View Full Version : Opera or IE? Your thoughts please.....

29th Sep 2003, 17:51
Hi all. What is the opinion of Opera against IE?

I am getting a little bit peed off with it at the moment and am thinking of going to Opera. The security issues from MS seem to appear all the time and mine is quite unstable. Just 5 min's ago when writing the original post for this, a warning came up saying "Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and has closed dowm etc, etc, etc.........."

Would I still be able to use Outlook Express for e-mails?

Anyhow, I am thinking of cutting my losses and going for it so any advice, thoughs etc will be appreciated.

henry crun
29th Sep 2003, 18:51
Why not ditch Outlook Express at the same time BRL ? and go to Eudora.

You will still have a reliable emailer without the problems associated with MS products.

29th Sep 2003, 19:33
Hi Henry. I do not know much about Eudora to be honest. If it comes with Opera and does the same job, i.e lets me check multiple e-mail accounts then I will go with it.

I just want to know if it is worth taking such a big step. :confused:

29th Sep 2003, 21:03
I would recommend Opera over IE every time. The Multiple document interface of Opera means that you can have email/several browser sessions all open in the same window. Its email has a slightly strange way of filing, but it can handle multiple accounts. When you get used to it, I feel it is better than OExpress and Eudora. Best of all about Opera, is that it is soooo damned fast !!

29th Sep 2003, 21:21
Agree with phnuff

Opera is my preferred browser on M$ platforms. However, I ought to point out that some sites make use of M$ specific "features" which makes them less through un- useable by other browsers. This is, of course, completely and utterly at odds with the fundamental principles of the web (but I'll leave that rant for another thread :rolleyes: )

Big win is it's dead easy to turn off popups if you don't want them (most of the time) and quickly turn them on for the odd site when you do :)

Opera sometimes have a tendency to roll new releases out just a little too quickly, so personally, I go for the last release of Version 6 for now.

HTH :ok:

Mac the Knife
29th Sep 2003, 21:30
Started using Opera a couple of days ago and trying to get used to it. Different but nice (as the actress said to the bishop).

Not convinced it's that much quicker and it costs money - still, there is a 35% discount if you get both the M$ and Linux versions, so I guess I'll go for it.

Not sure about the email though - I use Outlook 98 which I'm very used to and I need a scheduler - also it seems that Opera may be a bit flaky with Mailwasher which I have to have because of the huge volumes of span I get.

But anything really to strike a blow against the EVIL EMPIRE!

30th Sep 2003, 04:48
I like Opera but keep going back to IE because my mouse wheel does not work with Opera. Try without it sometime and it is sooo frustrating!

30th Sep 2003, 05:01
I am a great Opera fan. On my PC it is much, much faster than IE.

In fact I can open a page in IE, get frustrated at the wait, go to Opera, type in the URL and Opera will still get there before IE.

There are some pages with lots of cleverness that simply don't run in Opera (particularly swizzy .NET/Java Applet stuffy) so you need IE in reserve for them, but in 99% of cases Opera beats IE in every respect. It's not just the MDI, but the flexible navigation pane, the flexible searches, the wand...the list is endless...but above all, it either doesn't have the security holes of IE or (just as likely) the pathetic w@nkers who write worms and viruses don't aim at Opera cos it ain't so much fun.

As far as eMail goes, I'm actually quite happy with OE. It does everything I want and need, so I stick with it.


Naples Air Center, Inc.
30th Sep 2003, 08:44

You can make Opera your default internet browser and just use IE when Opera does not display the page properly. That way you get a solution that is best suited to your needs.

When it comes to email, I use Netscape 4.79 (http://download.com.com/3000-2354-7980579.html?tag=lst-0-1). It is a very good email client and it is so old that most viruses do not target it.

For the business we use Eudora Pro (http://www.eudora.com/email/), we have been using it since it was first released in the early 90s. It is an excellent email client for managing the 100s of emails the company gets a day.

My wife, for home use, really likes IncrediMail (http://www.incredimail.com/english/splash.html). It is a great program for sending fun emails.

Take Care,


30th Sep 2003, 11:34
I strongly recommend you avoid IE.

You can use either Opera or Mozilla:

http://www.mozilla.org/ or

It is not a big step at all. You do not have to un-install Internet Explorer. If you wish, you can return to Internet Explorer at any time by clicking on the icon.

Mozilla, from time to time, will require plug ins that are readily available from the website.

For reason that I do not like Internet Exlorer, go to to http://www.****microsoft.com/content/ms-hidden-files.shtml

The four stars hide what you want to do to your wife, girlfriend or boss...but it is worth reading.

I would also not recommend Outlook or Outlook Express, for the same reasons.

30th Sep 2003, 15:35
what you want to do to your......boss I am my own boss, so what does that make me?



30th Sep 2003, 20:49
my mouse wheel does not work with Opera
I am a bit surprised by that as I use both Opera and my mouse wheel on a daily basis. What version of Opera have you installed ?

30th Sep 2003, 23:22
Hi all. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question here, much appreciated.

I am going to download the free V.7 and try that for a week or two and if I am happy with it I will buy it.

I have just discovered a trojan horse on my computer. Would I still get them and other viruses using Opera?

Thanks again,

1st Oct 2003, 00:13
Bit late in on this, but another thumbs-up for Opera, for all the reasons given above.
It takes a little getting used to, but once the effort is put in it really shows up IE to be the slow & crude bug-ridden POS it is.
I can't live without Opera's Mouse Gestures now. :)

1st Oct 2003, 04:42

I am using Opera version7.01 and try as I have I can not get the mouse wheel to work with it. I'd appreciate any suggestions I could try.

1st Oct 2003, 05:31

Does your mouse wheel work with other software (IE or other)

I had a look at the Opera support pages and found a rather cryptic parameter that might help.

"YNPStickInstalledOverride" to be added in the Opera6.ini file in the [user preferences] section.

This requires that your can find the file and use a text editor (Notepad or Wordpad will do).

I'm not sure if this can help, but at least it seems to be inoccuous (sp?) in my case.

Insert "YNPStickInstalledOverride=0" (one line) at the end of the [user preferences] section of the file. Don't know what values are appropriate (would try 0 & 1).

see http://www.opera.com/support/usingopera/operaini/ ( [url) for more details

Good luck

1st Oct 2003, 16:34

Thanks for the info...I'll give it a go.
The mouse wheel works with everything else satis.

1st Oct 2003, 19:05

Maybe you should look at this first : I found out that the mouse wheel in Opera works only if the cursor is in the web page and NOT in the various toolbars.

2nd Oct 2003, 16:34
I like Opera but keep going back to IE because my mouse wheel does not work with Opera. Try without it sometime and it is sooo frustrating!

What versions of stuff are you using 'cos mine works fine with wheel. I am XP (Home) with Opera 7.11

I found out that the mouse wheel in Opera works only if the cursor is in the web page and NOT in the various toolbars.

Which is exactly the same as the IE 5 that I am curretnyl using (at work)

2nd Oct 2003, 17:00
W98 Opera 7.1

I tried adding the extra line to the ini file and it made no difference.
I used the earlier version of Opera and it was the same, the mouse wheel did not work.
This is a free unregistered version of Opera....would this make a difference?

3rd Oct 2003, 02:27
Thank you guys for discussing Opera! I downloaded it last night and have been using it continuosly during the day. I love it!!

It's quick, having multiple web-sites open and just clicking on the tabs to access them is superb and the e-mail client is great as well. I've put all my accounts onto it.

It's terrible the way MS have so cornered the market that the vast majority of people are unaware of alternative browsers.

Is this ease of use par for the course for mac users?!

3rd Oct 2003, 02:37
Is there much difference between the pay version and the free version then..??? :confused:

3rd Oct 2003, 04:35
I have it now and it will take a while to get used to...!!
My mouse wheel works ok too..(MS Intellimouse Explorer-USB-the one with the light underneath....) :ok:

3rd Oct 2003, 04:54
Is there much difference between the pay version and the free version then..???

No, just some advertising in the top right corner of the main window.

3rd Oct 2003, 05:23

Registered or not should make no difference, except for ads.

I'm sorry I' afraid I won't be able to help you more than that

Maybe you should try and take a look at the Opera forums (http://my.opera.com/forums/) I tried a search for mouse wheel and there seems to be some stuff, for instance : http://my.opera.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=24970&highlight=mouse+wheel

3rd Oct 2003, 05:48
In the payware version the ad's dissapear and you also get access to the premium operamail account.

I'm thinking of buying it, just to support them. I like the idea of the small fish taking on the Microsoft big shark! Especially whne the product is so good!

3rd Oct 2003, 16:34
Mine is the free version and my mouse wheel is absolutely fine...works exactly as I would expect in every regard.


4th Oct 2003, 22:00
Well, I have had it for a day or so now and I am pretty impressed. Its got loads of nice little features that are quite handy.

I am having problems though with the e-mail bit. Trying to configure it is a bit tricky. I have imported all my OE stuff to two accounts but they are no-where to be seen. :confused:

Overall its quite good and I don't even mind the banner ad thingy at the top that suggests searches. I will still buy it though, give them a bit of support. :ok:

5th Oct 2003, 03:31
I've tried various Opera versions over the past 2 or 3 years, but always found an issue or two I've been unhappy with, and returned to IE.

I've just installed 7.2 tonight, and first impressions are very positive. I'm going to give it another go, and hope to stick with it.

Echo the other posters, it's good to see the little guy win!

5th Oct 2003, 05:44
Well, I did buy it yesterday and I'm glad I did. I also downloaded a load of skins so I can change the look of it, I have a nice Mac OSX Jaguar look at the moment!

I somehow managed to set up the e-mail without any problem and it's my favourite bit, it's great to use and you can keep it running beside your web page that you're looking at. I also got the Operamail set up. It;s like yahoo or Hotmail but you are almost guaranteed to have your full name available and have to add numbers etc like the others. So my e-mail is [email protected]. And I added that to the e-mail in the Opera browser.

I imported my favourites from IE.

Sorry Microsoft but IE and OE are now off my desktop!

5th Oct 2003, 06:00
I have just tried to suss out exactly how the e-mail bit works, it's either me or its late or something but I just can't get my head around it right now. I will have a crack at it over the next few days.
The thing I like about it is the way you can run it next to your open web page(s) but you can also do that with OE open too.

I am also wondering if I leave it on 'check for mail every 5 mins' then will it do that even if I am not looking at it?

I have mailwasher at the moment and run that then my OE opens up. I look through and turn it off but is the opera mail setting to check for mail still on in the background...? :confused:

5th Oct 2003, 19:10
Feeling a bit dim today so its silly question time. :ugh:

Does Zone Alarm Pro and Spybot still work with Opera..?

5th Oct 2003, 19:43
Sorry BRL, I can't answer that, I don't use those programs, I'm just a basic PC user.

The e-mail will check every 5 mins even if you're not looking at it though.

5th Oct 2003, 22:33
Zone Alarm works as it operates at the EXE level (ie it will ask you once if Opera is allowed access to the internet, if you say "yes" and "remember" it will then allow Opera through thereafter.)

SpyBot will also work, as it is independent of IE, but you should find that Spybot has much less to do as most spyware targets weaknesses specific to IE and the question doesn't arise in Opera.


11th Oct 2003, 05:14
I use Mozilla on Windows and Linux.
I have a problem when using Mozilla under Windows though.
I cant view "javascript generated" windows, i.e. those that pop up in response to a so called javascript function.
Under Windows they do fine only if I use IE, under Linux they do fine with Mozilla.

edited to eliminate typos and useless mumbo-jumbo... :=

11th Oct 2003, 23:45
I use Netscape 6.2.3. It is based on Mozilla/5 and Gecko. It's interface is more like IE than earlier Netscapes.

If you also have IE on the machine, an entry in the NS "bookmarks" list takes you to your IE "favorites", so you don't have to move them, and even the latest additionas to your IE "favorties" are available fropm NS 6.

As others have said, a few web sites only work right w/ IE, so you have to keep iut around.

NS6 works with Pop-Up Stopper and ZoneAlarm.

12th Oct 2003, 15:52
OK, i downloaded Opera 7.2 last night. Very impressed, but I seem to be having some javascript problems - e.g. with http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/aviation the drop-down menus do not appear (edit: that link isn't quite right - you need to log in before the menus appear). The site says that javascript must be enabled for them to work, Opera preferences (F12) says it is and nothing appears on the javascript console ... but no drop down menu. Likewise on the BBC website I cannot listen to the radio with Opera. The window opens but nothing happens. Both work fine on IE6.0.

Any ideas? Probably an option i've missed somewhere, but... :confused:

12th Oct 2003, 18:04
Hi Ev. Some pages wont work for me although I am still a bit of an Opera virgin so can't really help you here.

Whilst I am here though, it wont log into BT/Yahoo, this being the reason The browser you're using refuses to sign in. (cookies rejected) :confused: :confused:

13th Oct 2003, 04:43
You can set up the way Opera handles cookies in
File/Preferences/Privacy (almost at the bottom)

13th Oct 2003, 08:01
Cheers Bre'. I think the cookie settings go awol when I log off and then back on with my other pprune i.d.
I had a similar problem a few days ago and tweaked it back and the same happened today. I went and looked and its all sorted now. It seems for some reason to reset them if I log off.

13th Oct 2003, 10:39
Would this have anything to do with the ad-blocking feature in Opera? If Opera disables java as part of its ad-blocking process, some pages or parts of pages that legitimately use java won't work.


13th Oct 2003, 14:38
Would this have anything to do with the ad-blocking feature in Opera? If Opera disables java as part of its ad-blocking process, some pages or parts of pages that legitimately use java won't work.

That's what I wondered - but turning pop-up blocking off didn't help. :confused: To my surprise though my online bank works fine with ad blocking on, despite popping windows up all over the place. Most of the time it seems to do a good job of only blocking the real ads, just a couple of niggles...

13th Oct 2003, 17:45
Ev', I can log into the met office site and navigate it with no problem at all. Exactly what page are you having the problems with??

13th Oct 2003, 20:09
In IE6.0, once you log in there are four drop down menus at the top of the page called "British Isles, Europe, Global, Help and information". When I log in on Opera 7.2 they aren't there. I can still access all the info from the main page, it's just much easier to navigate with the drop-downs.

At the bottom, it says "Javascript must be enabled to use the drop-down menus". As far as I can tell it is enabled, but some other option somewhere must be blocking it?

13th Oct 2003, 22:10
Your right, they are not there at all. :confused: No idea why.... Java works on mine ok on some sites but not others, this must be one of the others.

PPRuNe Towers
14th Oct 2003, 01:34

My whiskers started quivering when you mentioned the missing action buttons/menu items:sad: :sad:

Possibly a dead end but consider this: Something came up last week that might be of use. Had a whale of a day logiking (!!!) out why someone couldn't post despite being logged in on PPRuNe and across multiple browsers. There was no post button whichever browser he used!!

Turned out to be a tick box in some privacy/firewall software made by Norton. The box referred to pop ups but it stopped our block graphic reply button appearing throughout his raft of browsers. Might be worth investigating a little further away from your browser.

By the way, anyone who intensively PPRuNes without tabbed windows loading new pages while you read is wasting so much time it's unbelievable


Mac the Knife
14th Oct 2003, 04:39
Does Opera have it's own Java Runtime Engine?

I know that M$'s JRE differs from the approved Sun pureJava JRE (M$'s perversion of Java is the subject of a long running lawsuit)?

Could that be the source of the problem?

Java experts?

14th Oct 2003, 04:48
Opera 7.2 installs Sun's 1.3.1 JRE, so that's fine. Microsoft's JRE froze somewhere around 1.1.4 when Sun terminated the licence after MS tried to add Windows-only features.

BRL/Rob - BRL, thanks for checking, seems like we have the same problem. Opera's website says

If, despite this, JavaScript does not appear to work properly in Opera, there are two possible reasons:

1. A bug in Opera or a feature which hasn't been implemented yet.

2. The site uses proprietary JavaScript extensions, and is written for specific browsers (usually Internet Explorer or Netscape 4).

I've tried turning every privacy option I can find off, with no luck. I'm guessing it's down to Opera and not just me fiddling with the options and b*ggering it up, but no idea if it is 1 or 2. I'll email the Met office and see if they've got any ideas (at least, any that they'll admit to me). It's a very minor irritation, and i'm impressed enough with the browser to spend my 20 euros :ok:

a little later, Evo wrote...

ok, it is a Javascript problem - after playing with the options a console pops up saying

Javascript URL thread: "javascript:StepFwd();"
name: TypeError
message: Statement on line 64: Expression evaluated to null or undefined and is not convertible to Object: document.fraOne.Animation
Line 64 of linked script http://secure.metoffice.com/lib/scripts/hisanim.js
document.fraOne.Animation.src = theImages[ImageNum].src;
In unknown script

at least I know what it is... :rolleyes: :8

14th Oct 2003, 05:02
:ooh: :ooh: :ooh: Do tell, do tell(What you were looking at when the box popped up )........... :{

14th Oct 2003, 05:02
Well, just to add some counter to the debate, I'm using IE 6.0.2800.1106 on Windows XP (SP1 updated) with Zone Alarm Pro, NAV2003 and Mailwasher Pro, and the whole caboodle works just fine on a broadband connection. It's never crashed or locked up, the AV and firewall have caught all viruses and potential hacks so far, and it's bloody quick - except with Pprune, but that's not my kit's fault! The only feature from Opera that I'd dearly love on IE is the tabbed multiple pages in a single window; otherwise my experience of Opera is OK but not wonderful.

Mac the Knife
17th Oct 2003, 02:43
Just stuck in Opera 7.21 for a try (Didn't much like the older versions) - verrrrrry nice indeed.

Fast as all be d@mned too (leaves IE in the dust).

So bought a double licence for Win and Linux (bye-bye Konqueror)

Make a better mousetrap.........

17th Oct 2003, 03:25
Ummm. I have been having heaps of problems with IE and I loaded Opera for about the fifth time to make sure I really didn't like it, and I don't.

I have now loaded Avant - www.avant.com - and it is lightening fast but it does have some drawbacks wich I am trying to get used to. But I have said goodbye to IE - I have just upgraded to 2600XP AMD and was bitterly disappointed. But now I am smiling again. I can use OE and it is bliss.

Richard was brill. Patiently monitored what I was doing. In the end it was obvious that IE has outgrown itself.

Mac the Knife
19th Oct 2003, 14:37
Well, I've been using the full (paid up) version of Opera 7.21 for 3 days now and I'm completely converted. It's just a better browser. It's faster, the tabbed pages are a pleasure and the mouse gestures are already almost instinctive. I like the interface, which is much more customisable then IE and is easy to live with. I probably won't use the email feature because I'm wedded to the PIM in Outlook 98 but I can see that it would work well.

It has it's little quirks and a couple of smaller features that I miss, but they are pretty minor in contrast to the advantages.

I'll stuff it in the Linux box (Konqueror's absence of word-wrap is too annoying - how could they have missed that?) but have no reason to suspect that it won't look and behave pretty identically.

20th Oct 2003, 21:57
The only way to go:ok:
Got both the browser and the email and am very chuffed. Tried Opera a coupl of times but am staying with Mozilla now

20th Oct 2003, 22:21

So, what are the advantages of Mozilla over Opera?


21st Oct 2003, 00:36
I must admit that, having tried both Opera and Mozilla on a number of platforms, Mozilla remains my first choice.
No particular reasons though, perhaps the appearance. Or a feature (extra from XULdownloads) that lets you modify the user-agent specs as though you were a Mac PowerPC with IE5 or a Linux box with NS4 instead of say a Windows 2000 with Mozilla, but i reckon there's no real use in it anyway.
So I say it's just personal taste, as far as I am concerned. I like Mozilla because of its streamlined appearance, it fires up quickly (even in Windows XP) , has very customisable privacy settings and pop-up killer options and is absolutely free and well-maintained by competent people.
And it does boast the multiple tab feature :ok:
Just my 2p worth,


21st Oct 2003, 22:11
Does anyone know how to get First Direct working in Opera,?

I can look around as a guest but not log-in :confused:

21st Oct 2003, 22:19

I tried Opera, Avant and all sorts of other products and in the end always returned to IE as they had some bug/problem within them.

Having said that, I now use (and have done so for over a month - longer than the above) Slimbrowser by flashpeak at http://www.flashpeak.com/ and have no complaints so far.


22nd Oct 2003, 03:37
I've been using Mozilla for the past several years, and like it. Never tried Opera - has anyone any comparison opinion on Opera vs Mozilla latest versions?

I keep MSIE for those websites that won't work with a "generic" browser, like the AIS and Met Office sites.

Mozilla does everything I can think of that I want in a browser/mailer package. What I particularly like is that it knows to use my spamcop.net address when posting to newsgroups, so I don't get my primary e-mail address harvested by the spammers. That's a neat feature.

I can also switch addresses after I've written an e-mail - it offers all the ones I have set up in Mozilla to pick from.

22nd Oct 2003, 03:55
All I can say is that it does everything I want it to do without to many questionmarks????????????
Drag and drop function is easy. Man everything Ive ever wanted from a browser is there. Its just wow!
I dont have to go to anysites to ask silly questions. I try somthing thinking that itll never do that and it does that. easypeasey.just like that.
No krap....just FUNCTIONALITY
Thats what we want isnt it?
try it for yourself. Yes its only version blah blah ie. young but it works.
nuff said: Im happy

Mac the Knife
22nd Oct 2003, 23:36
Hmmm. 4g - ya got me!

Now using Mozilla Firebird 0.7 (browser only) and you're quite right.

Lean and mean and very quick.

Think I'll stick with it.