View Full Version : Fuel Burn

13th Apr 2001, 06:10
Anyone got any idea how much the bigger planes burn when idling on the ground?

13th Apr 2001, 08:26
On my DC-8 it's about 20 lbs. per minute per engine.

15th Apr 2001, 00:35
I asked a question some time ago about fuelburn that wasn't answered. Mabye its time to take it up again?
What is the difference (cruise, pr hour,in %) in fuelburn in a normal airliner, if you compare fwd CG limit with aft?
Thanx in advance PC

15th Apr 2001, 18:07
737-300, idle power engines FF (Fuel Flow) about 0,3-0,4 tons per hour.

15th Apr 2001, 18:23
Another question on this - how much does it cost to do one round of a holding pattern in say a 737-400? I heard anywhere up to £4000. Is this true?

15th Apr 2001, 18:34
One hour flying our 737`s costs about 5000 pounds.
So, one holding pattern, or 6 minutes, would cost about 500 pounds.
But that`s including everything, if you would only look at the extra costs, variably, the costs would be much lower still.

16th Apr 2001, 00:46
The 737-400 burns about 35kg/min in the hold, so at 6mins/lap is about 200kgs. The cost depends on the price of fuel but as Static pointed out the total operating costs crank it up to about £500/hold.

A long taxi & holding point delay, say 25mins = about 300kgs in the 737-400.

Prize for the most accurate guess as to how much fuel is burnt LHR taxing and holding every day.

16th Apr 2001, 01:35
Probably about 50,000 kgs

Moonbeam Purple
16th Apr 2001, 04:48
B744F - Roughly 2.4T/Hr

Normal flightplan taxifuel is 800Kgs.


16th Apr 2001, 23:12

>>the difference (cruise, pr hour,in %) in fuelburn in a normal airliner, if you compare fwd CG limit with aft?<<

About 2%, give or take.