View Full Version : FAA .v. JAR BFR, Warning

Genghis the Engineer
9th Feb 2004, 06:25
Dropped into the local club today to have a word about the usual bi-annual license signoff, to discover that....

- A 90 minute FAA BFR done within my second year DOES NOT now count as a flight with an instructor unless the gent is a also JAA instructor (which, needless to say, they weren't).

Fortunately it's no big deal for me, since I've a couple of months to run and have no problem arranging to fly with a local instructor. But, I thought I'd mention it in case it catches anybody out who leave getting their licence signed until the last minute.

The word "protectionism" was used in the ensuing conversation, and I can't really disagree. Ho Hum.


9th Feb 2004, 07:15
my second year DOES NOT now count as a flight with an instructor unless the gent is a also JAA instructor

I think lady JAA instructors are allowed too! :D

I had hoped to do a local french pilot's JAA 'hour' last year (he's UK resident flying on a French PPL) - the French CAA refused, saying it must be a French instructor, and when he tried to convince them they said they would agree providing he agreed that they restricted his licence as 'only valid in G registered aircraft'.
He went back to France for a day.

9th Feb 2004, 07:38
the French CAA refused, saying it must be a French instructor

so much for European harmonisation! :mad: I mean, that's what the whole JAR-FCL is supposed to be about, isn't it?

Westy, getting tired of the whole JAA mess.....

Charlie Zulu
9th Feb 2004, 09:35
I'm off to Florida to do my FAA Multi Addon in June.

The school just happens to be JAA approved for the multi course and have a JAA Examiner on site (I presume the PPL Examiner will also be the Multi Examiner).

So a quick question, if I were to do a JAA Multi Rating at the same time as the FAA Multi Addon by taking the ground exam and a flight test with the JAA Examiner? Would this count towards the revalidation of my CAA PPL SEP (land) class that is due to expire on the 17/9/2004?

Or would I still require a flight in a single engine plane with a JAA qualified instructor?

Er on second thoughts I'm not sure why I'm asking question this as a group member is a JAA instructor anyway so I'll probably be flying with him sometime during the year anyhow.

Best wishes,

Charlie Zulu.

Genghis the Engineer
9th Feb 2004, 15:01
Mere colloquialism Irv, as it happens the FAA instructions was a lady, and that doesn't seem to help either.


9th Feb 2004, 15:38
The JAA examiner at NAC does not do the FAA multi test (at least did not do mine).

I was under the impression that unlike under the FAA system whereby any test for license or further ratings is equivalent of a BFR, with the JAR system you would still need to do the training flight for the SEP renewal even if you have done a MEP test or renewal training flight.



9th Feb 2004, 21:05
if I were to do a JAA Multi Rating ... Would this count towards the revalidation of my CAA PPL SEP (land) class that is due to expire on the 17/9/2004?
Yes, any JAA skills test does away with the 'training hour' requirement for SEP revalidation by experience. You still have to do the 12 hours SEP and 12 "toal"s

Mere colloquialism Irv,
Ps; Sorry, GtE, couldn't resist.

9th Feb 2004, 21:08

'with the JAR system you would still need to do the training flight for the SEP renewal even if you have done a MEP test or renewal training flight'

Not so. There is a thread about discussing this situation to death.
Can't find it just now. Upshot is that an LPC in any class of aeroplace will count for the purpose of the training flight.