View Full Version : A320 Trim on T/o

12th Oct 2003, 04:06

on flight sim earlier today I was set to fly EGGD (Bristol) to LCPH (Paphos, Cyprus), in the 'PSS A320'. I had 95% fuel in the wing tanks, and 35% in the centre tank.

The (MCDU?) was estimating about 2.2 remaining when I arrive in LCPH, so I had holding time if needed.

I was rolling 09 at EGGD, when it came to V1..Rotate, so I raised the nose, but the rest of the aircraft was still rolling along the ground. So I overshot 09, and crashed into a tree. I had flap 2 set and a stab of 1.7. Could you confirm whether it is the stab that needs changing please?


12th Oct 2003, 05:47
I don't know the solution, but I always have had the same problem. The IAE's are the more powerful engines and are better, although I think it will still overshoot!

Likely to be a software fault I would imagine.

12th Oct 2003, 05:52

Hrmm I did abit of editing with it. Changed them from IEA's to CFM's. Noticed thats what the airline uses that I was flying.

Thanks for reply.

14th Oct 2003, 02:30
The data you gave doesn't really help a lot.

What was your TOW?
Wind conditions?
Power setting?
RWY length at EGGD?

One's for sure, you're not having a trim problem, since you got the nose off the ground.

14th Oct 2003, 06:59

well the TOW was I think, 60.4 (but not 100% sure, does that sound about right?)

Wind conditions were calm, used FLX of 42 degrees and the EGGD dimensions are (m) 2011 x 46.

When I was returning back from LEPA on sunday (having the idea it might be the trim) I set the trim to be 2.5 and had no probs, but the runway being alot longer prob helped aswell! :)

15th Oct 2003, 14:46
Might be just me, but a FLEX of 42 on a 2000m RWY sounds awully low power...
How do you do your calculations?

15th Oct 2003, 22:05
That's odd.............

FLX42 sounds more like TOGA to me ;)

Roger miller.

16th Oct 2003, 01:40
but try using Config 3 and apu on i.e bleeds off then have another go..

Very crude but it should work!

16th Oct 2003, 18:38
Thanks for all the replys.

Unfortantly I don't have a proper way to achieve the flx temp. The dafault is set as 42 degrees, but this is no good on some runways ie EGGD.

Don't suppose there is a calculation you can do with the OAT etc? :confused:

may have a go with APU on, config 3 sometime ;)

16th Oct 2003, 22:49
Try using TOGA thrust with the same settings and this will tell you if it's the thrust that's the problem. Flex settings need to be taken from a chart, not plucked from the air!

17th Oct 2003, 21:56

I did a few test flights with the CFM's again earlier. I tried many different trim levels. Tried toga one time.

After a while I decided to try flap 3 and APU on. This worked until I had to set thrust to climb. Then I just stalled.

I also tried a single engine autoland on the ILS. I had fuel cross feed on, and the APU running, so the power was ok, but again stalled when I lowerd the gear.

In the end, I tried to takeoff with flap 2, stab of UP2.5. This worked, but left me with only a few meters of runway left ;)