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2nd Sep 2004, 19:21
No Sid' I can't do it, I can't get the permissions I need to do it due to the Met 'Conditions at the time of the year I would be flying through some areas. Like I said, ask to do something stupid, or shall we say strange, and you get help but ask to do it at a really stupid time of year and its a non-starter.
People have helped all over the world but the timing is wrong now. Yes, I knew about the Monsoon but last year it failed, we could have been lucky this year too but it was not to be. Adventures don't have to work every time, not many do, but the next time I do this, my timing will be much better.:ooh:
If I didn't have to change my aircraft three weeks before I started the flight and then have to find £32K for a new one, if I didn't have to work through God knows how many nights trying to get the current Eagle ready, if I was more of an Engineer (our one was recovering from major op') and could have done a good job of the prep'. if I didn't have a radio fault that plagued me to the end of Italy, if I didn't have such a week bowl, if the Monsoon wasn't early, if if if if. Next time, i'll know better!
This is still a great adventure, with many twists and turns and more to come I have no doubt.

(Nice shot of Sydney though Sid, very perceptive)

2nd Sep 2004, 19:34
I wonder what fantastic flights he must have done to see my flight to the other side of the planet in an Autogyro as a poor job?
(just to add, this is caused by a comment on the GE message board, of which I have had no input.)


Middle Wallop N51 08.57 W001 08.57
GUWAHATI N26 06.26 E091 35.31

Now, I don't know what planet you are on about, but according to my nav notes 91 35.31 plus 1 08.57 is not greater than or equal to 180 :8

A straight line distance of 4973 ish miles
Total GE distance travelled, from website, = 10.480 km = 5659.2 Nm = 6511.31 St

Again, with Earths circumference roughly taken as 25,000 miles, either my maths is cock a hoop or we are on different planets.

On a more serious note,


Go back to India, fly as far as you can, pause over the winter, stretch out/negotiate the extra time off as much as poss (I don't believe the Lynx flying rate has improved that much has it?) and for the rest of the time needed, take it as leave.

Flying to Sydney IMHO achieves nothing.

Autorot8 has said here previously;
This Expedition is not about getting into the record books
Then don't fly to Sydney, continue around the World.
(How will those of who has given money to this expedition feel if you don't even make it to Aus?)

2nd Sep 2004, 20:27
Poor Paula, she's really getting it hard! and only if I could have flown in a straight line :hmm:
Negotiate more time off! don't you think i've done quite a good job so far? I know what you mean and I appreciate how keen you are to keep going but sadly I have other lads careers to think about too. I loose one of the team in October to go back to his career and i've lost both engineers back to the green machine. Three in the office and me in the air (soon).
Next time eh.

(i'm sorry you think the flight to Sydney is nothing, perhaps when you read the book you'll feel different).

All the best.

2nd Sep 2004, 20:40
http://argh25.tripod.com/chickies/Clucking_in_the_Coop.jpg http://www.schultz-antiques.com/stock_images/schultz_med/med_school%20bell.jpg
Rhymes with....Clucking Bell. :mad:

Oh well, I just thought;

Fly to Alaska, hangar up c/o USAF, fly home for Chrimbo c/o USAF/BA/Virgin.
Fly back spring time, continue journey whilst on leave. You could even continue the journey in parts, until complete.

The "Flying to Sydney IMHO achieves nothing", meant that as GE wasn't about setting records, why go there and not Alaska?

Oh well, I suppose the descision has been made, by the way, you could always get the 3 out of the office.!!

:ooh: hush my mouth!!

3rd Sep 2004, 01:53
Sorry to interrupt Sid's thread, but am I missing something? Isn't this the first time anyone's flown that far in an autogyro? Isn't this a magnificent acheivement for British aviation? Isn't this a true first in an arena where most of the firsts were seventy years ago?

I'm sorry if I missed all of the coverage of your flight to New Zealand, Sid. I must apologise for not recognising your name among those of true aviation pioneers.

Well done, Barry. Come home a proud man and start planning for next time. You never know if you grab me at the next Helitech I might even cough up for TWO miles.


3rd Sep 2004, 09:23
I'm sorry if I missed all of the coverage of your flight to New Zealand, Sid. I must apologise for not recognising your name among those of true aviation pioneers.
I'll have to correct you JAFO, I only made it to Sydney, albeit I had to make a stop en route..

And I'm sorry for not recognising your attempts of trying to get Barry to continue the journey around the world.

p.s. Can I still contact you at the Paula Radcliffe fan club?

3rd Sep 2004, 10:02

Sounds like a sensible decision to me. :ok: You've had a lot of bad lack, but learned a lot I'm sure. To carry on now would, as you say, be really difficult considering that you and others have lives outside of this. Go back, think again, and get it all right next time. Absolutely no shame in that, and I look forward to reading about it...only wish I could be doing it instead. :(

3rd Sep 2004, 17:17
I'll have to correct you JAFO, I only made it to Sydney, albeit I had to make a stop en route..

And I'm sorry for not recognising your attempts of trying to get Barry to continue the journey around the world.

p.s. Can I still contact you at the Paula Radcliffe fan club?


I am aware that you are using English words and in a reasonably sensible order but, I am afraid, I simply fail to understand what you are trying to say.



Paula Radcliffe?

Perhaps you are confusing me with someone for whom all of that would make sense but I've never met you, SS, as far as I'm aware; so any allusions to former conversations that you might think you've had with me are beyond my comprehension.

I merely wished to convey my congratulations to Barry on what he had acheived and wish him all the best for the future, wherever that may take him.

3rd Sep 2004, 18:30
I'm sure no-one else needs an explaination, but for JAFOs sake.
I'm sorry if I missed all of the coverage of your flight to New Zealand, Sid.
I have only ever flown as far as Sydney, so what on Earth are you on about, NZ? :hmm:
I must apologise for not recognising your name among those of true aviation pioneers.
Because its not there. In sarcasm I replied to this comment that you seem happy for Barry to stop the attempt around the World. :ugh:
Paula Radcliffe?
The British Marathon runner who stopped after 23 miles in the 2004 OLYMPIC GAMES Marathon because she was overtaken, putting her into 4th place, out of the medals; Instead of carrying on to finish the race in whatever place. :(
Perhaps you are confusing me with someone for whom all of that would make sense but I've never met you, SS, as far as I'm aware; so any allusions to former conversations that you might think you've had with me are beyond my comprehension.
Where did I say I've met you? this forum is for everyone not just you JAFO, you must be on the same planet as the GE distance measurer! either that or you honestly believe the dolphins are out to get you. :suspect:

All I'm saying is, it doesn't matter how long it takes Barry to fly round the world, as long as he does it. It seems silly not to even get halfway round the world,(Longitudinally=152.5deg), now that probably the hardest part is over. :confused:

Finally JAFO, if you think GE is going to have another attempt, you need all the help the dolphins can give you!! :ok:

4th Sep 2004, 03:21

Thank you for your explanation, the fact that it made even less sense than your earlier post should not be allowed to detract from the fact that you took the time and gave it a go; well done.

Of all the points that you made the least intelligible, if we leave dolphins aside for just a tick, was:

this forum is for everyone not just you JAFO
With three posts on this thread to your 125, I'd probably got that far all by myself.

I'm sorry that you entirely missed the point of my post, at least Barry got it and that's far more important.

One quick question, before I go:

All I'm saying is, it doesn't matter how long it takes Barry to fly round the world, as long as he does it.
What in heaven's name gives you the right to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do with their lives?

You set out your stall early enough with your very first post on this thread:

Good luck to the team, but knowing a few of them fairly well, I wonder of their chances of actually pulling it off. I may be a great cynic, but based on personal track records it must rate high in improbables.
That made it fairly clear where your interests in this lay.

I shall now retire from the fray but shall keep an eye on this thread as it will be fairly useful to note when SilsoeSid starts making sense as that is the point at which I will seek some professional guidance and a hefty dose of some serious medication.

All the best to Barry and the Global Eagle Team.

Oh, and it\'s explanation, not explaination.

4th Sep 2004, 09:39

What in heaven's name gives you the right to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do with their lives?

I agree entirely. :ok: However, I'm not remotely surprised that some people think that a record attempt, or almost any similar venture, turns a person into public property. I've been there...this all takes me back a bit. On a very, very, very much smaller scale, many years ago I decided to walk around the whole coast of Britain. I meant it to be just a private thing, but I needed money, so asked the local paper if I could write articles about it for them, and gradually everyone got to hear of it. Next thing I knew I was being told (not asked) that I was going for the women's record ("What record", I asked), and had people picking arguments as to my route, what constituted "coastline" and so on. When I said I was doing it for fun, didn't care about records, and would give up if I felt like it, people were horrified. When 11 months later I finished, and said no, I didn't have any great sense of achievement, but it had been fun; and no, I wasn't about to do any more as I had better things to do with the rest of my life....well, reactions were strange, to say the least. And when two days later I refused to do a long trip for a TV interview, as I'd just moved house and had had enough of the whole business, reactions became thoroughly hostile.

So, JAFO, I no longer expect the world, or the people in it, to make a lot of sense. :confused: :confused: :confused:

4th Sep 2004, 10:54
Thanks for that Whirlybird. I think that explains a lot.

I'm not quite sure what JAFO is really on about, perhaps he should have joined in this thread earlier. To pick up simple typing errors seems pretty petty, especially when their own punctuation is at fault, but then for someone who seems to come from a planet without fridge magnets, I suppose that must be the norm.

Anyway JAFO thanks for the contribution, but it wasn't so much as a tell Barry what to do with his life, but perhaps an alternative on giving up on the round the world attempt. :ok:

I'm sure you deserve a better answer, but what part of...


....don't you understand? :confused:

5th Sep 2004, 09:17
If I may repeat what has been put on the message board at GE.

Just wanted to let people know that what you are doing is probably as hazzardous,if not more so!,than the old plan and in no way should be looked on as some sort of cop out or easy run for the line. Dont forget that Ernest Shackelton had the "troubles" on the way back from the pole,the return leg if you like.

For those not too familiar with Shackletons expedition, including the poster on the msg board as the exped didn't get further South than the 77th parallel, a little reminder;

-----Sir Ernest Shackleton's 1914 voyage to the Antarctic.-----


Just one day's sail from the continent, the ship Endurance became trapped in sea ice. Frozen fast for ten months, the ship was crushed and destroyed by ice pressure, and the crew was forced to abandon ship. After camping on the ice for five months, Shackleton made two open boat journeys, one of which—a treacherous 800-mile ocean crossing to South Georgia Island—is now considered one of the greatest boat journeys in history. Trekking across the mountains of South Georgia, Shackleton reached the island's remote whaling station, organized a rescue team, and saved all of the men he had left behind.

Timeline - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/shackleton/1914/timeline.html

If it gets that bad in Australasia during their summer, something has indeed gone terribly wrong!! :ugh:

Your opinion of me is none of my business.

6th Sep 2004, 23:28
Just to let you know that the GE website (http://www.globaleagle.co.uk/index.php) has been changed, "In keeping with the new challenge the site has taken on a new look".
Expedition Global Eagle UK to Australia

What part of 'Global' don't I understand?

Apparently, the monsoon season in India is the worst seen in over 40 years, according to the site, but........

According to Indian Met spokespersons, the monsoon season this year is the worst for 15 years. :confused:

And another thing.......
A question remains unanswered on the website, in Barrys profile;

Q.How did you first get introduced to gyroplanes?
A.The most famous Autogyro is the one on a James Bond film called Little Nelly and in fact, the aircraft shown on the BBC 360 Site Logo is my Autogyro.

Next stop politics!!! :8

The Yorkshire post had a good article on the change of route. I particularly liked the sentence;Mission project manager WO Pete Taylor said completing a flight to Australia would still be an achievement, albeit only a "bronze medal" compared with the intended flight.
I'm sorry, but when Paula stopped in the Olympic marathon, nobody came up to her and said, "here you go paula, here's a bronze for the 10,000metres for your troubles."

Just my disappointed thoughts.
Still, the money went to a good cause.:ok:

Oh, I take it Barry will be going to Oakey? :cool:


8th Sep 2004, 09:31
What planet do you reside on?? you seem to think that SS and anyone else who makes a negative comment are not allowed to do so...its Global Eagle that started this thread with their excellent round the world trip.... So they are happy to have backers and supporters which I am more than happy to "cheer them on" but as soon as they "move the goalposts" we are supposed to put up and shut up? It seems that we as a nation like the person that fails to win or snatches defeat from the jaws of victory... I understand why Global Eagle has withdrawn I do feel the planning was p*ss poor in the first place re wx etc... I also think that the renaming the web site ...Expedition Global Eagle UK to Australia is a farce... I guess the writing was on the wall with the intitial use of the word "Attempt" were we planning the retreat back then...possibly this was better planned than the trip!!
I found Paula "the quitter" Radcliffe and her attempt to explain herself tedious and only bettered by the bottom licking comments of the superb BBC sports presenters. The public sees through this we are no longer a nation who will accept 2nd best... I agree with SS that Barry should push on and complete this superb challenge, but only when he gets someone behind him to plan and prepare the journey... He deserves better than this its not about doing it in record time but completing what he started out to do. Go for Gold not bronze!! aim high never aim low...
Lets not have this as the Half Global Challenge........
As for poor Paula think this is appropriate

Try and stick with it


8th Sep 2004, 17:18
JAFO, and I, and many others, reside on a planet called Reality. It's a planet where people care about others, about their jobs, about the fact that their are other things to be done with one's life apart from breaking records. Those of us who reside there aren't afraid to change our minds, or move the goal posts, or do something different, if there seems to be a good reason for doing so...or even if we just want to. We know that there are more important things in life than winning, and medals, and records...that these things are just manmade and basically unimportant. We are flexible and adaptable; we have better things to do than bash our heads against a brick wall for ever, just because we once vowed to knock that wall down. And above all, those of us on this planet don't give a b****r what anyone else thinks. However, we do occasionally - and probably misguidedly - try to explain our point of view to others. We usually fail, because those others simply don't listen; they're incapable of thinking outside the box; they see changing one's mind as indecisiveness, and flexibility and resilience as weakness.

Fellow residents of Reality, I've tried my best to explain, and JAFO certainly has; anyone else want to have a go?

And let's leave Paula Radcliffe out of this, shall we? What does she have to do with anything, except putting one foot in front of the other for longer and faster than anyone else?

8th Sep 2004, 18:23


I can not figure that one out. Please do tell. At least PM me with it.

8th Sep 2004, 18:58
I think...perhaps Whirlybird has explains why society is the way it is, For Whirlybird should we be reading GWB or AB ?

"It's a planet where people care about others, about their jobs, about the fact that their are other things to be done with one's life apart from breaking records. "

"And above all, those of us on this planet don't give a b****r what anyone else thinks."

How does that work on your planet reality then?

"Those of us who reside there aren't afraid to change our minds, or move the goal posts, or do something different, if there seems to be a good reason for doing so...or even if we just want to. "

Does that include taking your country to war and the costs involved.

"And let's leave Paula Radcliffe out of this, shall we? What does she have to do with anything, except putting one foot in front of the other for longer and faster than anyone else? "

We cannot leave Paula out of this.
Her example is a lot to do with this, and, incase you didn't notice, she cannot "put one foot in front of the other for longer and faster than anyone else", otherwise she would have come home with 2 Olympic Gold medals and be celebrated alongside Kelly Holmes.

But she's not, is she.!!!!

Again, no fridge magnets on Whirlybirds planet !

Unless of course I've totally misread Whirlybirds post.

Even Blue Peter made it to India this year, But then they have Michael Fish to ask about these things. I suppose it would have taken John Noakes to have ventured further East . :)

8th Sep 2004, 19:33
Funny old world..we can only heap praise on those that "give up" then make excuses and back slap each other for a "jolly good effort".
I will not shout aloud how I am going to do this and that then give up half way through, expecting those that supported me to say " you did well" lets face it failure hurts, most of all its the pride thats taken a fall....shame as this was promising but still we can start a web site pronouncing our trip to the moon in a red london bus...when it comes to an unglorious halt somewhere near Margate..we can still slap ourselves on the back and shout out well done all!!! if there are any problems we can clear any doubt or guilt from our minds and rename the website "London to Margate" ...or has this been done before;)
Re Paula (oh no not her again...) well if she had shut her mouth and stopped believing the hype that she was getting the gold by turning up! if fact taken a leaf out of Kelly's book by shutting up then putting up...we would have been proud of her and her efforts..
See if you shout from the roof tops...dont be surprised when those listening expect to see what they hear:ok:

As for the ones on another planet.....perhaps this is why our country is in the state its in!! Please close the door as you leave :ouch:

8th Sep 2004, 20:00
Volrider, it would seem the Americans have beaten you to it.


Apparently Elvis was the conductor and they had a slight halt at Saturn, but at least they made a good book of the journey.


In case you didn't know, the 2004 Olympic marathon was Paulas first competitive marathon. Her previous outings have been the London and Chicago marathons. Once again, I suppose the press hype someone up so much that it gets beyond their abilities.

10th Sep 2004, 09:36
You are quite right to criticize me for failing to do what I set out to do. Based on the information you have regarding the planning of this project and what would appear to be, your extreme naivety regarding these matters, you can do nothing more than pick fault. I would do the same in your shoes. (Perhaps not publicly – but I would be thinking it).
Unfortunately, I am not permitted to ‘tell all’ about the up’s and downs of this project and it’s a frustrating as hell to read all the comments but as has already been pointed out, if you put yourself in the public forum, watch out for the critics.
As for us being a nation of quitters – well, you are so far off the mark that its hard to believe that you are an adult. Try looking at some ‘educational’ sites and look at what the British do around the globe. Look at the Royal Geographical Society and see what is ‘Attempted’ see what ‘Fails’ see what is achieved. You’ll find that most the Achievements are born out of the experience gained from people who have failed in the past.
You view my ‘Attempt’ with disgrace and contempt, that is your right and I defend that, but from who’s bench mark are you preaching from? What was it in your life that YOU did that qualified you to lecture on how other people should live their lives? Please tell us, I’m willing to sit in awe and read of you high achievements and commend you for them.
The facts are as follows:

I left the UK late due to being forced to change my aircraft at the last moment.
(You try finding an Autogyro thats up to the job with 3 weeks notice – and then pay for it).
The Monsoon caught me or, I didn’t beat it.
The weather in the Artic regions will now be too bad to complete the flight.
I and the Team, have jobs to go back to. (a point some of you winged about us not doing!)

The very last thing I wanted to happen, apart from crashing, was that I’m unable to complete the flight. It means I don’t stand a chance of recovering the funds I put into this project and I can’t raise as much funds for the charities. Quitting, quitting would have been me flying the aircraft back to Delhi and having it shipped back to the UK, which is exactly what they wanted me to do.

Bullet Tooth Tony
10th Sep 2004, 10:17
I havn't read this thread for a long time, mainly because I could no longer stomach SS and his acid and bitter remarks. I have therfore only today found out that the attempt is over.

Barry, you don't know me, although we have met, but I would like to take this opportunity to both congratulate and commiserate with you on your record attempt. The financial penalty alone must have made your decision all the more difficult to make, but with the small amount of worthwhile details that I can gather from this thread, I, for what it's worth, think you have made the right decision. You only have to look at what happened yesterday in the Czech Republic to see what can happen when things go wrong.

You may be skint and disappointed, but you're safe.


I know that you started this thread and I know that you regard this thread as your own. I know that you appear to have a very sad life and I know that you are very bitter about something. I know that you will now be happy that this venture has failed and I know that you told us it would from the beginning. I know that you have much contempt for a number of the GE team and I know that they have equal contempt for you. Now,

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please,

Go away.

Thomas coupling
10th Sep 2004, 10:56
Silsoe...I think you're going to have problems back pedalling out of this one:ugh:

Autorot8 is magnanimous in his defeat...leave it at that...please?

Let the guy recover.

10th Sep 2004, 11:30
Thank you bullet tooth...........uuuuuummmmm...........No!

I respect your reply and will only answer to your question;
"What was it in your life that YOU did that qualified you to lecture on how other people should live their lives?"

You saying you were going around the world!!!!!
AND me giving money to a charity because you said you were going to do it. (was that good enough TC?)
I'm hardly telling you what to do with your life, thats as pathetic as you previously saying I'm responsible for losing you sponsorship. You are doing that well enough yourselves.
Do you honestly believe a potential sponsor will take notice of all the earlier posts here.

I'm saying you can still go round the world. No-one else who appears to be 'on you side', seems to be encouraging this, but it seems that you do not want to listen to any solutions that can make it happen.

Sorry, I can't leave it at that.
You also say,
"Look at the Royal Geographical Society and see what is ‘Attempted’ see what ‘Fails’ see what is achieved. You’ll find that most the Achievements are born out of the experience gained from people who have failed in the past."

What has the world gained from Ex Global Eagle?

Autorot8 would have been magnanimous in his defeat, but he had to get personal! That is not a magnanimous attitude.

Let the guy recover? He's just about to go back out to India for goodness sake.

In light of recent events (Czech Rep.), I was hoping to leave this thread alone, but thanks to Bullet Tooth Tony, I think I'll have to aim for that 17,000 viewer mark, where of course this thread would be nowhere near, if it wasn't for all those people complaining, coming back here. :ok:

10th Sep 2004, 12:12
Once again I see the human trait of shooting the messenger come to the fore! Silky Sid has only put this forum thread on to promote Global Eagle and the crews attempt to go round the world, it was supported and a lot thought funny with SS giving better and more humourous updates than the GB website..
Sadly as things have gone wrong the British trait of finding someone else to blame has also come forward....Ummm Sid
its your fault the mission went t*ts up, you didnt plan it...you bought a duff aircraft to start with... you didnt get the best support from the best ...errr I am sure Mr Branson would have been glad to put his name to this...or maybe you asked.....Sid you should tie yourself to a knobbly tree stump and beat yourself for 37 minutes:}
I am really stupid as I thought this whole project was about a True Brit fighting with elements etc like all good explorers in the past, to achieve something no one else thought about or was scared doing.... Wrong again! I like others feel that Sid has been a very bad boy in reporting this trip...
There, will that pacify the "Quitters" of our nation those that promise so much but upon reaching failure attack others for their own failings?
In true Global Beagle style Great men from our history...would have said this then....

Barnes Wallis " oh bugger I thought it go straight in..cant understand why it bounced so far"

Capt Cook upon sighting Australia " It dont look much like Brighton to me..are you sure we had to go left at that atoll"

Winston Churchill " we will fight them on the beaches..well untill the tide comes in"

Need I go on..or do you want some more lame duck excuses.....Face it you pulled the plug and thats that. I guess you would all like this to die down now and pretend it never happened.
Well put your flying cap on and when the wx is right and the other conditions prevail GO FOR IT....
Dont waste what you have already done, get a proper PA to sort decent sponsorship planning and back up.
As for SS you may mock but if it were not for him this would have died a death along time ago....funny you were happy for him to do this little lot when the sun was shinning;)

10th Sep 2004, 13:03
1.Check the weather
2.Check any local weather systems, ie Monsoons.
3.Don't make yourself 'public property' and then complain when the public dares to critisise.
4.Listen to what you say yourself, "If there is any doubt, there is no doubt".
5.Don't forget to turn off the battery overnight.
6.Don't leave CBs in when they need to be out.
7.Take a good supply of Immodium.
8.Take care when climbing out of cockpit not too pull out wires with your feet.
9.Don't stay out in the New Delhi streets when it is dark.
10.Don't park your car in the Boroughbridge flood plains and go off on a long journey abroad.

I look forward to the next Royal Geographical Society (http://www.rgs.org/) Publication to learn of further lessons learnt from GE so far.

Thomas coupling
10th Sep 2004, 14:19
you can be quite ascerbic when you want to, it seems. More like an armchair judge, methinks.
IF SS hadn't harped on and on and on and on for weeks, even months, over this issue, perhaps the subject would have received the attention it deserved? Or haven't you thought about that one.
"if it weren't for SS...the issue would have died long ago",

That is what should have happened, the challenge was taken up, the challenge failed.....now let's move on shall we for christ's sake:bored:

10th Sep 2004, 14:41
TC I think your spelling was a bit out,
volrider, you can be quite ascerbic

I must admit as I was welded to my armchair I had to send someone out to fetch the dictionary

Sour or bitter tasting; acid. See Synonyms at bitter.

Anyway I guess that the point of your most articulate post is that we should give up? A failure does not mean a disaster, my point is that Global Eagle gave it self little or no chance from the off, asked for support took the publicity then try to "sneak out the back door" when it goes wrong. Am I not allowed to be a bit miffed as we head towards being another British laughing stock?
Ummm well I guess you right we should forget about it...lets just hope that when they try again (hopefully) they wont tell anyone about it, that way they will have no critics just some good old backslapping, ok TT over to you I am waiting with baited breath for your next words of wisdom. Of course I have the laptop perched nicely on the arm of the chair careful not to spill my tea or break my chocolate digestive:ok:

10th Sep 2004, 17:50
IF SS hadn't harped on and on and on and on for weeks, even months, over this issue, perhaps the subject would have received the attention it deserved? Or haven't you thought about that one.
TC, if I may put this thread into context as to whether or not attention has been brought to the Global Eagle mission.

This is the rotorheads forum I believe and by virtue of this, any feats such as round the world trips by rotorcraft, will be followed avidly by this forum.

Lets take the example of 2 such trips, happening at the same time, both involving rotorcraft and world records, one for the fastest and one for the first.

If I may draw you attention to this thread (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=132638) about this record attempt (http://www.easternatlantic.co.uk/rtw.htm)
"On June 4th 2004 Simon Oliphant-Hope and the Eastern Atlantic Team commenced an attempt to smash the Around the World ‘World Speed Record’ in a helicopter routing eastbound."

And of course we all know about Global Eagle (http://www.globaleagle.co.uk/) .

Just for your information the rotorheads thread about Simons record breaking feat amassed 2505 views and the last entry was 24 June.

This thread is just short of 16,500 views and is ongoing.

Now this tells me 2 things.

1. The Eastern Atlantic Team had a website people could visit for updates pictures etc etc
2. GE didn't and viewers to this thread realised they could get more info about GE here and a bit of humour/banter/argument to boot.

Regardless of how many different individuals have visited here, IMHO attention has, without doubt, been brought to the GE mission.

The fact that people here do not particularly like SS is of no consequence and in fact has allowed this thread to be as popular as it is. We all like to have a common enemy and I am happy on this thread to oblige.

Those of you who know me will understand where all this comes from, and I find it strange that because it is written down, you take it completely differently than if we were in a crewroom or in a tent on exercise saying the same things.

Anyway, it's not all over yet, 'we' are off to Syndey!! Any news of Oakey?


10th Sep 2004, 19:10
How does this affect things?

AAIB Bulletin No: 9/2004 (http://www.dft.gov.uk/stellent/groups/dft_avsafety/documents/page/dft_avsafety_030918.hcsp)

"Following the investigation into the fatal accident of the RAF 2000 gyroplane G-CBAG, the AAIB recommended that the CAA should consider retrospectively assessing all gyroplane types currently on the UK register for acceptable pitch stability characteristics (Safety Recommendation 2003-02). Following the accident to G-BIGU in which poor stability characteristics were probably a contributory factor, the AAIB reiterates the importance of carrying out this recommendation. The Civil Aviation Authority has accepted this recommendation and plans to carry out the assessments giving priority to gyroplanes with a poor safety record."

10th Sep 2004, 19:27
I think you will find that this is the reason that the GE team had to find another aircraft at such short notice prior to their departure.

10th Sep 2004, 19:30
My last post was for volrider, not Sid. I know what makes Sid tick, I know because he visited my office when I was away and said sorry for some of his comments. Sid was the subject of conversation today, talking about the days when he was in this Regt and i've consulted him, as a friend, on a number of issues regarding Global Eagle. The post was for volrider.
Anyway, I accept that I have failed, there is nothing else for me to do, but I gave it a go. As for contibuting to the charities in return for my flight, I never promised I would make it, no one could, I said i'd give it my best shot and I have.
There are many things that have stopped me, planning isn't one of them. I have found the £200,000 it has cost to put this project together, and I am raiseing funds for charity. As for guts on this project, ,,, go fly an Autogyro through the Alps, fly one through the Greek Mtn's along the coast, take one across the desert, or 'nip from Muskat to Karachie (Can't spell it and i'm not at my desk to check), tackle the 12,000ft high Sand Storms or fly in a Monsoon in an open cockpit. Perhaps join me over the Jungles of Myanmar or through the volcanic islands to the Shark Waters north of Oz. Yeah, not guts, I see what you mean now. Oh, put your house on the line while your at it.
Look, i've failed, and i've run out of time off, some of you are not actually interested in the reasons why, all the reasons, you just want to slag someone off, now that is a British skill you've got down real well.

What has Global Eagle brought to the world? It was our flight that has permitted Gyro's to be flown in Belgium. The Greeks are now looking at using Gyro's for coastal patrol and Immigration control. It has shown how capable the aircraft is (even if the pilot isn't). It has inspiered thousands of kids in the schools we presented in and its raised money for charity and one little girl is no longer ashamed of being Dyslexic. It's also shown that you can't win all the time and that there will be plenty of people on the side lines being the critic. The Brit' in Athins in the Union Jack shorts, Beer Belly, Football top, Beer in the hand and kicking Paula whilst telling her she is making the Brits look bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What did I learn on this flight? Well thats a very big list but one thing is that most of the worlds people are fantastic, only a few try to make it a sad world, which type of person are you?

10th Sep 2004, 23:07
Thanks Fortyodd,

Its just that it is a Sept 2004 bulletin and Barry left MW in April 2004. :confused:


11th Sep 2004, 01:28
I have been following this thread since it began and have found it to be very informative, humorous and quite positive about this around the world attempt.

It is still so even after the failure to complete.

SS has done a terrific job of keeping us up to date and his research and information, maps, weather charts and other odd photographs kept me coming back. very funny stuff.

SS's attackers seem to have missed the point. :ok: :ok:

11th Sep 2004, 08:07
Yes, it is a bulletin published in September 2004 and, yes, Barry did leave in April 2004. The crash that the bulletin refers to, however, was in June 2003. At that time, Barry and the team were taking delivery of the aircraft sponsored to them by the manufacturers, Magni. The VPM M16-2000 was the first of it’s type in the UK and, as such, required a section T approval before it could be granted a permit to fly with a UK Reg.
As a result of the subject crash and previous incidents, section T of BCAR’s was re-issued in August 2003. This required much more stringent testing of all new designs, particularly with regards to the tail planes. Despite the fact that the tail plane of the M16-2000 is exactly the same as that fitted to the original M16 design, by February 2004 approval had still not been granted.
The team were now in a situation where they had to either call off the trip or get an original M16 type which, just 3 weeks before Barry departed, is what they did.
As far as I know, section T approval for the M16-2000 has still not been granted.

11th Sep 2004, 09:16
I am sure you have achieved many things I could not have and no doubt your efforts have reached many more than I could have, I am also sure that you have put your life as well as your financial status at risk many times. I feel that where ever you may have gone on your brave journey you will have been an immpecable example of the true British gentleman.
Me well as TC said I sit in my armchair full of crumbs and moan....
I moan that my tea is cold that my vest has got holes in it, the dog is chasing next doors cat and the wife wants me to decorate again..I only did it 22 years ago:ugh:
So what right have I as a mere mortal to heap my thoughts onto the wide world, what have I achieved in my dismal life?
Well I have not shouted from high as to what I intend doing, in fact I told the wife that due to Hurricane Ivan it would be best if we creosoted (cant spell either) the fence first..just in case...the decorating can wait for another 2 years, who knows the council will probably re house me in the meantime, at someone elses expense... I will fight off the ASBO order that the Police push my way for wearing union jack shorts and drinking cheap warm beer whilst shouting obscenties at Poor Paula, yeah those terrible words, like "come on lass keep going, just finish..no medals needed"
Yes terrible me telling others what to do when I couldnt do it.... Funny enough 10 football grounds in the premiership today will have nigh on 300,000 people shouting the same to their respective teams and 99% of them shouting wouldnt be able to run the length of the pitch without a resiprator waiting for them!
You seem to miss the point Automan....you see if those "stupid" 3000,000 stayed at home offering no support or dare I say it critical comment..then the fotty boys would soon be unemployed...Likewise we cant all do what your doing but we can live the dream...So we offer support..we question when its gone wrong....what is your problem??
Do not blame others for your failings, only you can correct what went wrong.:ok:

Arthur's Wizard
11th Sep 2004, 09:58

I can't help thinking that you are the same person. :suspect:

11th Sep 2004, 12:49

I can assure you we are not.

I only use the name SS here and on other forum sites, unlike others who may like to have multiple user names, to go with their personalities. It seems that those who use pprune purely for wind-ups, as we all sometimes like to do occasionally, make a real point of hiding their identity. It bothers me so little that I lose no sleep whatsoever, over the fact that the real SS is known. If you would like to visit my website link you can see that for yourself.

The fact that the real SS is known, IMHO, gives at least a little credibility to any posts that I make, whatever someone elses view of them are.



'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your opinion of me is of no significance.'

11th Sep 2004, 12:55
I do not havea split personality in fact I am so sure I will ask myself twice:)
As for who I am....well I sometimes ask myself that question! Anyway I am not as clever as SS just that I agree with pretty much all he has said... :}

18th Sep 2004, 15:43
Just a note, I visited the Global ( or half Global...) Eagle web site for any updates, however it all seems very quiet now?
Any news as to what is happening...or not as the case seems...
I was wondering if I could help out at all..I mean if the Aussie destination goes the way of the rest.. you will need some help re naming the web site...again...

UK to kanpur... Uk to Chittagong....Uk to Bangkok..

Feel free to use any of these I have not copyrighted them ..anything to help:ok:

If you do manage Australia be aware it gets pretty Hot in parts during December..



I read with interest some of the comments made by you and that very nice chap Thomas Coupling re my input:
Well I guess as an arm chair view..oh and lets not forget..your paymaster! yep thats right I pay taxes that fund your wages! I therefore qualify as a paid up member of the p*ss and moan club when I feel short changed.. I think on the whole this expedition was one with many merits and great ideas, sadly let down by basic incompetence by most that seem invloved in this farce. I just think that if the everyone was very serious and I hasten to add not reckless.. then this objective could have been achieved.. Just think as to what you have achieved so far with the good stories of human warmth etc you have passed on, this could have been quadrupled and spread even further.
But as this has come to an early bath I guess we will never know:confused:

18th Sep 2004, 20:08
As far as I am aware, Barry is due to leave for India on the 30th to BEGIN the journey to Australia on the 4th Oct. Aim is to reach Sydney by 10 Nov.

Now then, is this not going to be now classed as Global Eagle UK - India (completed)
with subsequent journey;
Global Eagle - India to Australia. ?

After all the journey to Australia starts in India, the journey round the globe started in UK.

Having been to Aus during the month of June in Olympic year, I was caught in a Blizzard, had to use snow chains etc. and thought, 'Aus. June snow', what's all that about? The children enjoyed the sledging though the next day.

It struck me whether the rising temperatures in the coming months was taken into consideration, (much like snow in July), I have no doubt they have been, but fear that probably in much the same way as the monsoons were. :=

Any news on a visit to Oakey?
I thought it would have been such a good mission;

Pomme Eagle - "UK School of Army Aviation to Australian School of Army Aviation"

22nd Sep 2004, 22:46
As at:1200Z - 2004-09-22
Just added in to the shop are two new items, a Rugby Shirt and T-Shirt both with the Global Eagle logo Embroidered on the garment. Show your support for both Global Eagle and our chosen charities.


Across the globe.

across, prep. & adv. 1. from one side to the other.

On the 1st September Barry tells us on this thread, the change of plan to go to Sydney.
On the 22nd Sept we have 'across the globe' T-Shirts available.
(notice across, not around for those hard of reading types!)

Now, this is either the quickest T-Shirt order to arrive after the order was placed, or, by normal delivery standards good forward planning. Like April 26th planning!!

23rd Sep 2004, 20:35
As part of a resume from Barry on the GE website, we have some revised dates.
The flight is due to re-commence on the 7th of October and I fly out from the UK on the 1st.
I can't seem to find any routing details for the trip to Sydney.

Does anyone know the leg to the Australian mainland?
Will it follow Amy Johnsons route involving a 500 mile sea track over the Timor Sea, or island hopping to New Guinea and then a relatively short sea track of 150 miles or so?

Just looking for the Oakey stopoff :ok:


In this bottom pic, Timor is in the top left corner and Darwin is top centre below the Falkland-ish looking island.


27th Sep 2004, 22:44
With only a week to go before Barry comences his journey to Australia, he takes the time for a bit of refresher training and also gives an interview to the local reporter.


Meanwhile, the rest of the team has been looking at options for the massive sea crossing to Australia.


29th Sep 2004, 12:41
As at:2300Z - 2004-09-28

Barry is just making the final preparations before departing for India on Friday. Once in India he will carry out checks on the aircraft before departing on the next leg of the trip.

An interesting comment on the GE messageboard;

"The Australia trip sounds amazing and is still without doubt the biggest thing in Gyro history to date!!!! You are still setting the standards for others to follow. Remember, anything anybody does now they are doing in your wake!!!!! "

What.....like going around the world...!!!??? :=

Also this cracker;

"You need to understand that nobody else is pioneering gyro flying the way you are!!!!! You are the first to do this and remember, nobody ever remembers who was second to step foot onto the moon!!!!!! "

I bet they do!!!
He's the one still keeping in the public eye. :p
And...he's the one in the two most famous Apollo photographs, there are probably more pictures of Buzz on the moon than Neil.

(If in fact they were actually there before 14) :ooh:
The truth of those first words on the moon are here (http://www.blogjam.com/neil_armstrong/)

29th Sep 2004, 16:57
Is there going to be more water overflight than anticipated likely?
BBC (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/south_asia/3654480.stm)

Bangladeshi authorities have closed all government offices in the capital, Dhaka, as the worst flooding in decades hit the city.
Nearly all main roads in the city are under water. Officials say such severe flooding is "unprecedented".
An emergency meeting was held by the government, and the navy has been called on to help drain the city.
The premier has called for immediate measures to restore utilities and telephone services in worst hit areas.
Most vehicles are off the roads, train services have stopped running and food markets and businesses are shut.

Looks like this is the way ahead!


2nd Oct 2004, 15:03
Here's the latest update from Barry;
"Landed in Delhi at 06:30 IST. India still smell the same - a sort of, ****, smell.
Anyway, I fly on to Guwahati on Tuesday. Service the cab (if it hasn't been submerged - in which case i'm Bankrupt) on Wed and fly to Imphal on Thursday."

I'm sure we all wish Barry well and if you look at any possible route to Sydney may I suggest pumping up the tyres to max or looking into the floats option as a retrofit.

My researcher has visited the autogyro and I think it's best that Barry sees its condition first, rather than me posting the pic here.

2nd Oct 2004, 16:01
Is that bad news then re the state of the Autogyro??? what do you know SS?
I had hoped this would start again but I fear it may not if its wrecked, nice to see Barry is endearing himself to the locals, bet they have no internet access...for Barry's sake:)
India still smell the same - a sort of, ****, smell.
I wonder what other charming updates he will pass on as he put puts across Asia, ...erm Korea...nice place dogs taste lousy tho!


Nice lookin motor tho Barry just in case you need a new engine;)

2nd Oct 2004, 19:40
Hello again Volrider, how do you ride a Vol (au vent)?


Nothing like American Pie is it ?? :eek:

Mmmmm....need a new engine?, perhaps some more parts also!!:(

Mind you, this is from my trustworthy reporter who has been out there a while now, eating nothing but Jalfreizi , chapatis and washed down with lashings of Kingfisher lager!

3rd Oct 2004, 10:16
In order to help the engineering side of things!! and more importantly put genuine worries at bay, I have decided to post my pic of the autogyro in situ before Barry sees it for real.

As you can see, a little work may be required and if Barry can get hold of that guys engine from vols previous post, then Barry will be on his way without much delay.


3rd Oct 2004, 13:59
The good news is that the Gyrorotate thingy is ok then?
Mind you it looks like the engineering staff in Dehli have lightened the engine somewhat and shaved a bit of the fuselage, at least it will be able to get over them hills a bit easier... I hear they make some pretty good engines at the Enfield motorbike factory in India
here is a picture of how they rebuilt the aircraft from a bike using the rubber inner tubes as nice de ice boots on the leading edges and also the chrome petrol tank will be made into a badge for one of those awfully nice Russian airline captains, is it true their hats are very large so that they can carry their Vodka inside them?


The good news for Barry is that the support crew are actively waiting his arrival, they are likened to coiled springs waiting to bounce into action.


3rd Oct 2004, 14:40

Eggsellent, I can see you have the jist of the thread well and truely sussed. Only a few more to convert and we can ALL enjoy it in the way it's intended.

I'm still waiting for the earlier mentioned crash report from Thomas coupling, in reference to his post at the top of page 11. Then again, I suppose his post had the desired effect while it lasted. (Truth and a good story and all that!)

press here before continuing (http://www.matt-home.freeserve.co.uk/sounds/tos_theme.mid)

Welcome back everyone, to the continuing voyage of the starship G.Eagle and its ongoing mission to seek out new live and new civilisations, to 'baldley' go where no man has gone before, in an autogyro. comment (http://www.matthewbarr.co.uk/sounds/illogical_decisions.wav)

3rd Oct 2004, 14:41
Where have all the others gone Sid? are we the only contributors to this historic piece of British History? Surely its not dinner time and they are all outplying football or something?
Anyway found a picture of me and Sid keeping the wag flaving...

I am concerned that Barry may be tempted to eat some of the local Asian food on his intrepid journey be careful Barry all is not what it seems!

I am sure Thomas Coupling will add his own delecate viewpoint sooner or later...as its getting lonely in here:{

Great sound Bite:)
Just in case Barry finds the gyrothingy completly bu**ered he can try this one out.

all tho you will find flies on this:p

looked up page 11 after your post Sid the bit that got me was this line from Thomas Coupling
After all, in my lifetime I have seen hundreds of dead bodies, close up, in fact my current jobe entails wading through human carnage on a weekly basis.
What job does this guy do:sad: I mean is he a hit man? is he working for the World of Disasters? I did note he arrived 8 mins after the Jetranger went in...ummmm didnt read about that one anywhere..perhaps TC you can pop back in and throw some light on this...or are you out and about healing the World?

3rd Oct 2004, 18:36
Now that I have picked myself off the floor, how am I supposed to get hold of 4 flies at this time of year?

If I get 4 maggots from the fishing tackle shop and wait a while, do you think it will still work?

Bollix, I'm going to get the bigger BBQ matches from the garden centre and making the 'spruce goose' version, complete with 8 engines! .....B-52 next with bluebottles!

Ah, that picture of us together on the barge with the missus', sweet memories of days gone by,.......Oh dear my pipes gone out!

Echo 5
4th Oct 2004, 12:34

Those of us who are still interested are still out here enjoying the banter.

However, as you two are doing such a good job keeping us amused I for one cannot, at this time, contibute anything worthwhile.

Keep it up guys.


4th Oct 2004, 14:01
From the GE website, (you know the address by now!)

As at:2100Z - 2004-10-01

Barry arrived safely in Delhi, the temperature is a lot warmer than the UK but not too hot. Barry is now 5 hours ahead of us.

On the diary page, Barry gives us a nice little update. (Can't wait for the book to come out, Insomniacs christmas wish list!)

I would like to mention that I have been told off by Barry for my previous update when I quoted him as saying;

"India still smell the same - a sort of, ****, smell."

However, within the diary entry is this paragraph that made me chuckle! ;

"I hadn't noticed it before, but there was a smell about India, it was a familiar smell that instantly reminded me of my time before in India and I knew that for the rest of my life, when ever I smelt that same smell again it would instantly transport me to India."

Reminds me of the Bollywood version of Apocolypse Now;

I love the smell of **** in the morning. The smell, you know that ****ty sweet smell.
(pauses in thought)
Smells like........Jalfreizi!


original words (http://new.wavlist.com/movies/266/apnw-victory.wav)

4th Oct 2004, 20:39
Further to Barrys last diary entry at the GE msg board;Back in the High Commission compound I showered and went to bed after all, for me it was 3am and in India it was 07:30am. I woke around mid-day (India time) and went shopping for the things I had forgotten to bring. Things like Socks!
Methinks, perhaps that unforgettable smell, mentioned earlier, was something a little closer to home !!

While you're out shopping Barry, may I recommend a pair of these!!


I feel it's going to be a long trip to Sydney.

5th Oct 2004, 05:09
I have to admit, those last few pages were funny. The 'Smell' i'm told is from the Monsoon over filling the Drains so it really is how I described it. Anyway, to keep you up to date, the region of Assam has been closed today, including the Airport, due to Terroist Action, a weekend of violence in the region has left 73 dead. I'm told the airport will be open tomorrow.

5th Oct 2004, 13:43
Good to hear from you Barry....but stand back from the screen till the new socks are on

A worry those terror thingies best keep your eyes peeled and running shoes oiled


Shout for Super Hero TC if in need I am sure he will whizz by and spin them blades so fast you will look like a food blender
:D :D


Errr best give him acouple of minutes notice though:Ehttp://www.webdeveloper.com/animations/bnifiles/hotnews.gif

6th Oct 2004, 13:33
From the Gullible Beagle web site

I decided to take a trip down to the local market to get a new lead for my camera. I had to take a Tut Tut to the market, it cost me 30 rupies, about 40p and was a great way to travel.

seems someone has gone over thier 20kg bag limit!


Bluddy heck Barry this could be a cheaper way of transport...just a bit of imagination and your sorted!

Another worry is the Chinnese enjoying a huge upturn in fuel it may be a harder to come by during your journey,
You could resort to a cheaper option but it would mean filling up first?


but dont put more in than needed:ok:


The Good news is that I won the Wet T Shirt competition this weekend:E


Thomas coupling
6th Oct 2004, 13:55
You two are the dogs bo***ks! You obviously have more spare time than you know what to do with?
Anyway, just flew in from planet Zorg after a week saving another lifeform only to find that I'm being humlitiat, humungu, humilitated, cr**ped on from behind!
I have to admit, that if Barry's laughing then the rest of the galaxy should too:} :} :} :} :} :D

I'll give you a second chance OK?

PS: that crash; can't find how to get <1995 reports on the AAIB website, but the accident occured in a place called Gwitheryn, N Wales, in May 1994. Jet ranger, 4 on board. Callsign: G-STST

7th Oct 2004, 02:46
I suppose if we spelt Gwytherin correctly it may help. I once took VRs missus there for a nature ramble !


I thought you were out that way TC. Then again like old Charley boy, you don't have to speak the language to be prince of a country.:=

AAIB records go back to 96, with the occasional pre 96 once in a while and a google search also is a nil result. But if you do a search of 1994 and want anything to do with Chinooks and the Mull you'll be quids in!
(lets not dwell on it).

7th Oct 2004, 04:16
05 Oct 04

"Now over in India Barry was supposed to have travelled across to Guwahati today(Tues.) but due to unrest the airport had been closed, meaning another day would be spent in Delhi. The airport he is due to fly to will be open on Wednesday so Barry will make the journey across then getting ready to continue the trip on Thursday."

Barry has written about the troubles in Assam on the diary page (http://www.globaleagle.co.uk/diary_show.php?id_dir=23) at the GE website.

I've just done a quick google news search and it looks a bit shi##y out there;
Tehran Times (http://www.tehrantimes.com/Description.asp?Da=10/7/2004&Cat=4&Num=005)
The Tribune (India) (http://www.tribuneindia.com/2004/20041007/main1.htm)

Lets hope all goes well for the trip away from that part of the world.
Time for a quick exit !


7th Oct 2004, 21:26
Unable to get any update for todays events. Hopefully all is well and we are just suffering from a comms breakdown. Barrys sat phone was tits the other day, so perhaps its as simple as that.

A google news search has come up with todays news in the region of;

One killed, 8 missing in heavy rains, landslips in Assam (http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/holnus/002200410071428.htm)
Anti-insurgency operations in full swing in Lower Assam (http://www.123bharath.com/news/index.php?action=fullnews&id=26645)
Special operations in Lower Assam districts (http://www.123bharath.com/news/index.php?action=fullnews&id=26559)

At the moment I don't even know if Barry is in Guwahati. I wouldn't be surprised if flights to Guwahati have been delayed further because of either weather or 'other reasons'.

7th Oct 2004, 21:42
I heard today that they (the team) have called it a day!! The project is, apparantly, no more!!

WhirlyGirl Sarah
7th Oct 2004, 22:16
After a hard day's work I sat down at my computer and decided to check out this thread... now I can't seem to get out of my chair and I've almost pi$$ed myself laughing!! I must try that thing with the flies - I have a cat who is an expert at catching flies.

How about a trip around the world in this?


Hmm, better get rid of the "Windows" logo from the tail though, that's asking for problems...


7th Oct 2004, 23:49

I'd be interested to know your source.

Rumours are good, but.........:ugh:

Glad you enjoy it here WGS, see you soon. :ok:

8th Oct 2004, 02:57
I can't get an answer from GE Ops, considering Barry is 5 hrs ahead and he is due to fly today, I would have thought it to be manned.

The plot thickens.

He could always go for a VR attempt at some stage!


8th Oct 2004, 06:35
As at the timestamp for this post, no reply from GE Ops. :confused:

I hope it isn't bad news. Strangely, the moto for today on the daily tear off calendar in front of me is,

To expect defeat is nine-tenths of defeat itself.

:( :{ :ugh: :uhoh: :\ :sad:

Echo 5
8th Oct 2004, 07:24

I'm a little out of my depth here so if I have got this wrong then I apologise.

Please check out Ref 158 on page 48 (ish) on here.

< http://www.caa.co.uk/docs/33/CAP667.PDF >



8th Oct 2004, 08:39
Great picture WGS. Perhaps the British Army should buy a dozen of them, keep 11 in the hanger for spares and fly one...sounds familiar:)

I am not sure about these rumours.... I reckon Barry is just waiting for a head wind to get going


The fans at home wait with baited breath for the next installment..time for another slice of Pizza!


WhirlyGirl Sarah
8th Oct 2004, 09:43
Next time I go to see my hair stylist I going to take this picture along and ask her to cut it like this...


I wonder if she could make the rotors turn as well?! WGS

8th Oct 2004, 09:50
Be careful of Vortex Ring though:eek:

What is the wire running down the back for??

WhirlyGirl Sarah
8th Oct 2004, 10:21
What is the wire running down the back for??

Oh, when you step outside you and the rotors start turning that wire sends the wind velocity to a handheld LCD. :D


mike papa delta
8th Oct 2004, 10:48
For some reason (one that I do not really want to know) I saw that hair-do on TV. If I recall rightly it was part of some kind of hairdressing competition and buried 'neath the hair and gel was a motor which span the "rotor", hence the wire leading to a battery/control device thingy.

Think I need to get a life...

8th Oct 2004, 19:00
Sorry to interupt you all, but has anyone heard anything about Barry? :*

Can you possibly give us a cut/paste on the caa article, I'm having probs/not allowed to download pdfs here.

Still no update from GE website.

8th Oct 2004, 19:09
Yes SS is right we have no time for fun and joviality!
lets back to the subject...Errrr wot waz it again?;)

Be careful Teacher Sidley is watching..no more playtime kids otherwise its detention in Sid's own special room!:)


As reqwested Master Sidley

Ref Date Aircraft Type No of Type of Location On Board Deaths
No Engines Operation

158 22.05.94 Bell 206B 1 A Nr Gwytherin, Clwyd 4 3
Struck high ground in poor weather.

8th Oct 2004, 20:49
Thanks vol, although the numbers don't seem to add up between that and TCs figures on page 11. Mind you having read a couple of his recent posts where the facts don't match reality............bless him. Must have been on holiday to Egypt this year!


By the way, if the weather was that bad, how come was TC there?
I think that incident can be put to bed now, thanks for the research Echo.

Vol, I can't see your pic at the mo, but if you want to see my 'special room' for real, just forget to hand in your homework one more time young fella me lad.

9th Oct 2004, 01:30
Well, I've had 4 different sources now tell me that it has all gone very quiet/cagey/closed ranks/non commental over at GE Ops. Even my roving reporter has not been in touch, so obviously something in the order of 'not too good' is happening.

An announcement is however, 'expected by Monday.'.............Monday, thats a whole weekend away!

What is going on? (or not as the case may be!)

On another questioning note, what is going to happen to the recently delivered stock of rugby and T shirts?

http://www.globaleagle.co.uk/images/shop/rugby1.jpg http://www.globaleagle.co.uk/images/shop/tshirt1.jpg

At least there was only a limited edition of 250 lighters!


WhirlyGirl Sarah
9th Oct 2004, 12:45
On another questioning note, what is going to happen to the recently delivered stock of rugby and T shirts?
At least there was only a limited edition of 250 lighters!

Don't you see what these people are trying to do?

They are going to stitch together all the shirts and make a giant balloon for the next round the world trip! They even have the lighters to lift it up! Well waste not want not, might as well have a second attempt...



Alternatively they could just use the lighters to burn all the shirts if run out of storage space...

WGS ;)

9th Oct 2004, 19:19
A giant balloon! Mmmmmm....

All you need to do is watch the David Niven film version and most of the planning would be taken care of.


Sponsored, of course, by Nimble bread and RB.

Some would say that the lighters wouldn't be needed for the hot air side of things!

sparks and stuff
9th Oct 2004, 20:59
there has been lots of guessing about the future of Global Eagle. Guess no more, it is over and thats it. watch for details on web site. Sorry folks, guess you will need a new thread now.

9th Oct 2004, 21:05
Sparks an Stuff where do you get you info? only one post..this one...Hope your wrong..but if not we will leave no stone un turned


The Truth is Out There........


9th Oct 2004, 21:23
Good point Vol;

The truth is too precious to tell everyone who asks.
We could be part of a news blackout while Barry gets out of the danger area, but if we don't know, we can't not tell!


We are watching the website, however,from this insight into the latest GE website team meeting, I for one will not be holding my breath!


10th Oct 2004, 00:32
The latest word from the muskies isn't too good.

Different sources inform me of further delays due to weather and also of engineering problems beyond the teams capabilities.
Unconfirmed rumour, (pi$$ed), has it that the hangar the a/c was in suffered weather damage during one of the passing storms and no repairs were made to the building.

Hopefully it won't be too long before something can be confirmed.

sparks and stuff
10th Oct 2004, 19:19
Can confirm that Barry has said that there was damage to the aircraft but nothing terminal. He does not want to fly it anymore and plans are inhand for an extraction of Barry and the aircraft back home,endex. This is the truth,belive me.
As i am sure anybody who has been involved with aviation will understand an unwilling pilot is harder to fix than any aircraft."You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink"-point a 45 at its head"start supping dobin!" and watch it drink!

10th Oct 2004, 19:22
Well I have no insider info to pass on but if the rumours are right it sounds like a bad day, you know what I mean like when you go out and you think did I lock that door???


Of course if all is well Monday then great but if not which I feel is odds on... then if I was a rational thinking person these thoughts would cross my mind, of course they are my thoughts and I would not say them out loud
Now I fear due to the lack of info this project has finally ground to a halt..sadly...This is no Paula job of stopping because she wasn't going to win either, either the elemnts got the better of Barry and the team or ......is it some thing else?
Now I have watched this thread and trip with great interest, however what has puzzled me and caused some concern is that every hiccup or slight problem has been treated as a major setback..What happened to the old Bulldog spirit of finding the answer to the problem and beating it rather than letting it beat you?
I fear that "heart" wasn't really fully into this and it was done without full commitment, Oh I know loads of money and personal sacrifices etc etc, but if this was the case surely you would have been even more determined? Was it like one of my Mom's old dinners. looked great but half way through you realised it was too much to stomach..and you look for the family dog to help out?
Or maybe you did'nt fancy it Barry??

What right do I have to ask these questions....Every right !


I fear you may have lost yours so heres a replacement for you:E

10th Oct 2004, 23:07
Despite all this speculation and versions of the truth, which we come to expect at prune, I find it strange that there has been nothing coming out of GE Ops, (who I know monitor this thread).

Because of this, we can only assume that there is some sort of coverup action going on for damage limitation further down the line.

I truely hope that the reason is genuine and not the reason that has been bantered around fairly liberally at the moment, both here and elsewhere in the outside world.

Maybe tomorrow.

11th Oct 2004, 11:17
Well readers,

Tomorrow is today, which means these night shifts just fly by, literally!

The latest update from the GE website is interesting;

As at:1000Z - 2004-10-11

The aircraft is to be moved back to Delhi for a full inspection, after an initial inspection found the aircraft had been subjected to flood damage. Full report will be available shortly.
Moved back for inspection ! Seems to me that the a/c is not in a flying state at the moment.

Even so, would it not be cheaper, (for a cash strapped project), for an engineer to fly to Guwahati (rtn) to inspect the a/c, rather than transporting the a/c crated up with all relevant red tape, admin, time etc. just to be inspected?

If the a/c is OK then that leg will have to be flown again, obviously. Perhaps the descision has already been made.

This sounds pretty terminal to me, despite my contact informing me things aren't as bad as we are being led to believe.

As this is growing, so it seems, to an end, I'd like to introduce you all to my roving reporter in India. As you can see, he is a fellow aviator and is able to keep up with Barry, as long as the headwind isn't too strong!;


Not quite sure what he means when he invites me over for a bum bahji to go with his creamy korma !

WhirlyGirl Sarah
11th Oct 2004, 11:58
Not quite sure what he means when he invites me over for a bum bahji to go with his creamy korma !

Uh-oh, you wanna watch out, or you'll be facing the "coriander effect"

WGS :uhoh:


11th Oct 2004, 12:10
Rerurning for inspection...as my hero says


But hold on I see with my spectrascope over the horizon a crack repair team are on their way to fix it!


I did wonder why the cow? I wondered if cloning had produced a super engineer...but I was told it was for some "bull****" excuse statement if it went "teets up":8

11th Oct 2004, 15:22
Nice one WGS.
However if page 11 is anything to go by, I think Thomas Coupling may have something to say about it. (Not the same Thomas Coupling as on your forum, I think. But if it is, I may go to the Chrimbo party!).

Just to let you all know, that our good freind and critic Thomas Coupling has once more made an @rse of himself on the 'landing site' thread.

Back to GE;

I've just heard why Barry really went back to delhi;
Read about it at
channelnewsasia (http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_world_business/view/111212/1/.html)

WhirlyGirl Sarah
11th Oct 2004, 16:39
You're right, I don't think it's the same one, but never mind, you should still come to the Christmas Bash - there won't be a curry in sight, I promise!!

WGS ;)

11th Oct 2004, 17:35
Vol - and Sid,

I just wanted you to know - I really miss you. Must get these sights re-zeroed - just stand still a sec while I reload, eh?

Now, over to the 'landing sites' thread to see what my fellow 135er is mostly saying this week...

Thud :cool:

11th Oct 2004, 18:08
Glug an Wonder..good to hear from you..dont have any superglue do you for Barry and his Gulable Beagle ??

WGS is the Xmas bash open to all!
Mind you the last blast I went to ended up a bit like this...

Next day pictures......



The last picture I would suggest is only used when TC is not going and no curries on the menu:ok:

WhirlyGirl Sarah
11th Oct 2004, 19:02
WGS is the Xmas bash open to all?

You betcha! Anyone who dares party with me that is! Last time I ended up lying across the bar (not to mention the other pilots!!!), but that's another story I'd rather forget!!! ;-)

More drunken pictures here... (http://www.helitorque.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=22#22)

Full details here: CHRISTMAS BASH!!!!! (http://www.helitorque.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=450#450)

Put your name down if you're interested - there's room for about 5 more helis if you're flying in, or numerous cars!! Should be a laugh!

WGS :ok:

11th Oct 2004, 19:13
I'll have a word with my "driver" and see if we can do something, thats as long as he's still sober! ;)

A field full of Robbo\'s ermmmm I may go on the bike then, seems you will have enuff lawnmowers :)

So back to track....wot if anything is happening on global Eagle?? Come on Barry or your supporters give us the info...please

WhirlyGirl Sarah
11th Oct 2004, 19:27
Ehem! We have about three Jetrangers flying in so far... :cool:


11th Oct 2004, 19:37
Hope this isnt about otherwise them Robbo's wont come near:D :D :D


Joking apart I think they are wonderful machines and so is the Jetranger. I just wish I had them on my licence....:E

Rumour has it this aircraftof the newly formed Gay Air had its rear end damaged when someone "backed into it" sadly the new start airline with rock bottom prices looks like its grounded for good.:uhoh:


This is all space filling till we get to hear from Barry..This thread will continue to search for the truth........:ok:

12th Oct 2004, 09:10

You certainly know how to hurt Mollys feelings.
How can you side with the likes of TC and pally up with the 135 gang so openly? http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/mica/CartTroop.gif

Just to remind you of the lady, you used to care for;

taken myself just the other day.

Those that give her a good rub down on a Thursday still care for her!

If you're going to the bash, I think we should have a GE wake. Any chance of a pillion? I'll keep my hands to myself! I promise I'm better looking than your last passenger;


SORRY, Back to GE.

Update from the team;

Mon Oct 11, 2004 11:08 am
When Barry returned to the aircraft in Guwahati it was evident that the aircraft had spent sometime submerged in water. Barry carried out an initial inspection, but was not confident he could clear the aircraft for flight. He made the desicion to return the aircraft to Delhi were a full inspection can be carried out.

We will keep all informed as the outcome, this will take about a week to complete.

IMHO, from what I have gathered about the situation, the a/c has been subject to some flood damage and as the above update says, "Barry is not confident to clear the a/c for flight."

I for one and I\'m sure others, as a pilot have been in many a situation when something has happened, either on detachment or even at base, where as captain I could carry on with the flight/mission. However maybe experience or just 'that feeling' has caused me to get engineering advice. Sometimes it was nothing, others it was a good job I did.

Although this is a big hiccup and will cause yet another time delay, I feel that we will see Barry getting the engineering thumbs up :ok: and the inevitable, "She\'ll be reet!"

With 14 days built into the program for delay, as long as everything gets to Delhi OK then perhaps this isn't all at such a total end.

Waiting in the wings, the latest addition to the GE team;


IMO, she will be there for a bit yet!

12th Oct 2004, 19:26
"Flood damage is very difficult to asses and i'm no Engineer. I can tell you that the Transponder, the Radio's, the Flydat, and all the instruments are not working except the Fuel Guage - (Go figure!).

The Frame will need close examination as will the flying controls and most of the control cables will need replacing.'

The issue is that a tough decission will have to be made regarding the cost of the work requierd to be carried out on the aircraft in order to re-certify her fit for flight. If I assess that to be too high, the project will stop'.

It will take another week to have a clear picture."

Well, there's the damage assessment from Barry.
Anyone with a bit of engineering know how like to comment?

I realise the GE engineer will be on the case and obviously likely to want to be a bit cagey about it all, but it would be nice if some one could give us a speculative assessment here. (Preferably a little more than a simple "Bollixed"!).

Just in case, a replacement is being flown out from Billund;


12th Oct 2004, 23:15
Hmmmm.... I suspect defeat has been snatched from the jaws of victory here!

Great idea but a complete cluster from start to finish.

13th Oct 2004, 00:24
I know its the old hindsight thing, BUT..........

I've just been trying to work something out;

From what I can get together from around the bazaars, Barry had 2 days to prep the a/c for the time he will be away.

I just wondered what sort of pres/storage state the a/c was left in, bearing in mind there was a monsoon going on, (worst for 15 yrs), with associated rain/wind humidity.

Surely some form of protection from moisture would have been used, risk assessment on the storage area undertaken and an arrangement with the camp staff in the event of localised...., dare I say it, flooding?

Like I say, hindsight.....BUT.

13th Oct 2004, 04:19
Local Flooding!! Take a look at the news, there are hundreds of people being killed out here, HUNDREDS! Get a grip, put your lives into perspective and grow up.

13th Oct 2004, 09:47
Thank you for your cool and rational reply Autorot8;

Well done mate, you've now just lost the one person that was on your side, giving you a hint of support during these times ! :{

I was just asking if any thought had gone into leaving the a/c in the anticipated conditions. Of course as I mentioned, I have the benefit of hindsight. I can see I hit a nerve, so I take it that this could perhaps be another little oversight. With such a good team behind you, I'm surprised none of them thought of the possibility of the a/c getting wet during the monsoon season!

Hundreds killed!!
192 to be exact, as of 0900 UT this morning.
Granted the figure is rising, but not quite in the multiples of a hundred. (By the way, I said 'localised' flooding, as in these were/are flash floods due to largescale deforestation and earth-cutting.)

Much like your previous assessment of halfway around the world being equal to 92 degrees. :=

It would be nice if you could post a photograph of the aircraft.
If you e-mail it to me, I'll be happy to link it for you. You have taken photos previously throughout the journey, so you must still be able to, now you have bought some new batteries.
I wouldn't bother with that GE site, nothing ever gets updated there. It's as though the lights had been switched off!

If you would like me to start growing up, please reciprocate by answering the question;

"How do you feel about the rumours that you had no intention of carrying on, even before you returned to Delhi?" :oh:

I hope you have an umbrella and not just for the rain. :ok:

13th Oct 2004, 17:08
Fresh-ish from the GE site, an announcement;
It is with great regret that we have to inform all of our supporters that Expedition Global Eagle has come to an end.

As many of you will already have read or heard the aircraft was subject to flood damage whilst in India, this damage is not catastrophic and could be fixed, time would be against the team to complete any further journey so it was decided to end the expedition now, with an option to maybe resurrect the World Trip at a later date.

The official statement will be available shortly containing full details.

Crikey, that was quick, getting the autogyro to Delhi for an engineering inspection. Or was it a phone call job?

This backs up something I was told in Boroughbridge only yesterday, shame I didn't say it here, perhaps some attempt of repair would have been made.

Never mind;
As the faithful kept telling me,

"It's better to have tried and failed, than never to have tried at all."

Statement of the day; "....with an option to maybe resurrect the World Trip at a later date."

Yea right!!!!!!!

13th Oct 2004, 17:44

One of the regrets for me is that we will lose this thread and the extremely interesting graphic commentary that it has engendered.

Echo 5
13th Oct 2004, 18:59

This has been a tremendous thread, too good in fact just to let it fade away (like old soldiers).

What about something like " Global Eagle - The dream lives on " or " Global Eagle - The sequel " ?

Chop chop Sid................. Your public expects old boy !!

Regards to most as ' J ' Bloke would say.


13th Oct 2004, 20:11
"Well done mate, you've now just lost the one person that was on your side, giving you a hint of support during these times !
:{ "

.......Who was that then?????

14th Oct 2004, 01:15
That'll be the one wanting there to be some hope of the exped carrying on. :ok:

It would seem that there is a distinct lack of support for Barry here. Not surprising I suppose, but there is usually someone here wishing to have a go at SS if nothing else.

The hit rate for this thread over the last couple of days has rocketed, so they are out there somewhere. But then again, perhaps they realise that the wool may be getting pulled over their eyes from a long way away. :suspect:

The situation was compared tonight, (in the small bar at the Crown Hotel), to be similar to the 12ft wall we all remember from basic training.
You come across the hurdle, are offered a step ladder, but continue the run ups. Despite all the encouragement from those on top leaning down to help, you keep banging up against the wall getting nowhere. As if you didn't want to do continue. :hmm:

When things are bad, we take comfort in the thought that they could always be worse. And when they are, we find hope in the thought that things are so bad that they have to get better.
But then again, lets pack up and go home!

Seems a shame that after all the support given to Barry, he has decided to call it a day without that engineering advice! :suspect:

Just for Echo5;


It would seem the safest place and there may be support from Richard branson!

14th Oct 2004, 07:35
Been at work so I didnt catch up on this till this morning...So its been officially scrapped...WHAT A SURPRISE..
I think we should create an award for a big failure and lack of heart and the winner is...........

I think it is common knowledge having heard the whispers that Barry wasnt up for it before going back to India...
So this has ended in a farce and Barry will no doubt get flack all round he should quickly apply to the Co-oP as I am sure they will have a vacancy for a milk man , then he will have all the "bottle" he needs..
SS you did a grand job supporting with humour and decent crtical comments on this thread, however isnt it amusing that the hand that feeds gets bitten;)
Barry you did some sterling stuff to get as far as you did, sadly it all went tits up due to whatever reason, you were more than happy for the aclaim, failure is not a fault but if you lost heart then join the Paula club and be prepared to take the flak......

Just be careful you dont paint your self into a corner;)

I guss we can havea Global Eagle reunion in the coming years what can we call it?
I'll have a look in this book for some ideas:E

I am working on a new version of a round the world trip...just got a few minor problems to sort out but I am hopeful to get it going next year, I may ask Barry and his crew to help out with the planning:ok:

Echo 5
14th Oct 2004, 10:44
Posted on the GE Website yesterday.

" It is with great regret that we have to inform all of our supporters that Expedition Global Eagle has come to an end.

As many of you will already have read or heard the aircraft was subject to flood damage whilst in India, this damage is not catastrophic and could be fixed, time would be against the team to complete any further journey so it was decided to end the expedition now, with an option to maybe resurrect the World Trip at a later date.

The official statement will be available shortly containing full details."

Is the above an unofficial statement then ?

14th Oct 2004, 12:04
Perhaps someone has got into the system again! :suspect:

Any way,
As it's unofficially over, time to post the autogyro crash vids.

Ken Wallis in Belfast suffering some form of engine failure.
Amazingly, straight away, he gets up and waves to the camera uninjured.

A choice of 3 to choose from, all from the same programme.

1. The main part of the vid, no sound 1315 kb (http://www.geocities.com/pprunessilsoesid/autogyrocrash.zip)
2. The whole vid with sound 4933 kb (http://www.geocities.com/pprunessilsoesid/autogyrocrash.zip)
3. The final part of vid with sound 246 kb (http://www.geocities.com/pprunessilsoesid/autogyrocrashsoundsmall.zip) (My favourite)
(If you choose a vid with sound, please make sure your volume is turned down. Sorry, I haven't quite got the hang of the software yet.)

14th Oct 2004, 16:40
A lot of us supported, even though we knew your nick name. We were hoping you wouldn't live up to it..... BUT you have !!!!

We cannot help a man who has no gumption about him, who thinks through his pants, how many have we got on the go??? Isn't that the real reason why we went back to India?

Some may disagree but those working behind the scene's in GE worked hard to get this off the ground, I feel sorry for them, they must be feeling very disheartened.

Mouthing off at us (as usual) doesn't make your excuses sound convincing. Crying wolf comes to mind !!!!

Take a good long hard look at yourself, if you need help... ask for it (but you may have burnt your bridges to get it from "friends"). Be honest, stop hiding behind a girl, getting her to do your dirty work for you and announce you no longer have the balls (!!!!) to carry on.

GE ground crew: You were working with a person who has grandeur ideas but was and is never capable of carrying them out, it was bound for failure early on. That doesn't mean you didn't work hard to MAKE it work and I think you should be proud of yourselves and your achievements. I hope you have learnt and gained new skills from the experience.

Those with the power that be: I appreciate the initial ideas came from Barry, but the object was to get the first Gyro around the world/to Austrailia. After all the time, effort, money, support that has been put into this there is only one question that can be asked......


There would be far less egg on the faces of those supporters, sponsers and the Army if someone did. And the team wouldn't feel like they had worked towards nothing (or is that the Army way?).

One day I hope a Gyro gets around the world... As for who does it....................

14th Oct 2004, 23:24
Wow :ooh: Clearly Gobbie knows a little inside info not yet in the public domain. (ok I suppose it is now!)

Is this really the case? Would someone be able to complete it, obviously allowing for the weather implications?
Like I said earlier, just delay until you can fly through Greenland/Canada. Just do the trip!

Is anyone else on the team rated to fly the a/c or indeed the replacement if one is actually required?
If not, I'm sure there must be someone in the wings keeping the fat lady company!

As sure as eggs is eggs, if Barry did go round the world the buzz word would be TEAMWORK. (then again, maybe not after what g's post says!)

If it's a teamwork thing then it doesn't have to be Barry that flies it all the way....does it?

As gobbie says, "One day I hope a Gyro gets around the world... As for who does it...................."

But for the Pride of the Countrys sake;
Let them not be A m e r i c a n !

Echo 5
15th Oct 2004, 06:58
Bloody Hell !!

So far on this thread we have had:





and now enter Gobbie with " INTRIGUE "

It just gets better and better.

Wish I was a fly on the wall in GE Ops.

15th Oct 2004, 08:45
Boys Boys Boys!
You have all forgotten the most basic details here - now Barry is a total failure - he will be sure to achieve a commision in the AAC
Well done Barry for thinking of the latest most novel idea of getting yourself noticed (in a negative way), the AAC board will take you in a shot - arise Maj Barry! you will go far (in the AAC)!!!

16th Oct 2004, 12:20
posted 9th July 2004 08:42

There seems to be a lot of $hite floating about at the moment. Is it possible to get a statement from the GE team as to the extent of the damage and whether the a/c is recoverable at all. I know it has been said that the attempt is over, but...............!

Have magni been contacted or indeed been in touch to perhaps give some expert advice on any repairs necessary? Perhaps as they are a major sponsor in this, they might want to help their product through this problem?

If there is going to be another attempt, is there a timeline at all, or was this 'the' British attempt?

Before this all gets out of hand, (I am aware this is a rumour network , but there is a lot of it flying about ), is anyone prepared to make the unofficial statement? You know, the one containing the truth! :suspect:

p.s. Where is Barry?

I would like to draw your attention to this (http://www.earthrounders.com/) webpage. In particular the guy flying round the world in a microlight. (open cockpit!)

It seems everyone is at it!

16th Oct 2004, 13:04
I wonder if the intrepid flyer Barry has been taking advice from Homer ??

Bart, just remember son, if you don't suckseed first time, give up!

The rumours continue to fly...unlike Barry! so where is the intrepid navigator?? he has gone very quiet....How about some updates from his back room staff, it would be nice to know what they think is happening and why??
This fiasco is being kept very quiet...are there some big reputations at stake?
The truth will come out I am sure;)

sparks and stuff
19th Oct 2004, 10:34
As i am sure you are all aware the extraction of pilot and aircraft is well underway and both will be soon back home safe to Yorkshire. It may be hard to belive somtimes but i guess that until proved otherwise we have to belive what we are told. If a pilot tells you somthing, however ridiclulous of far fetched it seems, in the absense of the truth, you have to belive him. If he says he did somthing or somthing happened then that has to be treated as the true statment of events until proved otherwise or ratified by other factors. We should not let this stray from our minds and remember the old saying"it will all come out in the wash". I have lost count of the amount of time i have had stories of great mechanical and electrical problems with aircraft that prevent it from night or weekend flying, only to find that they have sorted themselves by the next day and all is well again. Nobody is qualified to make a snap diagnois of human or engineering factors in the absense of ALL of the relevant information, however tempting it seems at the time and how right or wrong they feel they are.

19th Oct 2004, 11:18
Sparks and Stuff I see where your coming from ... yep agreed its best to wait for the truth to come out, however I think that there is enough circumstantial evidence.
CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE - Circumstantial evidence is best explained by saying what it is not - it is not direct evidence from a witness who saw or heard something. Circumstantial evidence is a fact that can be used to infer another fact.
I think that anybody reading between the lines ..and lets face it there is a lot to read ...have already got the opinion of what went wrong and why.. However in true British Tradition.. if it looks like the $hit that hits the fan is going to muck up some shining buttons then it will be brushed under the carpet as usual!
You know the saying $hit rolls down but never up;)
Be interesting tho....

19th Oct 2004, 12:26
As i am sure you are all aware the extraction of pilot and aircraft is well underway and both will be soon back home safe to Yorkshire. Nope, it's all still quiet as far as the 'outside world' is concerned.

The GE website has had no news for a week now, despite the great words of "The official statement will be available shortly containing full details."
Also, all PMs from Barry have come to an abrupt halt.

I guess the Fat Lady is on her encore, and Barry wants to avoid any curtain calls at the moment.

I can't wait for the official statements and better still the unofficial inspections of the a/c on its return to Dishcloth. Perhaps they will be a little enlightening, but then again if not open to scrutiny, then any outcome is possible.

Now that we have passed through the 20,000 views barrier, I would like to thank you all for taking the time to join us.
Whether you have agreed with what was said , whether or not you have contributed, whichever side of the fence you have made your stand on, I hope it has been entertaining. After all, that and keeping GE in the 'public eye' was the aim of this thread.

I'm surprised that it has only managed a 3 star rating!

It's not all over just yet and once we get to the truth, there are sure to be a couple more pages in the great GE story.

It's better to have burnt out than fade away! :ok:

sparks and stuff
19th Oct 2004, 20:51
As SS has eluded to in his last post, there will be a full inspection of the aircraft on its return to Dishforth. Whilst this will not be a forensic examination to prove any points, it will be thorough and complete. As you are no doubt aware many people and companies supported this expedition and they also have a right, as do our sponsorers, to know conclusivley what went wrong. If it was a product they supplied then perhaps some good enviromental resistance data can be gathered fron it post its exposure to whatever enviroment it experienced. As a relativley experienced engineer i will be able to assess the exact causes and levels of corrosion on all the equipment and airframe, having several years experience working in a very similar high humidity/heat enviroment in the far east and have seen first hand exactly what that does to equipment. The inspection will be totaly unbiased and will be available for external audit. As for the web site,well, can you blame them? watching a dream that has been worked on for years come to such a sad end-would you care about the web site?.

missing lynx
19th Oct 2004, 21:25
Just before everybody descends into a well of self pity, how about some answers?
1. Why not stop at Delhi? you knew weather was going to be crap so why not stop at easy to get to major transport hub, easier maint,accom,supplies and transport?
2. Why no back up pilot? knownig the size of the aac suley they could do a trawl and find a pilot to finish the job?
3. Why wait so late to start work on aeroplane? should the work not of been started earlier so that ready to fly at end of monsoon rather than waiting for it to finish and then start work?
4. Has manufacturer been sked for help? surley they have plenty of spare parts, cheaper to go on than to quit
5. When we going to be told the truth? got a gut feeling that what you telling the news aint stricktly true-going to do some digging and see what i find, can you imagine the scandal when joe public finds out he being lied to by mod again-could call it dishgate!
6. What exactly you been doing since you came back three months ago? dont look like anybody on the team has done very much at all other than a few airshows(must be knackered!)
Time to start talking and end the speculation,tel the truth or make your lies beliveable this time

Echo 5
20th Oct 2004, 07:06
The official statement is now on the GE website. I think it should be left to Sid to post it and decide the way forward or otherwise for the thread.


20th Oct 2004, 08:25
Thanks Echo,

I'm sure everyone knows where to go to look at the statement so I won't cut/paste, it looks to me as if the Global Eagle websites official press statement is just that, with no personal touch that I thought may have been present on the 'Expeditions dedicated website'.

"Army Pilot forced to end historic autogyro trip"
Army Air Corps pilot Warrant Officer Barry Jones ........etc.
I think we know who/what he is, it does seem a strange type of post on the GE website

Missing Lynx brings up the questions again, and I'm sure these will be looked at with a lot of sceptisism.

£10,000 for repairs, to be able to say your company made the first autogyro to fly around the world!
A topic I think that has certainly done the rounds a few times in the boardroom I'm sure. (OK, maybe the manufacturers shouldn't cover the whole cost, maybe the sponsors as a whole should have been approached, but can you see how I'm looking at this?)

I'm sure there will be the usual brush up, and it will be interesting to see how much it cost to fly one of the most economical flying machines to India.

"Total GE distance travelled, from website, = 10.480 km = 5659.2 Nm = 6511.31 St"

My car (Diesel) does 60 mpg. To travel the same distance would take 108.5 gallons = 488.25 litres @ 85p/litre = £415.01

It just got me thinking :hmm:

20th Oct 2004, 10:37
I'd just like to reiterate my previous comments and also add:

What a pile of steaming stuff the GE statement is. The day Barry tells the truth is the day we all drop down dead. It's just a shame the rest of the team have to cover, yet again, for him. They do have their jobs to think about though. I know it must be a bitter pill to swallow for them.

In answer to previous questions asked :

1). Didn't stop at Delhi - probably to escape woman he was seeing.

2). Other pilots available, of course there is!!!! It's just GE is Barry's "Baby".............

3). Has any of you considered that no preperation was done by Barry becasue he had no intention to continue ???

4). Magni are willing to assist, if only asked......

5). Truth.... Your asking a lot to get the truth from Barry, although I'm sure he truly believes he speaks the truth !!!

6). What's he been doing while he's been back..... Can't help you
there, don't think even the team could.... Maybe ask his fiance, she probably knows.....
But it must have taken a lot of thought to find reasons not to continue.

I await, like the rest, for the report to come out on the aircraft. BUT I feel we will never be told the exact truth, well not by Barry and not while the other team members are in the Army !!!!


sparks and stuff
20th Oct 2004, 10:46
I have read the comments made here and feel that it is pertinent to put a few points straight. The figure for the estimated repair bill was decided by the pilot himself and was reached without any engineering input or recomendation from Magni Gyro. How this figure was calculated is anybodys guess. Magni Gyro has given this expedition full and complete support and has neither asked for or been given a single penny in return. Full support was and still is available-any parts required to enable a full return to flight refurb of the gyro are available, much the same as they were when it visited the factory and had a 100% strip,assesment,repair and refurb right at the staer of the trip. This was carried out by Magni Gyro staff, working round the clock, at no expense to the expedition. On the electrical and avionic equipment-replacements are there ready to be fitted. It is very hard as an aircraft company to hear that one of your products is stopping what is such a fantastic trip and do nothing about it. Once again this, emphaticaly, is not the case. Magni Gyro is prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure the sucessfull completion of the expedition.

missing lynx
20th Oct 2004, 10:56
Can anybody else smell somthing?smells like bulls**t to me! think sombody telling porkies! so if the people in Italy want to fix your machine for free then why not let them.cant belive you would rather not let them and pay for it yourself-could it be you dont want it fixed and that it is a bit of a deception to cover up the truth?if you are telling us the aircraft is damaged as an excuse then,well,i think that you have managed to slump down lower than ever,blaming sonthing else for your own shortcomings-post the pics,we know you got the cameras and stuff.this aint going to just go away if you ignore it,face it looser

20th Oct 2004, 11:02
Missing Lynx, haven't you seen the India picture on GE site yet??? I'm still trying to work out the relevance of it !!!!!

20th Oct 2004, 13:04
The India pictures are a funny lot because, Barry was asked not to take any aerial pics of India for security reasons! Sounds weird, but that's what I was told.

Surely its not that any 'baddies' would visit the GE website because they don't have access to maps now is it? Is it?

However, I'm sure anyone could think of some better pics than that or just not post them. A pic of the a/c in the hangar would have been nice, but of course would then leave Barry wide open to scrutiny. :suspect:

What on Earth is that picture of the radio on the window sill all about???:confused:
In fact as Gobbie mentions, what is the relevance of any of them?
One even looks as if Barry has taken a picture of his/someones bum in the bath! (so I've been told!)

It all stinks and I'm not just referring to my last paragraph. :ooh:

Looks like there are more twists in this than in a rastafarian barbers shop. (If they were to get their hair cut that is!)

20th Oct 2004, 23:02
four stars now,:ok: :ok:

21st Oct 2004, 12:52
For anyone involved with GE, there are some messages on your message board that require replies.
Or was the purpose of the message board for someone to leave a message and you'll get back to them, eventually, not letting anyone else know the information?

Then again, I suppose it's all over now.

Just an observation!

Any date for Barry and the a/c to get back home?

21st Oct 2004, 15:29
Mrs SS has just returned from yet another shopping mission in York and tells me that she bumped into the famously entertaining globe trotting person.

Could it possibly be ? I asked myself.
So soon ?
After all it's only just finished hasn't it ?

It was, you know, she'd bumped into none other than.........
.......the marvelous Michael Palin, signing his 'Himalaya' book in Waterstones!

Perhaps he'll be able to pass on a few tips!!

21st Oct 2004, 17:11
so if the people in Italy want to fix your machine for free then why not let them
Well they can fix the aircraft but who can fix the pilot?

Apparently rumour has it a pilot with some dust on his shoes was seen going into a plastic surgeons office in an effort to evade the awaiting questions...anyone have any knowledge

But of course if that fails just do this Barry seems you have had plenty of practise with the crap you have poured out to all your supporters;)


21st Oct 2004, 23:44
Just got back from the One Eyed Rat in Ripon where the rumours are rife!


I asked the landlord why it was so called, to which he replied;
"In the land of the blind mice, the one eyed rat is king."

Must have been all the Baileys and creme de menthe he was drinking! Good job I started off in the legion, what with ratties prices!! :)

Anyway, I digress,

The latest from the bar stool seems to focus on the financial side of GE.
Many questions are being asked; how much, where, who, account name.
Due to the nature of the conversations, I'd rather leave it up to those in the know to pass on what is what, in that department.

The main upholding feature of the conspiracy theory over GE, is the lack of any photographs or video that could shut the conspirators up, concerning the damage to the a/c.
(At least the alligators around the outer rimiter are not involved ! )

But perhaps even if there were any photos GE style, we'd end up doing a critique much like the moon landing pics.


22nd Oct 2004, 08:17
So your saying they never went to the Moon....:eek: http://www.hitchams.suffolk.sch.uk/Info_Books/images/first_moon_landing.jpg

A visit here might help the conspiracy theorists amongst us;)
Did they Didn't They (http://www.darkgovernment.com/moon.html)

The Truth Is Out There and I am sure it will be found..till then we can rumour all we like as its Fun:ok:


missing lynx
22nd Oct 2004, 09:48
come on fellahs,wot you doing all day?cant belive you cant find five minutes to read this thread and come back at me/us.i assume you think if you go on ignoring it then it will go away,perhaps if it gets flooded under"a meter of water" then SS,volrider,wgs and myself will go away and it will all be over!yeah right!that did not work the last time.Reckon no even mulder and scully will get the truth out of you,fear not,the truth is out there and its relentless persuit is my aim.Just going to make some stuff up till you tell it how it realy is. Is it true you were exiled from india for using your machine to smuggle dope?,sombody said it was seen in delhi with a big lump of dope in it!!(the dope was flying at the time!):D

Does anybody have any suggestions for some music to put onto a CD for Global Ego?
Started with Looser by Beck and then got to I belive i can fly by R Kelly and then got stuck on who sang"I talk sh**e all day", who had a hit with that?
Please send in any more thoughts and we can do a CD and donate the profits to charity to make up for what they did not get from Gulible Ego!

22nd Oct 2004, 11:09
After initially reading MLs post, I was going to reply asking folk to stick to reasonable rumour/conjecture on this thread, as we don't need to be thrown off pprune for what could be considered libellous posts.

However after re-reading MLs post a few times, I was reminded of the problems Ryanair had when it started off, and the run ins they encountered with the authorities over alleged dope smuggling, until the joke was realised.

It seems throughout this thread that conjecture has eventually led to the truth and the feeling is that a lot of what is being said here is closer to the real goings on than we can imagine.

Song titles;

Everything I do, I do for me!
The greatest pitch and roll swindle!

22nd Oct 2004, 11:41
After initially reading MLs post, I was going to reply asking folk to stick to reasonable rumour/conjecture on this thread, as we don't need to be thrown off pprune for what could be considered libellous posts.
That'll be Me You and a Fw other folk then SS;)

Re song titles for s "welcome home(again) CD"

will it be a duet with Paula Radcliffe? called "Don't Give Up" although Kate Bush was far prettier:ok:

I wonder if Barry the intrepid fliar has read any of this or his he hiding under a stone somewhere waiting for the Vultures to get bored and bugger off:D
Ummm me thinks the more he hides the darker the sky gets with Vultures!

Echo 5
22nd Oct 2004, 11:59
Methinks an accusation or suggestion could only be deemed libellous if found to be untrue. However, best to tread carefully perhaps until someone in the know has the courtesy to satisfy our curiosity.

22nd Oct 2004, 14:18
Am I the only American that doesn't get this? I don't want to generalize or sterotype American's as ignorant, but I'm a bit lost here (perhaps it is just me). You folks seem OVERLY critical of the attempt Barry gave. Perhaps it wasn't the best effort, but the arm-chair pot shots seem to have more venom, lately. Churchill failed at many things before he became a success, and that made him a GREAT man and an inspiration to the world. I wonder if the next person who attempts an autogyro flight around the world will expect the same poisonous treatment in the event of failure that you've given Barry here.

22nd Oct 2004, 14:55
I suspect Silsoesid, Volrider, Missing Lynx and Gobbie are all one and the same person judging from the very similar tone and nature of the posts.

You're clearly a very bitter man Silsoesid.

22nd Oct 2004, 19:16
As I have posted recently, I can assure you that I only have the one user name, for the reasons stated earlier.

I'm sorry this isn't really an international thread. This is due to the inherant nature of the British always wanting to back a loser. Because I doubted the success of GE on the first post, I was inviting the comments from all of those who like to mis-place their support and not face reality.

The perfect example I can give, is the never ending optimism of the British public wanting to believe Tim Henman can win Wimbledon. :hmm:

The venom injected into this thread, is like most things in modern life, the realisation that the wool has been pulled over many eyes and the reality does not become clear until after the event is over. (Look at the uproar beginning in 'middle England' at the moment over Iraq.)

As long as the next attempt is not run in a dubious fashion, then of course they, (whoever 'they' may be), will will be treated with the respect deserved. In fact, I'm sure if those that have commented on here don't know 'them', then any thread on the further attempt may possibly get very little coverage.

You must admit that this thread has also been very informative while Barry was travelling along the route. Regular updates and information on the various weather conditions and local history/facilities.

What has been missed by those making the derogatry remarks about this thread, is the fact that a lot of comments here have been made by people who know the goings on of the GE attempt better than I.

Any current or ex-military viewers, I think, will understand the 'humour' posted on this thread and as I said earlier, I'm sorry that it can't be a bit more Internationally understood.

Thank you for your contribution to the thread.


missing lynx
22nd Oct 2004, 19:49
Think its time our American cousins chill out a little, checkout irony and sarcasm in the dictionary, it is a national institution here and the right to use it is one of the perks of living in dear old blighty.Please forgive it but we have to say somthing in the absence of any input from GE here in this forum. Guess they would just shut it down much the same as the message board on their web site. So thats it then-now they have shut their message board down there will be no further comment from the team or any questions answered,why?. Suppose i will just have to make up somthing else,false but funny in the face of no further comment from them.Tried to bet on Bj and Paula being xmas no 1 with "dont give up", william hill had never heard of it but offered 1000000 to 1, which is probably better odds than he had of achiving anything else!

any fool can judge by the amount of people that have read and commented on this thread that somthing is brining them back time and time again.Not to put to fine a point on it,it is the pin sharp humor and graphic ability that silsoe sid and volrider have demonstrated. Nobody could read and view their work and not be entertained!,genius.I am in awe of their work and long may it continue. You cant rub on a raw nerve without it having reason to be raw,any thoughts?

22nd Oct 2004, 20:22
Thank you for your PM Barry date/time stamped 22 Oct 2004 13:10, (all 4 pages worth when printed out.)

I will respect your wishes to keep it private and will not post it on this open forum.

However, how can you not expect anyone to feel that something is going on, when you are being told what you can and cannot say publicly?

As previous posts have highlighted, there's a smell of male bovine excrement going around. In the most extreme a coverup of some description!


p.s. I notice the GE website is winding down. Can I take it Barry is back in the UK?

23rd Oct 2004, 11:35
RDRickster :I wonder if the next person who attempts an autogyro flight around the world will expect the same poisonous treatment in the event of failure that you've given Barry here.
Answer just like this project it would get full support I am sure from all, however if things transpire witha similar outcome then democracy requests answers should be given to questions asked.
Think your Mr Lincoln would have agreed with that:ok:

gravanom :

I suspect Silsoesid, Volrider, Missing Lynx and Gobbie are all one and the same person judging from the very similar tone and nature of the posts.

Sadly your further away from the truth than a Prime Minister at question time.

Thomas coupling
23rd Oct 2004, 12:03
The fact that 99% of the comments on this thread come from a handful of dissenters intent on driving this thread to infinity and beyond speaks volumes about its ethical standing.
I can't fathom out why you lot are hounding this guy to his grave:
Is it personal - is he such a disagreeable person (in real life) that he (in your eyes) deserves such vitreolic responses?
Or is it to massage your own egos, to be constantly the centre of attention, to see your rantings in public print?

This thread has clearly lost its' reason for being. It is courting the ridiculous. No one else comments because it is a pitiful thread worthy of ocassional viewings just to see the latest pathetic comments you have heaped on this person.
If this thread was enacted in real life, person to person, people would be ashamed to know you.........

Why haven't you targetted other failed causes world wide, I wonder. Why is it so personal?

Can we all move on now, get yourselves lives, guys. Get back to more challenging aspects of your life like - what's for tea, or when your next ablution might happen - because there is loads of it going on here.

[B]I can't believe the moderator hasn't pulled this - total cr*p


23rd Oct 2004, 12:14
TC Thank you for your stunning reply as always we wait with baited breath for your next set of elequent words. Oh I see that you now do not like this post anymore and so beacuse you state it should cease then so be it! I guess you got top marks in your CRM class.
Thank you for popping in it is appreciated , you see unlike your little outburst the majority here ARE INTERESTED in what GE has done and are saying. I wont defend mine or others actions as this is not a witch hunt but a gathering of persons looking for the truth.or is that outlawed in Wales;)

Thomas coupling
23rd Oct 2004, 14:06
C'mon SS, let's hear your pathetic retort.........................

Echo 5
23rd Oct 2004, 14:18

Like SS and maybe a few others I have received a PM from Barry.
Like SS and maybe a few others I have respected Barry's request for privacy regarding the content of the PM and quite rightly so.
As far as I am concerned this is not a witch hunt to discredit Barry, more a criticism of those who were supposed to maintain the GE website and keep all informed as to what was going on.

I am not AAC, never have been and never will be. I personally have no axe to grind and am/was just another PPRuner sharing in the excitement of a great adventure. Like many others I am totally pissed off that the mission has probably come to end and I say that most sincerely.

Think I said to you several weeks ago over the "ring of fire " issue that you need to lighten up or stick to the more serious threads.

Oh.........one more thing,

" This thread has clearly lost its' reason for being. It is courting the ridiculous. No one else comments because it is a pitiful thread worthy of ocassional viewings just to see the latest pathetic comments you have heaped on this person."

If you are intent on being one of Baden Powell's finest would suggest that you don't let your curiousity get the better of you and........STAY AWAY !!


23rd Oct 2004, 14:54
TC why the anger? why are you so intent on raising a stupid argument from SS whom I guess is far more senoir than to step down to your petty level...anyway bye and dont forget your coat;)
I too had a PM from Barry and as Echo 5 stated I likewise will not post that PM as Barry requested not to. I would like Barry to post it as its not contentious but informative. I wrote my reply to Barry and I am happy for all to see it. No doubt whatever we say TC will take a contrary view, that is his right and good luck to him.

I will wait to see if Barry posts before I make a decision on posting my reply to Barry.

23rd Oct 2004, 21:19
What have you contributed to aviation in your lifetimes that is so stellar that we should bow to YOUR "petty level?" From where I sit, you folks have spent an enormous amount of time on personal attacks. To be fair, parts of this thread have been funny from time to time... but the recent comments have become repugnant.

Further, many of your comments have been so negative that it goes WAY beyond gentle humor or good spirited fun... it's clearly personal. Simply put, you've crossed a line and have lost what little respect others may have had for you all.

There are a lot of lessons learned for the GE team and for Barry, as well. But let's not understate the FANTASTIC accomplishments of this venture. One example is Barry's longest flight over open ocean in an autogyro in the history of aviation! Sounds like a time to crack open some champagne and celebrate some REAL accomplishments!

How many times did Steve Fossett attempt to go around the world in a balloon? How many times did he fail? In your view, I suppose this multi-millionaire and generous philanthropist is just another loser. I guess the world would be perfect if we could live up to the standards you propose behind the comfort of your computer console... better to criticize others than to actually do something yourself, eh?

23rd Oct 2004, 22:56
What have you contributed to aviation in your lifetimes that is so stellar that we should bow to YOUR "petty level?"
RDRickster I ask no one to bow to my level as you put it! I gather we are not allowed to make conjecture of what we were assuming happened?
I was until today unaware of the full facts..Barry replied to the PM I sent him regarding GE
I wont put his PM on here thats for Barry to do if he so wishes. However I did appreciate what he had to say. He answered every question I asked some where not easy to answer for him but to his credit he answered in full. I think I asked most of the questions that were posted on this forum.
Ok So I only have Barry's side of the story but from what he had to say I do not doubt his word. I never doubted his courage I doubted why we had heard nothing and rumours were abound, I am not justifying myself to you or making excuses for being involved in this interesting thread. I would as any other, wish this had been completed but now I have a more fuller picture of what happened I can see this was going to be an uphill task for Barry. But he must be praised for his efforts because I doubt if I would have done the task under the same circumstances.

I backed this project but also asked questions also posted hunour and crtical comments, that is the right of freedom. Do you deny me that mr Rickster or are you the same as Mr TC ?? happy to shoot the messenger but always wanting him to ask and ask again..No it easy for you to sit behind a PC screen and dictate, its not so easy to have the courage to ASK..
So I bow gracefully in your direction as you a wiser man than me.... A giant amongst dwarfs:)
Good luck to Barry as I wish him well for the future, where ever that takes him.
I now have all the answers tothe questions I sked. So nothing further to add so I will bow out.

25th Oct 2004, 18:28
Sorry to disappoint but I am the one and only Gobbie, no other names. Bitter no, not at all, just fed up of the lack of truth from Barry. Not trying to hound him, you might find those having a go actually know him and know what he is like and boy have we supported him!!!!

We have supported him and he has let US and more importantly HIMSELF down not to mention the rest of the team, supporters, sponsers etc......

Yes it was a great idea that COULD have been carried out but trust me his mouth was making promises his mind could never keep, no matter how much support and help he was offered !!!!

The truth is out there, I KNOW it is, just the rest of you are not privy to it............YET !!!!

Down to the team to tell you but like I said before they are loyal to the Army.

Barry, got your PM, how about YOU contacting a few of US that gave you support ?????????????

missing lynx
25th Oct 2004, 19:21
Like bazza i have had enough and i am pulling the yellow and blacks. The guy is a cheat and a fraud. I do not say this without some knowledge of him on a personal level. The whole thing was never about charity or living a dream, it was all about him and what he could get from it. He wanted more than fifteen minutes of fame, he wanted the glory and kudos of being somthing important and the world trip was his chosen way of getting there. At the end of the day just how much money will the three charities actualy get? why shy away from comment when asked about this subject? surley a high profile fund raising flight must of raised tens of thousands for charity. Cant wait to see the intresting retort this gets. Would love to know why several offers of financial help to repair the Machine and replace "flood damaged" equipment have been refused. Anybody seen any pics to support his claims yet? I assume that there has been a letter of apology from the members of the Indian Air Force that were tasked with looking after the Autogiro, why not post extracts on the web site?

25th Oct 2004, 23:02
Well, go away for a weekend and I miss out on all this 2 way conversation stuff.

I agree with a lot of the remarks about this starting to get a bit personal, but it seems that those that are doing the complaining both here and to the moderators, are the ones who are getting a bit touchy consequently going off the rail a touch.
Perhaps trying to steer the thread seems to them to be the only way of getting the thread closed.
Answer me this. Why is this thread so popular? If all those that hated it so much didn't come back as they say, then it seems to me to have a far reaching audience, with or without the righteous!

It's nice to see TC http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/cwm/3dlil/tard.gif back with us, however with his words of wisdom amounting to the likes of "This thread has clearly lost its' reason for being." I shall for ever be in wonder as to why this person comes back to this thread.
As TC http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/cwm/3dlil/tard.gif says, "The fact that 99% of the comments on this thread come from a handful of dissenters intent on driving this thread to infinity and beyond speaks volumes about its ethical standing."
It would seem to me that the standing of this thread is fairly high. There only seems to be a couple of people demanding the closure and for what appears to be the majority, this thread has the entertainment and intrigue they are after.

In answer to RD, "How many times did Steve Fossett attempt to go around the world in a balloon? How many times did he fail?"
6 attempts and failed 5. But the point on Steve was that he did not give up the challenge. Before all these attempts mind you, he was the first to fly solo across the Pacific.
Steve has also swum the English Channel, run Alaska's famed Iditarod Dogsled Race, driven the 24 Hours of Le Mans sports car race and finished the Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii.

So I think to compare Barry to Steve is a little short of the mark.

As it seems to be RDs turn, "But let's not understate the FANTASTIC accomplishments of this venture. One example is Barry's longest flight over open ocean in an autogyro in the history of aviation!" "Sounds like a time to crack open some champagne and celebrate some REAL accomplishments!"

And the others are?......................
(put the cork back in, the champers is getting flat!)

I feel slightly honoured that some seem to think that I am doing this alone, with a couple of aliases. One person to keep this going, wow! Now that would be a good enough achievement in itself! But, sorry, it seems that there are some like minded souls out there who like a bit of heated discussion tempered with a little humour. Unfortunately not everbodies cup of tea but one some must retaste to make sure they still don't like it!

Perhaps the reason this thread is so popular is because some knew 'Arfur' before he set out and realised this thread was the disguised reality they knew.
The truth is still to come out and as only so much is allowed in the public domain, slowly but surely the trickles of information now being released, will make the level of the pond of truth rise.

26th Oct 2004, 00:23

I wouldn't confuse a high hit rate with affirmation of the views posted herein. A lot of tabloids are sold world wide, but do you really think most people believe in them? As I said before, some of this material has been pretty funny (hence, your entertainment factor).

It's the last bit that really turns my stomach, and some of the folks that you claim allegence with have admitted that this is somewhat personal for them. I didn't mention it earlier, but I've also been in the loop concerning Barry's PM and the circumstances involved. It isn't my place to comment on the contents, and I respect his wishes, too.

Not withstanding Barry's PM, it has been obvious that there seems to be some unresolved interpersonal issues between a few folks (both present and former members of the GE team). It's a shame that this thread was leveraged as a way to attack the man's reputation. In my opinion, Barry has some legitimate reasons for not publically sharing all the details... but I hope that a lot of this information is released soon.


missing lynx
27th Oct 2004, 21:58
well,baby i am back!,got a window in my flying and felt it was time to tickle the keypad again.Anybody notice that the globaleagle web site has been efectivley shut down or frozen?. How convenient some would say. I ask about charity money and suddenly it all goes very quiet. Before any of our cousins from over the pond jump on their chuck wagons and come after me, let me state my point. As a member of the public who put money into the clearly marked collection pots, labled with the chosen charities, i think we have a right to know how much money was raised. Despite repeated attempts at asking them, there has been no statement from anybody yet. Now that they have closed down the web site we may never know. After firing off emails to NSPCC and Dyslexics institute, guess how much of the money put into those collection pots the charities have recieved? Can only say for sure that my £5 has never got there.So whats going on?. Some may say that calling it fraud or deception is harsh, but that money was donated to the charity direct and not to bankroll barrys trip. Not going to let this go, no satisfactory answer and then no chice but to take it to the next level, over to dibble.

Echo 5
28th Oct 2004, 08:21

Some time ago this thread was bounced off the Military Forum, possibly because of an indiscretion on my part, albeit accidently.

I think we may well be on a Yellow card here on Rotorheads as I believe some individuals may have been bleating to the Moderator about some of the content.

So, let's ease up on the character assassinations and stick to reasonable banter. At least until the whole story is in the public domain.

Regards to all.


28th Oct 2004, 16:18


28th Oct 2004, 21:48
By no means has this thread, IMHO, been 'leveraged' to become a personal slating. It naturally came to this point by the expedition allegedly being taken over by an autocratic descision making process.

With this in mind, it is no wonder that the faults within GE are falling onto the shoulders of one person.

As an example, take the 2nd WW.
One man, autocratic leadership style. His generals and troops did the dirty juju (no pun intended:= ).
The leader had no physical blood on his hands, but he gets ALL the blame.
It came out in Nuremberg that to be following orders was no excuse, but in this case, perhaps, it is.

I am no way comparing Barry to this person, but if one adopts the same leadership technique, then it is natural that the blame will also fall onto one person.

It seems that the whistleblowers are still blowing, and as long as they do, then maybe we should have the opportunity to listen.
Despite Tony Blairs reaction to free speech at the labour party conference, PPRuNe still enables us, of course within reason, to listen to someone elses point of view and it seems here that there is a lot more of the story to come.


missing lynx
28th Oct 2004, 21:57
Point taken and understood E5, sorry:uhoh:
My comments were probably getting a little out of hand,only through frustration. It is hard when faced with the wall of silence that we are facing not to come up with some speculation, right or wrong. Quite why we get no comment is a bit baffling as i am assured that all the team members avidly read this thread. Was just wondering why they have been sworn to silence. The web site contains what i am assured is the party line so if thats what they say then thats what it is i guess.
Not sure why everybody is getting private secret messages, why not just put one message for all to read, surley that is the purpose of this forum.
Q. How can you spot a pilot in a crowded room?
A.Dont worry he will come and tell you!

sparks and stuff
3rd Nov 2004, 20:46
I figure that in response to the e-mails and calls that i have had, it is about time i was to put the record straight on the story so far. The colapse of the expedition has affected everybody and i doubt that there is a single person in the aviation comunity who does not have an opinion on what happened and what went wrong. Having not been briefed on what the "party line" is then i see no harn in telling it exactly how it is. There has been much speculation about what has gone on and indeed what is going on now. That is one area where i have no comment to make and will not be drawn into speculated answers. When viewed in isolation ,sailient points seem out of proportion but when put into context, complement themselves and allow us to see the bigger picture.
As i am sure you are all aware, the cancelation of the trip was put down to the damage sustained to the Autogyro during its brief tenure in India. To the very best of my knowledge, no pictures of the damage in either still or video format have been made available. Magni Gyro, the original designers and manufacturers of the Autogyro and sponsorers of the expedition were not involved in the classification or estimated repair bill for the Autogyro. Indeed they were never given the oppertunity to make good on their pledge of engineering support and technical back up. They are not alone. There was offers of support and assistance in financial and technical areas and this was rejected by the team. The continuation of the expedition was not stopped by any insurmountable technical reasons and could of continued, if that was the wish.
At no point during this expedition or during the whole of the world range record preparation and execution have i made any money from or taken any money from any of my work with Global Eagle. It is very hurtfull for sombody to accuse you of holding the expedition to ransom and not giving technical support in favour of a larger fee, quite simply this is not the case. The cost of all of this has been massive. It extends way beyond the trivial matter of money spent out,favours called in,luck pushed,parts begged borrowed and stolen,hundreds of unpaid hours and crap taken. The true cost is friendship and that is the one irreplaceable cost of it all. The whole thing has destroyed all of that and left in its place an air of mis-trust and resentment. Flying round the world is easy,just make sure that you are ready to pay the price for it.

missing lynx
3rd Nov 2004, 20:50
All of us who know you know that those acusations are boll*x!!!!
remember what you get told on grading"those who fail to prepare are preparing to fail!"http://www.pprune.org/forums/images/icons/mpangel.gif

5th Nov 2004, 10:43

I think you have confused a lot of us on here with your last post. You seem to be contradicting yourself.

Firstly you rubbish the accusations of skulldugery, bad planning, inadequate preparations, autonomy, yet confirm that if one fails to prepare they will ultimately fail.

Perhaps, ML, there are those that know more than you do about the behind scenes goings on and you are still grasping in the hope of 'keeping the faith'.


ps. Are there any pics of the damage available for us outsiders?

7th Nov 2004, 12:47
I hear that congratulations are soon to be in order for Barry as far as his career is concerned.

Far be it for me to say anything one way or the other, but congratulations Sir. :ok:


7th Nov 2004, 16:00
Do I hear an apology for Paula Radcliffe?

7th Nov 2004, 16:20

I think even I could run 2 marathons for over £1 million a year !!!!!

£272,000 for the NY marathon
£725,000 for the guaranteed place in next years London.
Plus all the sponsorship deals, advertising etc.

So much for amateur sport, Eh! :confused:

No doubt, now she has completed a Marathon, coming back after such a crushing time in Athens, she'll be up for BBC Sports Personality of the year. :yuk:
The hints are there, at http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/default.stm it says "Follow Paula Radcliffe's seven steps to become a better runner."

As Jane Tomlinson (http://icbirmingham.icnetwork.co.uk/0100news/0200nationalnews/tm_objectid=14844311&method=full&siteid=50002&headline=brave-jane-sets-ironman-record-name_page.html) hasn't even got a mention on the BBC sports pages I don't suppose even gets a look in.
Terminal cancer sufferer Jane Tomlinson has set a new world record after becoming the first terminally ill cancer patient to complete a full Ironman triathlon.

The 40-year-old, from Rothwell, Leeds, completed the gruelling Florida event in 15 hours and 47 minutes.

The mother of three took to the sea on Panama City Beach for a 2.4-mile swim. She followed that with a gruelling 112-mile bike ride and then began a 26-mile night-time marathon.

Only a week ago the Yorkshire woman was in casualty, unable to walk or even dress herself.

7th Nov 2004, 16:23
Yes, but would you be good enough to win?

7th Nov 2004, 16:26
NO, but even she didn't have to win in order to get the money!

This is just attendance money, let alone 'placings' money!:yuk:

7th Nov 2004, 16:30
Jane runs to gather money for charity and pushes her body to its limits even though she is terminally ill, Mrs pack it in Radcliffe runs to swell her purse. No comparison as to who is the winner there.
Re winning thats not the point..Completing what you set out to do is the real point.:ok:

Echo 5
7th Nov 2004, 19:22
Hang on a minute...........I always thought that the idea of these Marathons, London and New York, was all about raising money for charities.

Radcliffe will be handing the dosh over...............won't she ?:rolleyes:

7th Nov 2004, 19:27
Was there a lot raised then? by Paula? :)

missing lynx
7th Nov 2004, 21:14
Have i missed the point or what?
When you raise money for charity you have to give it to them?
Sounds like a bum deal to me, dont you think it would be much better to raise the money and then simply keep it for yourself?
If anybody asks simply dont say anything and put your fingers in your ears and say"LA LA LA"loudly till they go away.
If it all gets too hot then you could simply say you were keeping it and was going to give it all at once, sure fire winner!

So if you collect money for charity then you have to give it away? Bugger!
Think the idea of keeping it and spending it on yourself is much better,wonder if thats ever been done before?

Ther is a down side to collecting money for charity;
1. Those collection pots are hard to get the money out of, stiff lids!
2. You look like a busker paying for you lunch and petrol with loads of coins!
3. They make such an annoying noise in your car when you go over bumps!
4. Only a few people put useful notes in the pts!


Ther is a down side to collecting money for charity;
1. Those collection pots are hard to get the money out of, stiff lids!
2. You look like a busker paying for you lunch and petrol with loads of coins!
3. They make such an annoying noise in your car when you go over bumps!
4. Only a few people put useful notes in the pts!


8th Nov 2004, 07:44

What ARE you trying to tell us ? :suspect:
Nothing about the original subject of this thread I trust. :ooh:

They use 'Allegedly' a lot on 'Have I Got News For You' don't they? They say it to stop themselves being done for slander.
Guess you're safe then. :ok:


On watching this mornings 0600 News, I saw the report on Paula in NY, Oh how the press regard her as a heroine.
Well done for winning, I have no probs there, it is when she says that this race was important to her!
And I suppose the Olympics weren't important, TO HER!!!

Also, as she was competing against 'sportswomen', I wondered in the closing stages, how much Susan Chepkemei challenged Paula, (the rival to Kelly Holmes title of 'Britains Sports Heroine').

Especially as this was the closest women's race in the New York City Marathon's 35-year history
Paula Radcliffe (30) NIKE, GBR 2:23:10
Susan Chepkemei (29) NIKE, KEN 2:23:14

Makes me wonder anyway. :ooh:

When is Barry making his come back? :p

missing lynx
8th Nov 2004, 08:44
SS, at no point in my post was there any reference to the original subject of this thread but is it not funny how people somtimes jump to conclusions? I guess it is up to the viewer to read what he wants and think what he likes.
I suppose you could say charities are like intrest free loans that you only have to pay back when you can, you know, like getting money from your Grandparents to buy a car or motorbike, cool!
The best bit is nobody knows how much you got and so there is always enough left over for a few lunches and a tank of petrol, allegedly.

Echo 5
8th Nov 2004, 10:43
It's a sad state of affairs when some of us, myself included, have to resort to discussing a bloody road runner just to keep the interest in the thread going.

Someone out there must have some snippets that will keep us amused until such time as the whistleblowers start to whistle.


missing lynx
8th Nov 2004, 18:40
Just my opinion but why has there been no pictures of the damaged aircraft on the web site yet? Surley this cannot be classified information and would go a long way to dispeling all the roumors that abound.ould it be that there is no damage to the gyro at all other than some weathering from having been left in a hot humid enviroment by a pilot who was in such a hurry to get home that he failed to do even the most basic of preservation. This would explain everything with a simple flood story covering his ineptitude and give a very convenient way out. Simply dump it all on somthing or sombody else and walk away playing the part of the wounded hero.
Remember the stories of soldiers during the war who used to have mates shoot them, just enough to be evacuated back home and return as a hero and escape having to do their duty, "of course i wanted to stay and fight, it was my duty, gutted i got wounded and evacuated back home for the rest of the war" yeah right!.Wonder if they thought they were now in a good position toget a commision in the Army Air Corps?, you know,having done enough to get their name noticed.

8th Nov 2004, 19:17
Now that is probably too far!

8th Nov 2004, 19:31
There seems to be a lot of "rumours" banging around on this thread all of a sudden??
Instead of all the guess work how about someone says what they mean to say...then hopefully Barry will post what he sent to me in the PM and this can be cleared up once and for all??

missing lynx
23rd Nov 2004, 22:29
Been a long long time with very little in the way of activity from the boys up there in North Yorkshire. Still no change of information on the web site or any pics of the "flood Damaged" gyro yet. Whats going on?.Are we to assume that this is the end and no further information will be forthcoming?
Bay way of mild criticism,imho,this is a pretty crappy way to wrap things up and will give credence to all the rumors of miss-doings and stuff. Barry,you need to put a brave face on and face up to your responsibilites or skulk back under a stone and stay there for the rest of your life and hope that people will forget about it all in a few years time. The hardest thing to belive that the MOD sanctioned this folly and just let you all do as you want and dont put out an official line on things. Suppose we wont be reading about this chapter in Soldier mag!. In hindsight i would never of sponsored a mile and you will have my worthless certificate back in the mail soon,recycle the paper and hope it is used for somthing wothwhile next time!

missing lynx
27th Nov 2004, 15:08
Have you seen that Paula Radcliffe is writing a book about her life and the lessons we can all learn from it, good stuff.
Reckon we will get a similar title fron the guys up there at Global Eagle? Reckon it would be a best seller one day.

27th Nov 2004, 18:12
And with an offer from David Bedford of £500,000 to attempt the London marathon next year, yet another event to complete. :suspect:

£500,000 + advertising + placings prizes, 'tis a rotten life as an amateur athlete. :hmm:
Sorry, thats just for the Olympics isn't it! (Didn't Torville and Dean have to do without 'professional status' for a time in order to qualify for 'amateur status' to defend their Olympic title?)

Anyway, what's this got to do with Barry?

Paula = Acclaim, wealth, sympathy, despite what happened in Athens.
Barry = Acclaim, (Commission), despite what happened in,.... well the whole thing really.

Then again, Paula can't fly an autogyro, Barry can't run a marathon and I can't do either,.......well not yet anyway. :E

27th Nov 2004, 18:20
Paula is still the sweetheart of British Sport ..well in her own mind that is... so Sid you gonna run a marathon?? my advice is to eat one instead..ok so they call them Snickers now! Huh price of being in bloody Europe I suppose......

missing lynx
27th Nov 2004, 20:13
I wonder if like Paula,barry will write a book on the highs and lows of life and the lessons we can all draw from it. should be a good read,full of detail and stuff(sic).
As a good source of inspiration perhaps the folowing could be read first and help set the pace:-
"Making money the easy way" by Robert Maxwell
"Navigation for dummies"by Amelia Arheardt
"What price integrity" by Richard Nixon
"The beginers guide to man management" by Adolf Hitler
I am sure we can all think of some more so any contributions the the Global Eagle library are willingly accepted-get your thinking caps on.
I once did a marathon but it melted before i got to the end!!!
Word is the flys on the wall at dishcloth are putting on crash helmets and pulling their lap straps tight....

Might be worth bookmarking this page,think this thread is going to come very much alive again,very soon-watch out watch out

27th Nov 2004, 21:07
"so Sid you gonna run a marathon?? "

As it happens volrider, I was in training to go for the 2005 London and then unfortunately picked up an injury. :{
Hopefully, once I'm up and running again, (pun intended and free advertising for the excellent running shop in Harrogate until this is modded!), I can get back on track. With any luck my application can carry through to 2006. :ok:

In the meantime, anyone got an MS Flight Sim model for an autogyro.:8

28th Nov 2004, 09:18
Funny you should mention that Sidley, take a peek at this

FS2002/2004 Models (http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/3d_hole)

a visit to www.avsim.com or www.flightsim.com will show the file. So you can practice all you like now..mind you you may need a granny rail to get in and out:E

28th Nov 2004, 11:09
Brilliant Volrider, thanks.

I've gone for a more modern version, hopefully it will work, being a FS98 model on FS04. :confused:


Failing that, I'll go for the open cockpit version and have to calculate the right season in which to start my global voyage!!

28th Nov 2004, 12:57
Looks like it's the open cockpit version for now.:{

Sad I know, but here I am doing circuits around Dishforth and a few auto's. Piece of pi$$ as long as you keep the airspeed on :ugh:


Now to get the Zimmer frame out and go for a Sunday stroll, planning my round Britain trip!

After that ,.....THE WORLD, Ha! Ha! Ha!
:E :E :E

missing lynx
28th Nov 2004, 20:09
you looking for sponsorship for your flight?

28th Nov 2004, 22:18
Sponsorship,....for the Marathon or Round Britain trip?

I take it you mean the autogyro trip.

I had thought about asking the Government, as they seem to like giving money away for crackpot ideas......


If you would like to suggest a location, I will try and make it there and have my spotter plane take a pic of the autogyro and myself in flight. :cool:

Should you feel I have succeeded in your task, choose your own charity and donate how you see fit. Most shops/pubs have a charity container on the desk.:ok:

Mind you though, the weather forecast sounds a bit dodgy. Listen to the latest here. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/wavworld/startup/shipping.wav)

29th Nov 2004, 06:36
ENOUGH! Silsoesid/volrider/missing lynx or whatever you're calling yourself. You all sound/post in exactly the same style. Busted.

(edited for cr*p post pub spelling)

29th Nov 2004, 08:12

This has been covered before and I stand by my previous comments on this matter.

I can assure you that you are incorrect. SS is/has only one person/username.

Thank you for the compliment though.



29th Nov 2004, 08:33
Then why do you all:

a) Have the same agenda?

b) All post pictures


oh, and if you read the posts without looking at the usernames you'd think they were all from the same poster?

29th Nov 2004, 08:49

Clearly if I ignore you, you will see this as verifying your accusation.

In answer to your questions;

a. Because of the thread subject and our scepticism perhaps. Maybe you'll accuse me of being Michael Moore next.

b. Because it makes the post and therefore the whole thread more entertaining and pleasant to the eye. Were Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso and Vincent Van Gogh the same person?

c. It encourages debate, albeit a little heated at times. Besides, it's a bitter world outside your window.

On your final comment, look at any thread where people generally agree one side or the other, and you'll end up with the same deduction.

Kindest regards,


29th Nov 2004, 08:53
We'll agree to differ, funny that your other alias' aren't around to back you up....

quick now, log out log in :E

29th Nov 2004, 09:16

Fair enough, but like I say, SS is but one.

Maybe the other guys are at work. After all, it is 10am on a Monday over here. Or maybe because the net is so slow this morning, they can't take the time to come on.

Or maybe they don't feel as if they need to justify themselves, as by your last comment, you'll only accuse me of logging off/on etc.

You are barking up the wrong tree I'm afraid, although I don't understand why you are anyway. Besides,there's nothing up there.

Best wishes,


p.s. Logging off to try and get a faster and more reliable download rate. Then off to sort out the garage, so I won't be back for a while.

As long as that is OK with you and you don't see it as me not answering your questions immediately for a different reason.

29th Nov 2004, 16:53
gravanom..we are not bitter I for one relish the thought of another round the world trip, good on SS for considering it in these dangerous times... I do think that all these names you put to SS are amusing, where does he get the time to be so many different people:confused:
Anyway unless you have anything constructive to say may I kindly suggest

So over here can get on with enjoying the proposed journey. I hear Paula Ratycliffe is also taking an interest, she was watching an episode of Coronation Street but stopped half way through...

29th Nov 2004, 18:10
SS if you are looking for a ground team then I would like to offer my services. I have a dedicated control room ready for use.
We have to remove the odd chicken and sheep but that shouldn't take long, inside is the nerve centre waiting to go into action

I would be more than happy to take on the role of route planner, I have a world atlas from 1982, don't think much has changed so that should do the trick:D

29th Nov 2004, 21:26

see, they are just a mob of pilots sitting around talking crap. funny crap :cool:



29th Nov 2004, 21:38
Thanks Volrider,

I may have a use for your facilities and your World Atlas.

The world was a safer place in '82, well apart from the Argies and the IRA, but if the round Britain trip goes OK, I'll stay away from those places on the world bid.

I've just been onto my Ops man, who assures me that todays aquisition of the new autogyro and trial flights were recorded successfully this afternoon, so I will be able to post the pics soon.

A couple of days prep and I should be off from Dishforth Wednesday-ish.

(Best I buy a packet of fags, (cigarettes for the likes of gravanom), on which to do the flight planning.)

Speaking of gravanom here's a couple of quotes of his from this thread;

posted 22nd October 2004 15:55

I suspect Silsoesid, Volrider, Missing Lynx and Gobbie are all one and the same person judging from the very similar tone and nature of the posts.

posted 29th November 2004 07:36

ENOUGH! Silsoesid/volrider/missing lynx or whatever you're calling yourself. You all sound/post in exactly the same style. Busted.


A person who has been a ppruner since Feb '02 and only 14 posts. (4 of which are here). I feel that if anyone has a split personality it is he. :suspect:

29th Nov 2004, 23:02
I would like to announce the opening of the 'Virtual Autogyro Journey Around Britain 'Website,
that you will find @ http://www.geocities.com/silsoesidautogyro/

missing lynx
30th Nov 2004, 07:47
Crikey!!!! I go away for a couple of days on a stop over and what happens?
A spam chips in on the thread with views of me and i find myself "busted". I personaly feel any association with said boy band is purley conjecture and would like to put it on record that i do not own either a vest or spikey hair!(but cant vouch for any of my "aliases")
"the only thing from texas is steers and queers and i dont see no horns boy" Ah the great movie quotes of our time.
If i was silsoe sid there would now be a funny picture of a crap boy band or a texas long horn in drag but i aint so theres not, sorry

Sid,on your flight around the uk do you think you could visit prominent places and post us some pics? Blackpool tower is a favorite of mine and the next time you fly your autogyro that way would love a pic.
Have you thought about setting up a mesage board so that anybody who wants to ask you a question or if there is a message from the team then it can be viewed there? Sounds like a great idea and i dont think it has been done before
What about future plans? After completing this flight and getting all the fame then why not use it as a spring board for the next logical progression and make a longer flight-the world is your oyster

30th Nov 2004, 09:42
"The world is your oyster"
Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Welcome to the Pleasure Dome, 1984. Most eggsellent album.

See the promotional video for the journey here (http://www.geocities.com/silsoesidautogyro/oysterloop.zip) (929Kb) :ok:

No probs in posting pics of the journey and as for the message board, I think here is as good a place as any as long as it is OK with Heliport and PedalStop.

Blackpool will of course be on the route, I have to stop off and get some rock and maybe even attempt a pier landing. :ugh:

As for the future, who knows ? ;)

30th Nov 2004, 16:24
I have been a regular ppruner since 1998, but I have only made 29 posts (this being one of them) would you like to draw some adverse conclusions about my personality as well?

30th Nov 2004, 16:49
Absolutely not Si,

Unlike gravanom, you have not appeared on the thread to cause unrest, with petty snide posts. Grav was accusing me of being many people and I was highlighting that perhaps with his record, it could also be assumed gravanom was one of many Jekyll and Hyde aliases. :suspect:

Si, you are most welcome. :D



Echo 5
30th Nov 2004, 18:58

WTF is a "rock doc" ?:confused:

30th Nov 2004, 19:42
I'll wager a geologist http://www.geo.cornell.edu/geology/GalapagosWWW/volcano.GIF or a paleontologist http://www.publispain.com/iconos/dibujos_animados/Fred_Flintstone_01.gif

Here is one I found for him,

30th Nov 2004, 20:03
Bluddy heck SS thats some Kidney stone bet that stung passing that one:D
Great Looping Video, when you pass over blackpool see if there is a donkey on the beach called Doris for me please. I will explain when I am better.;)

We sort of hit it off.....

Echo 5
30th Nov 2004, 20:42
" I'll wager a geologist or a paleontologist "


Maybe a potty professor then.............totally lost and probably totally confused.


30th Nov 2004, 20:58
"totally lost and probably totally confused"

Bu&&er, that'll be me then aswell.

I'm supposed to be leaving tomorrow, best I get my sandwiches made and flask ready for the morning. Good job I filled her up last night, the autogyro that is,.......... not Mrs SS ;) :) :E :ok:

Right then, a bit of flight planning to sort out........


............................................................ ..........that'll do nicely.

Off to bed, after the news.



missing lynx
1st Dec 2004, 07:52
After watching your rather good trailer sid it has left me wanting more, why not make a DVD of your flight with a killer soundtrack of cool 80s music?. You could do a lot of talking to camera and massage your ego, sorry, been done already. Why not see if anybody has got some unused and unsold stuff that they will not need anymore?-must be a mountain of it somwhere. Are you thinking of any other merchandise? apparently sweat shirts and t shirts sell like hot cakes and you can make a small fortune on them.
Remember it is always VFR on the top!

1st Dec 2004, 17:58
Well, made it to Manston.

A bit of a chilly day, I knew I should have put on an extra pair of long johns and taken a bigger flask. :O

Here are a few thumbnails of pics taken along the way;

http://www.geocities.com/silsoesidautogyro/suttonbankth.jpgPassing Sutton Bank Gliding Club.
I'm sure there used to be a white horse!
http://www.geocities.com/silsoesidautogyro/wattishamopsth.jpg Getting new map at Wattisham.
Complaints about parking spaces!
http://www.geocities.com/silsoesidautogyro/coastsouthendth.jpgCoasting out at Southend.
All quiet now the seasons over.
http://www.geocities.com/silsoesidautogyro/QEbridgeth.jpgUp the Thames Estuary & QE bridge.
Traffic jams like you've never seen.
http://www.geocities.com/silsoesidautogyro/london2th.jpgPassing the 'Eye' & Parliament.
Hopefully not disturbing PMQs.
http://www.geocities.com/silsoesidautogyro/Buckhouseth.jpgRecce to land for afternoon tea @ Buck House.
Strange....no flag !!

For more and larger pics, they are on the site at
http://www.geocities.com/silsoesidautogyro (http://www.geocities.com/silsoesidautogyro)

Early start tomorrow, must get to bed early after completing the planning. :8

With a fair wind, I should be under canvas this time tomorrow at Lands End. :\


1st Dec 2004, 22:32
Plan sorted.
Pre Flights done.
Map now conected to a/c. Things one didn't think about with open cockpits. :rolleyes:


Off to sleep after a hearty supper, in the knowledge that Blunkett will get away with it!

Tatty pip.


missing lynx
2nd Dec 2004, 17:55
Please be very carefull ss-flying into Cornwall could be frought with difficulties. By all accounts there was flooding there this year and before you know it WOOSH and you could be under a meter of water and looking at an expensive repair bill!, choose your hanger wislely and dont leave it in the care of anybody but yourself. stay away from dark alleys and dimly lit side steets in your search for an"internet cafe" to update everybody from!!!(you wont belive the places you have to go to find one, honest).
Could you give us a low pass and a jaunty wave as you pass over us at Middle Wallop on your way from manston to cornwall?.Take care and fly safe mate.

2nd Dec 2004, 21:15
Hey Sid -

Good luck with the venture - Make sure you trim the rudder properly - with that dodgy knee you could end up flying round in ever decreasing circles ( and who does that remind us of ? )

Mind you don't end up being the subject of another thread if you change your mind / bottle out - the likes of "gravynom", "ars*h*les wizard" and "b*lloc* tooth tony" would love that - did you know they are all really the same woman ?


2nd Dec 2004, 22:12
SS hasn't posted for over a day now.

Has he bottled out?



2nd Dec 2004, 22:30
Craig, 23 hours and 58 mins to be precise. :rolleyes:

Bottled out indeed! Which reminds me not to drink so much tea for breakfast! Sorry to the yacht crew somewhere in the Solent ! :ugh:

Thank you for your concern, but in this chuffing tent with the cold, the battery on this laptop is playing up. At least the processor isn't overheating for a change!

Just playing with the video from the flight past Wallop and going for a single post. But as the crowd is getting restless, here are some pics.

A quick recce of the needles lighthouse reveals that someone beat me to it!


The arrival reception at Wallop was provided by the Blue Eagles, who tried to keep up with the display, but at least they looked good! (video to follow)


The Swedish Beach Volleyball team were at Stonehenge to wish me well!


Takes me back to my youth.


Reminds me of an exercise I was on a few years ago !!!


Made it, just as the crowds were leaving.


And when they had gone and the sun was setting, a peaceful trip round the lighthouse was in order. (Shame about the shutter speed.)


3rd Dec 2004, 01:34
Laptop battery just about had it with the cold here. Just uploaded the Wallop video and completed the planning for tomorrows trip to LLanbedr. Hope it's not all shut down yet !


And a link to the Wallop arrival video (http://www.geocities.com/silsoesidautogyro/Walloparrival.zip) (944 Kb)


3rd Dec 2004, 01:43
hi ss,

didn't i bump into you up in the territory a while back?? were you on a recon flight for the big one???




3rd Dec 2004, 08:37

Looks like you did, I think I must have been amazed at how you managed to keep your hat on. :p

It's freezing here at the moment, just cleared the windscreen, for what it's worth, and pre-heated the plugs so we should be off shortly. Weather not perfect, but when is it in this country?

Memo to self - Head NE, follow the coast, watch out for 2 bridges at Bristol.

Take it sleazy,


3rd Dec 2004, 20:19
You truly are a tool silsoesid. Too much time on your hands or is this the ultimate p i ss take aimed at BJ and the crew?

3rd Dec 2004, 21:45
I feel honoured Slobadan that you have taken the time to become a member of PPRuNe in order to post that.

Anyway, you'll be glad to hear that I finally made it up the coast and into sunny Wales. The weather was a bit :yuk: at times, but as long as I could see the white horses below me, I knew that it was OK. :\

At Tintagel, I had to come inshore a bit, much to the surprise of the remaining grokles on their way to King Arthurs castle.


Remembering my memo to self, I followed the coast N Easterly until reaching the bridges, then turned left to cross the Severn, remembering the right hand rule of course.


With a good wind behind me, too many beans for breakfast :E , I made good progress to Cardiff where a civic reception was awaiting me. On the menu was Meat (I suspect Lamb) and 2 veg (parsnips and carrots). All washed down by Bacardi and Cokes which of course I declined and just kept to the Pepsi :ooh:
As I departed, I heard the party move off to a local village named 'Llandewi Breffi'.


After a further 2 hours in the 'saddle', I was starting to chafe, must be the sea air ;) However I finally made Llanbedr as the sun kissed the horizon and sizzled a little.

Being Friday, of course it was shut, so the tent is back out and the Trangia is doing its stuff.

V.Early start tomorrow, to push as far North as possible. I would plan to stop at Carlisle, but as the football team is away at Bournemouth I'll pass on through. Shame, I could have done with the laugh. :)

If I make Kinloss by Sunset, I'll press on to Jo'G.



3rd Dec 2004, 23:06

You do astound me.

Please send motives for this utter waste of time.....

At least BJ had the balls to attempt it for real.

4th Dec 2004, 00:31
wake up slobo,

ss and the rest of us are trying to get a 5 rating out of heliport.

and your helping the cause, keep on writing.:E

4th Dec 2004, 02:25
Get out more, meet real humans and under no circumstances allow silsoe to baby sit for you.

4th Dec 2004, 08:12
Get out more, meet real humans and under no circumstances allow silsoe to baby sit for you.

Do I need to add anything else in reply to Slobadan ?

Also If anyone here needs a babysitter, perhaps they are a bit young to be on this forum and they would certainly not be a professional aviator. :=

But then again...........

All is going well. Sparrow f@rt departure.
Just arrived at Blackpool for a quick hearty breakfast, lots of beanz! And noticed the internet access point. Bit slow, but useful. :ok:

4th Dec 2004, 11:15
Well done so far intrepid Sidley, I hope your keeping warm and dont worry about spoilers like Slobbo what a t**l :mad:
You are flying the flag for all British explorers. There will always some that will try to put you down, usual reason is because they can't do it themselves..Am I right Slobbo?? whats the reason ........is it that not only they wont let you play with matches, those naughty people in white coats wont let you have anything to use that means they would have too unstrap your arms:}
Take care intrepid man remember the big hero's words..err I dont either but I am sure they were pretty good....

Slobbo in his "special room":E

4th Dec 2004, 14:25

You obviously have no idea who BJ is, have the balls to try......

He had no intention of finishing just wanted the publicity and his Commission !!!!

The crew and others have carried him far more than anyone but them will know. He may have had the idea but he is NOT the one that made it happen.

This thread continues by his lack of honesty, still no pictures of the aircraft, still no contact with his friends etc...... These are the actions of an honourable man !!!!

Don't comment on things you know nothing about

Anyway if he can't take a joke with the boys ................

"Commission... committing, task, committed, such person's authority or intstructions, constituded to discharge a task......"

I think not ....

4th Dec 2004, 15:58
Good news!

I made good progress around the North Coast, so passed JoG en-route and just pitched up at Inverness. A heluva leg, but I think worth the hardship to keep good time.

A couple of the locals have taken pity on me and taken me in for the night, must be safer than staying at 'Llandewi Breffi' with Daffyd :ooh:

As fortune would have it, to go with volriders earlier post, the Vue cinema at Inverness is showing The Incredibles @ 1800. So a quick bite to eat and a huge portion of popcorn with diet coke for afters!:ok:

May be a bit later with the pics and Blackpool video, but rest assured they are on the hard drive.

Have a pleasant evening,


4th Dec 2004, 16:29
Gobbie. I say, thats a bit of an eye opening post. I can see why you are comfortable around SS.

4th Dec 2004, 18:21
SM, you may as well quit now, as you're on a hiding to nothing trying to take on SS. He's good for a laugh, if not for catching crooks(he's too busy ppruneing for that). :ok:

missing lynx
4th Dec 2004, 20:07
Sid you are one hell of a guy,easy for some weird named to55er to suddenly log on to your thread and try to knock you having nothing constructive to add and having achived nothing himself. The video of wallop is cracking and i am sure i can see myself in it looking up in awe!!.Dont ever forget the wise words"if you cant take a joke then you should not of joined up".
have you thought of doing a self promotion tour of the schools after your record breaking flight?. There is always the chance to make a video or write a book-seems like everybody else is at it at the moment. Cant wait for the obligatory crash and the coming out of the other side of it a stronger and better man sketch, sure fire awareness winner and hell,you might even get promoted!.Dont forget to blame everybody else and even the weather for your basic flying error and then stage a miraculous rebirth as you pull on all your training and resouces to get things back on track.

5th Dec 2004, 00:23
What a great film. Thoroughly recommended. Elastigirl, Grrrr :E and Mr. Incredible doesn't make some of us feel so bad about 'middle aged spread'. (bring it on!)

As promised the pics, I've kindly refused my hosts offer of a 'wee' dram, as I saw the olympian size of his shot glasses! :\

On leaving Llanbedr, I saw a wonderful photo opportunity with the high cloud and clear morning air, so radioed a friend to take a snap of a flypast from Snowdons peak. Unfortunately, he was slightly distracted, on such a cold morning, by the walker in just a t-shirt. :E


Despite the lost opportunity a clearerer pic was made going down the other side.


Blackpool was apleasant site, and as the pleasure beach was not at full swing just then, I took the chance to try out 'The Big One' .:yuk:


Again the departure made a more, 'pleasing on the stomach' pic. Hope I didn't frighten the donkeys !


I decided that brunch may be good at Liverpool, but on closer investigation of the parking area, I decided to give it a miss!


On passing Fort William I decided to venture further up to Fort Augustus, named after the Roman Emporer, and a little up Loch Ness. I'm sure I caught something out of the corner of my eye. :suspect:


With the light fading, I pressed on, I managed to persevere to make John O'Groats with time to spare I reckoned, to carry on through to Inverness.


And it seems I reckoned right.
I'm now looking forward to a nice comfie nights sleep under a slate roof as opposed to canvas and with a reasonable start time in the morning, should be able to make Dishforth by the beginning of Songs of Praise.

Bless you all,


5th Dec 2004, 22:10
What a glorious day to fly. :cool:
The crispiest of mornings with the lightest of winds blowing the thread like spiders silk across the open spaces of the Scottish countryside.

Obviously the gunmen at Edingburgh Castle had other sight when they rose, as I seemed to be a perfect target. (Sounds familiar!)


Travelling south, the temperature was noticeably increasing, however a dive to VNe to get across the Firth of Forth was in order, much to the surprise of todays cameraman. :eek:


On reaching Scarborough, the whiff of the vinegar on fish & chips made my mouth water. I had to circle in order to take in the whole 'fishing town experience'.


Finally, at the end of the 5th day, I made it back to a sunny Dishforth. To my surprise I was greeted by the regiments finest, however, I think Lynx 1 may not have been used to the responsive nature of an autogyro during the later stages of an approach. :E


For those awaiting the Blackpool (http://www.geocities.com/silsoesidautogyro/Blackpool.zip) video, wait no more.

With this journey now complete and an injury well on the way to recovery, I shall await the descisions on applications for the London Marathon 2005 to come out on the 13th.

With the circumstances in mind the future is open. Lady luck may play her part, however, as Frankie (and missing lynx) say,
The World is my Oyster. :ok:

For those supporters of this venture, thank you for your support.
For other viewers, thank you for popping in.

Happy Christmas to you all.

6th Dec 2004, 13:15
Err is that it then?? no danger there woz there? I fouhgt you woz going round the bloody world..whats all the christmas sh*t...get out of that comfy chair put some long johns on and do it....:)

6th Dec 2004, 13:48

What on earth gave you that idea? Only a madman would attempt such a journey in one of these things. ;)
Especially at this time of year.

What is needed is a good all round appreciation of the worlds current affairs, choose the route carefully, study the weather systems likely to be encountered for the timing of the journey and finally, quietly but with a little promotion go out and do it.

Keeping the distance to physically fly to a minimum would be a good option, which would mean flying as close to the 60 N as possible. This would eleviate a lot of the political events around the world affecting the aim.

In addition, keeping the countries airspace you need to penetrate to a minimum, will lessen the possibility of one country scuppering the whole event.

Besides, I have a consultants appointment to attend shortly. :p
I hope he finds something !!


6th Dec 2004, 14:09
Only a madman would attempt such a journey in one of these things.
So your up for it then:E

6th Dec 2004, 15:34
What are you trying to say?


6th Dec 2004, 17:27
As usual, the armchair whinger loves to tongue lash from afar. An opinion on everything.

Vinegar with that?

SS, you could start an argument with a carton of milk.

missing lynx
6th Dec 2004, 18:22
Start an argument with a carton of milk you say-I once shot one!. All dressed up and ready to go out to a do,quick cuppa before the bus comes and do you think i could bloody open one of those cardboard milk catons without getting it all over my clothes?-sufice it to say half a dozen .22 rimfire later and it did not feel so smart and was more willing to donate its contents.SM you talk like you know sid and instead of a rather limp wristed attempt at a bashing why not try and steal his glory with tales of you own doing, surley you have done somthing of intrest in your life so far that is both amusing and engaging?. If you are short of anything intresting to say the just say so and i will let you have some good stories and
stuff that you can pretend is yours and try to fool sombody into thinking you have a personality to match your razor sharp wit.

missing lynx
6th Dec 2004, 20:46
Sid, loved the Blackpool vid and top choice of soundtrack again!
Can i suggest a number by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush for the home leg vid?
You the man!!!!

6th Dec 2004, 20:54
I can see what this thread is about now. All is clear!

Nice to see SS is surrounded by like minded people.

Keep up the good work, no crims to catch SS?

6th Dec 2004, 21:29
Evening Slobadan,

It seems I may have upset you at some time, for you to be going on like this, so personally. I take it you must know me. Clearly not that well.

Perhaps your venom was made more toxic when you saw my posts on the rotorheads gallery from some of the sunshine drenched and exotic parts of the world in which I have served. Only the best get selected. ;)
Do the time and prove yourself to someone other than yourself and these things may come to you one day.

Why can't I have an opinion on everything? What should I start ignoring?
Should I vote at the next general election for what I believe is the best for my country? Or shall I just vote for the sweetest talking candidate, knowing that they will do the best?

As I have said to many before you Slobadan, if you don't like it here, then you are more than welcome to not come back.
But like them, you always will.

The reason this thread was thrown off the military forum is because Global Eagle was not considered to be military.
And you claim to have read my posts. :=

Oooooh, so you want to username 'out' me!
Read previous posts my friend, it is not an issue. :ok:



7th Dec 2004, 23:59
Let's move on guys.

People who think the thread is funny can enjoy it.
Those who don't needn't read it.


Echo 5
24th Dec 2004, 14:34
Sid, Volrider, and eveybody else who contributed and made this such an enjoyable experience. Thanks guys and a very Merry Christmas to you all.

Regards to all,


24th Dec 2004, 15:03
I have some distrubing and sad news to bring to you at this special time of the year...it's Santa.....he was taken out for a few beers by Siddley to celebrate the round the UK trip and sadly Santa got a bit worse for the wear.. It looks like the Kids will have to wait a bit longer for the old duffer to drop down the chimmney this year:uhoh:

However Mrs Santa has kindly offered to fill in where Santa can't make it..
Those that wish Mrs Santa to come please form an orderley queue...behind me:E
Have a great Christmas one and all.....

Echo 5
25th Dec 2004, 20:25

Mrs Santa is raaaather tasty is she not. She can slide down my chimney at any time.

Getting rather concerned that Sir Sid hasn't put in an appearance this Yuletide. Perhaps he's up to mischief somewhere !!

Merry Grimble,


8th Jan 2005, 11:22
I have a sneak preview of Silsoe Sidleys new machine....It is being kept a big secret as he plans the next stage of his adventure..."The Big One" We all thought at mission control that Sid was taking a well earned break over Christmas eating loads of pies...but as you can see he has been in rigourous training homing his body to perfection ready for the dangerous and testing crusade ahead...


As you can see Sid is test flying his World Beater and should be ready to go any day soon, as long as who ever borrowed his tyre pump returns it:}
