View Full Version : Cirrus Take-off

3rd Mar 2004, 03:27

I could do with a quick answer on a question that has caused some doubt for me. I am involved in an aircraft design project (at University) and we are comparing our 'new' aircraft with the Cirrus and I was wondering about take-off run.

Does anyone here fly (or has anyone flown) the Cirrus SR22 (or SR20) who could tell me if they take-off in short field config with flaps? And with how much flap? Do you use flap as standard?

As an aside, is the take-off performance data presented by the manufacturer for sales and marketing the shortest that the aircraft is capable of achieveing or the normal (i.e. is it for short field configuration with flap or normal without flap). I am a PPL so know when and why the different configs are used but have never really looked at it from this perspective.

I look forward to hearing from you all!


Fly Stimulator
3rd Mar 2004, 05:10

I fly both the SR20 and the 22. The Cirrus flaps have only three positions - up, 50% and 100%.

For both models the POH states that either no flaps or 50% should be used for takeoff. I always use 50%.

For short, soft and rough field takeoffs the POH recommendation is to use 50% flaps.

I can't answer your question about the marketing figures since I haven't seen what Cirrus claim in their adverts, though I don't suppose it's based on a 30 degree day at 10,000' density altitude! I would assume it would be ISA standard conditions at sea level combined with an aircraft in perfect condition and an expert factory test pilot at the controls.

The POHs have pretty full figures for performance under all sorts of conditions. They are online at the Cirrus web site here. (http://www.cirrusdesign.com/serviceandupgrades/pilotoperators/)

If your new aircraft can come close to the Cirrus and cost under 50K please let me know - I'll trade up from my microlight! :O

3rd Mar 2004, 05:34
Fly Stimulator,

Thank you very much. I appreciate your response. It has most definitely helped us. If it looks good I'll let you know! I would like to try flying the Cirrus.

Thanks again for your input.


3rd Mar 2004, 06:46

If you need any further information you can find the Cirrus SR22 POH (http://www.cirrusdesign.com/downloads/pdf/poh/13772-001%20SR22%20POH%20Reissue%20A.pdf) here.

You can test fly the Cirrus at Turweston 01280-701167 (IIRC!)