View Full Version : JAR & FAR 25 Gust loadings

Genghis the Engineer
22nd Mar 2001, 17:55
I wonder if anybody understands this a bit better than I and can offer some advice...

I've been looking at the gust loading requirements in JAR-25 (and FAR-25 is pretty much the same).

I'm happy that I understand the use of a [1-cosine gust shape], and the use of a gust alleviation factor to correct this, given the aircraft characteristics, to an equivalent sharp-edged gust, thus allowing calculation of the normal loading increment.

But JAR-25 also includes some equations, which I've not seen in any other standard, involving "flight path alleviation" and "design gust velocity", which one seems to be expected to use in structural modelling.

Has anybody used these equations and is able to explain them to a relatively feeble minded Engineer like me.

The stuff I'm talking about is at http://www.jaa.nl/jar/jar/jar/jar.25.341.htm , paras 341(a)(4) and (a)(6)



[This message has been edited by Genghis the Engineer (edited 22 March 2001).]