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3rd Sep 2003, 21:54
You'll know who I am refering to if you were the pilot in question which I spoke to last week

Lets just say three headings, a cunning plan(it was really!) and an indecisive female!:D

At least you found it amusing which made it much easier.

Sorry for that and thanks again.:ok:

4th Sep 2003, 01:34
I get given confusing headings and instructions from women all the time....

"Go there, go here, no there, get this, get that, not now, yes now, hurry up, slow down......"

I just can't ever seem to get anything right...but she never apologizes like you have, maybe you could talk to her for me?!


Scott Voigt
4th Sep 2003, 05:03
Yeah but how about the ones who continually nag for direct somewhere. You try to comply but they don't like it when you tell them they can go directly to hell <G>...


4th Sep 2003, 05:05
Surely you must have got the hang of Essex Radar by now, blondie? :p :D

4th Sep 2003, 05:10
oh dear

apologising to pilots?????
tsk tsk!!! ;-)


4th Sep 2003, 06:21
LostThePicture- You would've thought I'd got the hang of it by now.:} I have really but shhhh! don't tell anybody. ;)

As for apologising, I'm just a very nice person, what more can I say.:p

4th Sep 2003, 09:40
Entertain them with...."standby for direct" you will be amazed as they listen out for the next 20 minutes assuming that you will give them direct.

Truth is, I was never going to give it but enjoyed the captive audience!!!!!

If they don't give discount, they don't get direct...call me hard and I will certainly take no prisoners.....this is the way it is in the Bronx of Aviation......


4th Sep 2003, 20:26
Sorry B. I kept forgetting that favour you asked!! Memory of a goldfish and all!

Still, keep at it my little chick, you're getting there!