View Full Version : Isle of Gigha

10th Sep 2003, 01:18
Thinking of doing a weekend trip to the Isle of Gigha, just a little treat for Mrs Holdposition (and me with any luck!!):O Never flown up west side of Scotland before, infact never been past Carlisle! Reading up on it seems that the field is ok and they do seem to welcome you with open arms (no doubt as long as you bring your wallet). Obviously will depend on weather (non imc) so a late cancellation might have to be made, anyone any thoughts on this or indeed been there, would appreciate any help etc., cheers.

I. M. Esperto
10th Sep 2003, 01:46

Never been there myself, but it looks gorgeous.

Not far from the Isle of Mull, where Braveheart was flmed.

Good luck.

10th Sep 2003, 02:20
Flew over it a couple of years ago, and took pix of it from above.

Not for the faint hearted: the runway markers seem to be large white rocks placed in strategic positions.

Fabulous part of the world, and after a careful briefing and survey from overhead, I'm sure it would be a delight.

Spiney Norman
10th Sep 2003, 03:57
Last went there a couple of years ago. Nice strip that slopes uphill from 25 threshold westward with a steeper slope at the 07 end. The grass is cut fairly regularly but is generally fairly long. Look out for the shallow ditch with rocks in it that front the parking area near the road up to the Gigha Hotel! If you're staying at the Hotel there is a discount on the landing fee. The Hotel usually ask you to orbit the Hotel itself and then they'll drive down and pick you up, you could walk but it's a bit of a haul with any bags, (about 15 mins). Gigha is a beautiful little island and it's really well worth a visit. I well remember hiring a bike and cycling down to the strip for a days flying, just propping the bike against the stone wall at the end of the strip and returning later to cycle back to the hotel for a pint in the evening, magic!

Spiney :ok:

15th Sep 2003, 17:57
Thanks for all the words, however, after speaking to Gigha a couple of times have decided that the field is not in the best condition so will give it a miss. Maybe next year, will still be going that way (as Mrs Holdposition has got wind of things:)) so if anyone can give any idea's of suitable places etc (maybe Oban/ Glenforsa etc) would greatly appreciate it, have planned it for this weekend 20-21/09, so fingers crossed for the weather!!

Spiney Norman
15th Sep 2003, 19:06
Hi Holdposition.
Shame to hear that Gigha strip is not in as good condition as it was. There was a change of ownership of the entire Island to a trust a short time ago and it may well be that the Islanders haven't quite got up to speed yet with aeronautical matters! Here's a brief summary of the local airfields....
OBAN. Very friendly airfield run by Paul Keegan who is a bit of an aviation legend these days. Avgas available and there used to be a hose so you could get rid of the salt after landing on the beach at Barra! Quite a few visiting aircraft here. I've never been into the town, which is a short taxi ride away.
MULL/GLENFORSA. Beautifully situated grass strip with the mountains on one side and the Sound of Mull on the other. The strip was built by the Royal Engineers some time ago and is in pretty good condition but I'd land on the South side as the other tends to get water logged after rain. Personally I'd rather hire a car or get a taxi and stay in Tobermory, the island capital!!. There are whale watching trips and boats to the Treshnish Isles available, (Fingal's Caves if you're into classical music). I should say that these trips aren't available from Tobermory so a hire car is really a good idea.
TIREE. Wild and windy with not a lot to see but the firemen are a friendly bunch, they made me a cup of tea which always buy's my gratitude!
BARRA. Landing on the beach. Haven't been I'm afraid, have only flown over. I've often been tempted but never fancied the salt water effect on my lovely old aeroplane.
BENBECULA. You're getting to the edge of the world here! Generally flat and not alot to see. The best hotel is probably the Dark Isle which is a taxi ride from the airport but gets alot of tourists in the season. The thing with Islands like North Uist, Tiree etc is really the light and the wildness of sea and sky, so get out and walk! some people love it some don't.
Once I get started on these places I could go on and on cos I love them but I'll shut up now. There's also...Plockton, Broadford, Islay, Campbelltown, Bute, Stornoway, etc... If you like that sort of thing there's hours of planning you can do but the main one is to plan where you'll get AVGAS!


15th Sep 2003, 21:45
Oban is a "Must" - every pilot should go there, if only to enjoy the welcome and the atmosphere.

Tiree is amazing. I think it's called Tiree as an anagram of 1 Tree - if there's even one tree there. Firemen are good fun, but there's nowt on the island but the terminal building, the airport fire station, and some crofts.

The place I really fell in love with was Islay. Not just the whisky factor, but the hotel, food, view, air, etc. Must go back to Bowmore...

15th Sep 2003, 23:39
Agree 100% about visiting Paul

Just do it before HIAL get there hands on the airfield.

There is a none standard call what you want in your coffee on the down wind but the place is sound.

I would recommend a night out in Oban its got some of the best sea food eating houses about and the chip shops would put most resurants to shame in England.

And the accident and Emergency dept at Oban hosptial I have visited with sick divers way to often. The whole place is great go and visit it!!!


Spiney Norman
16th Sep 2003, 13:15
MJ. So HIAL might be getting their hands on Oban? That would be outrageous of the local council after the way Paul has turned the place around. I'd hope this won't happen on the grounds that I can't see any real future for commercial services to Oban, but only because putting in any kind of instrument approach would be pretty much impossible I guess. Are there local rumours then?
