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View Full Version : Airline Graduate Engineering Schemes/ Graduate Positions

3g Pullup
5th Dec 2000, 00:22
Hi guys...

I'm hoping that you may be able to help me. I graduated with an aeronautical engineering degree 2 years ago, and although my primary interest is in getting into the pilot side of aviation, I've decided that I really need to consider the alternatives to this aspiration, should it all go Pete Tong.

Currently, I have a very good job which is tied into aviation, but I really want to get into the airline/aircraft side of things, for example BA Engineering or some other airline engineering firm. I am aware that BA(Eng) have a graduate engineering programme (although I can't find any information on it since they've re-vamped their recruitment site!).

I was hoping if any of you could point me in the right direction of such a scheme (not neccessarily BA(Eng)). If such schemes are now non-existent, am I best registering my interest with the airlines themselves or with a speacialist recruitment agency? If so, which one would you suggest?!

Many TIA for any advise!


PS: I NOT giving up on #1 just yet!!!

Genghis the Engineer
5th Dec 2000, 14:44
More military than airline aviation, but you could do worse than look at both BAe and DERA, they both have well structured graduate training systems and employ a lot of Aero-Engineers.

I came through the MoD (now DERA) graduate engineer system about 10 years ago and the quality of training and opportunities was fantastic.