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View Full Version : Random Drug/alcohol Test

4th Feb 2004, 20:43
Just a simple question.

I know this is a routine for loads of carriers in the US and on various airlines around the world:

They Randomly take a Flight number and perform Drugs and Alcohol test to all the crew....

We all are among professional people and we know these practises are not compatible with flight safety....etc etc..

What do you think about it ?
Is this a routine test in the UK / EU ?
Do you think it's necessary?

Please post your comments.

Thanks and Happy landings.


5th Feb 2004, 00:30
Random testing is not in place in the UK at the moment, however the police can breathalise you if they have suspicions you are over the limit.

20th Feb 2004, 07:22
I work in the Railway Industry and we are subject to Pre-employment Screening, Random Screening, and Post-Incident testing.

Its not a problem unless you have something to hide. Yes it is annoying if you are suspended from Safety Critical work pending the return of the drugs test, but...

Now and again we get the odd failure, but as my life could be in some irrresponsible morons hands D&A testing doesn't bother me.

Get them out, thats what we say

20th Feb 2004, 20:39

Just chew a gum before each flight:p
Thought you went with your Miss to somewhere very warm with free margaritas:E
Not left yet?
