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View Full Version : Lego aircraft (fixed and rotary)

Genghis the Engineer
11th Sep 2003, 19:46
Looking it up in an idle moment, after a conversation with Whirly who was looking for a cheap helicopter teaching model, I found...

THIS (http://shop.lego.com/product.asp?prod_id=4403)

Just thought that it was worth mentioning,


http://cache.lego.com/images/shop/Products/TYPE10/LEGO-US-2057/Set384x288us004403.jpg http://cache.lego.com/images/shop/Products/TYPE07/LEGO-US-2057/Alt384x288us004403.jpg

Fly Stimulator
11th Sep 2003, 21:51
Better make these C of A or BMAA - sounds like the PFA could do without any more complications at the moment ;)

Papa Charlie
12th Sep 2003, 00:54
They'll never fly.....

13th Sep 2003, 07:32
Lego model 8856 - it has a proper cyclic!

Been there, built the helicopter. :)

Check ebay.