View Full Version : Ferry sectors

Oldie Volvo
12th Apr 2001, 00:53
Its that time of the year again - full out and empty back.

Medium jet - normal Vref around 130 kts. At
very lightweights, Vref anywhere between
115-120 kts. Some old hands use higher than
published Vref whilst utilising published
speeds for Flap schedule.

Any thoughts from you clever QFI types as to
whether a/c is more user friendly when adding
a few knots in such situations or total waste
of time ?

17th Apr 2001, 01:44
Cannot see any valid reason why anyone would not want to fly Vref plus the usual wind additives, irrespective of the weight, etc.


18th Apr 2001, 01:07
TOGA, V1, rotate, 25 degrees alpha - yeeeehaaaaa!

Oldie Volvo
19th Apr 2001, 12:11
You may find that aileron effectiveness is
somewhat reduced at slow speed depenedant
upon aircraft type - try it next time !

24th Apr 2001, 23:05
I agree!!
I remember an ocassion a couple of years ago, returning to Hong Kong from Japan with an ampty cargo B747-200, very, very light, the winds were from the north, over the hills, quite gusty they were as I remember, we were doing an approach to the IGS Rwy13, as we got close to the initial turning point of the IGS, doing approx. the correct approach, I noticed the pilot flying was having to use FULL aileron travel (thatīs with spoilers as well, on the ī74) and then wait for the roll to result, we sped up a little, as I remember it, it made me so much happier! I will always remember that, Vref plus some, when totally empty and windy, for me!!