the same person.Thank you, Tudor. As a matter of fact, as I was writing that post (which as you might imagine went through a couple of tongue-in-cheek versions before I hit "Submit Reply") and as I was considering what to say about the non-pro's, I was actually thinking of you and what you bring to our "table." And very simply I would not want to be part of a forum that excluded anyone- pilot or wannabe, amateur or pro.

the wizard of auz
6th Mar 2004, 12:08
PF#1, mate we need kids at airports, asking questions.
It's arrogant arseholes like you that stop kids that are aspiring to be pilots from having a go at it.
Do you ever get sick of people telling you your a dork?.

6th Mar 2004, 12:57
Now Wiz thats a bit harsh.

I think he's right and while we're at it maybe we could ban the little ******s and the rest of the public from our aircraft as well..... "How high are we?" "how fast are we going?"............... JESUSSS "how about I toss you out and you find out for yourself!!"

6th Mar 2004, 13:50
Does anyone agree witn me

oldcnt: In answer to your question thus far the tally is ..

3 non- commitals
1 yes
4 no

6th Mar 2004, 14:18
Perhaps the name "Professional Pilot's Rumour Network" refers to a rumour about a Professional Pilot? The apostrophe doesn't make it clear ;) Now, Oldgit, surely anyone can spread a rumour about a professional pilot?

[QUOTE]bunch of starstruck wannabees, sycophantic t***s, and engineers who would be better off polishing their spanners[QUOTE]

You have a valid question which you wish to put forward but this sort of personalisation will not do much to endear you to many Ppruners and hardly constitutes reasoned and balanced argument. Professionalism, these days, counts for more than simply earning your wage and most pilots making a living from flying display all the attributes of a professional attitude and... er.. some don't. Simiarly, some students and private pilots have a very professional outlook - so take your pick - what does professional mean?

Seeing as your a fixed wing pilot, why post this on Rotorheads? Surely, Jet Blast would be more appropriate - why don't you see how you get on there?



6th Mar 2004, 14:50
Ah Whirlygig, who got "Roots, shoots and leaves," for Christmas then?

6th Mar 2004, 15:05

It's actually "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" and, er, yes, I have read it but pedantry is something to which I have always aspired and prepositions at the end of sentences are errors up with which I shall not put ;)



6th Mar 2004, 16:17
Having inadvertently caused such a outburst of indignation, I shall now take my leave and disappear from this forum. Just a parting question however. Whatever happened to a sense of humour, surely these forums are all about having a bit of fun!!?

6th Mar 2004, 16:29

Shame you are leaving - I thought that the whole point of your post was to produce these reactions: you were supposed to respond with something else equally contentious and we could all have a good ole-fashioned cyber-scrap;)

I can see plenty of humour in the responses ;)



6th Mar 2004, 17:14
What does the back propeller do?
It minces up pesky airport kids
who ask me questions,
now #### off!

And then, after I told him how high we were,
you're just not gonna believe what he asked next,
'How ####ing fast are we going' .......JESUSSS!!

Well, if they haven’t got a sense of humour Sweetie,
you'd best let them get on with it. It’s their loss.

6th Mar 2004, 18:55
Well I am still here as. I only realised this morning that I had posted on the wrong forum, hello to all you 'rotorheads'. If I have offended you with my comments, tough luck. However notwithstanding every thing else that has been said I still think a good healthy debate on the relevance of 'PPRUNE' as a name has some merits. If I were a little more creative I would come up with an alternative acronym but I really am struggling, must be age or something!

6th Mar 2004, 19:07
OG: Matron just called. You're late.

6th Mar 2004, 20:08
Whirlygig, sorry you are quite right, I was thinking of the less clean version of the Panda joke where it arrives at it's girlfriend's house, dines, fornicates, ejaculates and departs. I must remember not to PPrune with a hangover!

Charlie s charlie - good post!

6th Mar 2004, 22:09
Definition of "professional" (as provided by charles s charles):Professional adj
1. Of, suitable for, or engaged in as a profession
2. Engaging in an activity as a means of livelihood
3. a. Extremely competent in a job, etc
b (of a piece of work or anything performed) produced with competence or skill
4. Undertaken or performed by people who are paid ~ n
5. A person who belongs to one of the professions
6. A person who engages for his livelihood in some activity also pursued by amateurs
7. A person who engages in an activity with great competence
8. An expert player of a game who gives instruction, esp. to members of a club by whom he is hiredWith two exceptions (3b and 7), all of the above refer to doing something and getting paid for it before being considered a professional. But then the authors of the dictionary decided to throw a bone to those who do something "with great competence" and call them a pro. Thanks a lot! This must give a warm/fuzzy feeling to some amateurs who like to think of themselves in this manner, but it severely dilutes the meaning of the word. Let's just call everybody a professional, shall we? Um...let's not.Is "professional" a state of mind, a demeanour, or merely a title that comes with your first pay cheque?Well it's obviously not "a demeanour." The definition above makes no reference to this; it's all about performance, baby. In other words, you may walk and talk like a professional, and you may even aspire greatly to be one, but in the end it's how you fly that counts. (But maybe I'm splitting hairs here. FL, your ruling?)

The fact is, in the context of aviation, one is not a pro until one gets paid to fly, simple as that. Amateurs may fly like a pro and may even think of themselves as such, but sadly they are still considered amateurs.

Is PF#1 really Bill Gates? Hardly! I'm a working helicopter pilot...which we all know is the exact opposite of a Bill Gates. But that'll teach me to use the royal "we." (And anyway, Gates didn't invent the internet. That accomplishment and award went to that great U.S. politician, statesman, enemy of the internal combustion engine and former vice president Al Gore. Didn't it?)

I'm not up on the exact history of this site, but I imagine that PPRuNe probably did begin as its name suggests, but evolved and expanded to the present form, outgrowing its name. I'm okay with that.

And Heliport? Glad you have such a good sense of humour ;) Your characterization of me is spot-on with one minor detail: I have a touch more gray hair than the bloke in the illustration.

7th Mar 2004, 04:09
oldgit leaving PPRuNe



7th Mar 2004, 05:09
I think maybe we could come up with some sort of colour code system for posts so that you know immedietely what type of character is responsible......


Wannabe..... Green (with envy)

Engineer...... Blue (cause they fix equipment their not allowed
to operate)

Chief pilot......red (in the face again from yelling at line pilots)

Line pilot.....white (in the face and shaking. You want me to land
WHERE with HOW much weight)

Owner.........Black (black If only I could get this business into the

Chicks........Pink (Obviously)

7th Mar 2004, 06:47
Thank you for not calling us professional female frequenters Charlie.... I think? :confused:

7th Mar 2004, 06:56
Of course there are those who are professional but not paid. You make your pile in a previous life and in "Part 2" you fly people around because you love it. And the pay would just cause another tax problem.
Flying without "reward" with a couple of thousand hours. Does that mean that you are an amateur ?

And where did flapsforty suddenly arrive from ? Over 2000 posts ? Must be a pro.

7th Mar 2004, 07:28
Oo er it does seem as if my original (misplaced) comment has stirred up a bit of a hornets nest!
However, ladies and gentlemen, nobody has yet answered my original question/request, namely is PPRUNE a bit of a misnomer and does anybody have any ideas vis a vis a better and more representative acronym! I am still too dull of brain to come up with anything! (6 pints of wife beater and 3 moscow mules to the worse).

7th Mar 2004, 07:28
Colour coding - neat idea but not mutually exclusive although one could always try alternating words in different colours?



PS Ms Forty is a moderater on JB - perhap you ought to get out more

7th Mar 2004, 07:31
Sorry, me again I forgot to say keep on smiling!!

Cyclic Hotline
7th Mar 2004, 11:33
The Internet is full of old gits. They have numerous websites and even forums dedicated to their need to whinge and whine about everything. :)

Thousands of patently stupid Q&A's for the irrelevant. (http://www.grumpy-old-git.com/)

But the best has to be The Miserable old git! (http://fenet.co.uk/mog/) check out his spoof banner links - especially the horny housewives!!

Old Gits are good for you. They put a smile on your face (intentionally or not), and make the day easy to get through. And then one day, often without noticing - you become one yourself!

Dynamic Component
7th Mar 2004, 17:10
Excuse me sir, but what does that thing that looks like a parking brake do????


And that spinning propeller on the tail??:}
:E :ouch:

7th Mar 2004, 18:30
perhap you ought to get out more

Mmmm: siamese cats, chocolate cake recipes, discussions about the average height of people......think I'll give it a miss, Miss.

I have a fear of being labelled a GOM.

7th Mar 2004, 18:43
Please sir... why are there not three pedals; surely you need clutch, brake and accelerator?

Thank you sir.


7th Mar 2004, 20:03
Where is the gear change ?, how do you select reverse gear to descend ?

8th Mar 2004, 05:25
actually it's, eats, roots, shoots and leaves.:ok:

8th Mar 2004, 15:11
I let 3 little kids sit in my helicopter this morning, even let their parents get a photo. THey were all so excited. Yecchh.

I think you guys have given me a guilty conscience.... either that or I was in a good mood because the bank had just called me to tell me the finance on my new bike was approved. Yeh I think that was probably it !!

9th Mar 2004, 12:07
The year was 1968, I was twelve. My father took mum and me on holiday to the U.S. and we toured around. Near the Grand Canyon, I spied a smallish helicopter shut down on a raised wooden platform- a Bell 206A on low-skids owned by a tour outfit. I made my dad stop, and ran up to the ship. Man, I can remember like it was yesterday how the cockpit looked with that neat, trim interior and funky cyclic that came out from under the seat instead of sticking up out of the floor. What an awesomely beautiful aircraft! It was sex-on-a-stick for me, and I was enraptured. Heh. Funny how some memories stick with you and resonate so clearly even after so many years. But I will never forget that JetRanger, nor the fingerprints and nose-smudges I left on its bubble (sorry).

Now, old(er) and gray(ish), I haven't forgotten when I was that kid. And when I get a chance to show youngsters the helicopter I'm flying (or my personal airplane), I always see if I can spot "that look" on their face- that look of fascination, wonder and awe. And now I let them do what I never could as a child; I let them sit in the pilot's seat, and I fly them when I can. It would have been an unbelieveable dream-come-true for me at that age, and I hope it is for them today.

I never begrudge the people who ask me questions, and I never get tired of answering them. I always keep in mind that I might easily be talking to a future me.

9th Mar 2004, 12:58
PFan#1 says:

"It's bad enough to have them here, but I would not call for their outright banning. I abide them as I do those pesky "airport kids" you meet sometimes who bother me incessantly with their inane questions about flying when I'm merely trying to get some fuel, take a leak and be on my way. "Excuse me, sir? What does that back propeller do?" Oh, please, if I hear that one more time I shall scream! We might not be able to keep them off our internet, but I mean, can't we do something about keeping kids and non-aviators out of small airports?"

But his nice little brother got on under his log on, and came back

"I never begrudge the people who ask me questions, and I never get tired of answering them. I always keep in mind that I might easily be talking to a future me."

Cor blimey, Heaven forbid there should be a future PP#1, whichever hat he puts on this week :rolleyes:

9th Mar 2004, 15:53

....aawwhh... you're just a big ol' softy at heart, aren't you.

I had a similar experience which made me want to learn to fly helicopters; except the helicopter was a Bolkow 105, the venue was Bolton and I was considerably older than 12 ;) ;)

But many thanks will always go to that pilot who showed me around and took me on a quick flight - he has a lot to answer for!



Thomas coupling
9th Mar 2004, 16:48
Pprune fart #6:

What planet are you on. Are you for kids or against them, as 'heli' stated. Are you suffering from Alzheimers perhaps but can't remember?

I can't think of anything worse than ONLY allowing so called pro pilots to chin wag here - :yuk: A mixture of experience stimulates the conversation...look at Charlie S charlie / Whirlygig for example...great posts, keep 'em coming!