View Full Version : Looking for info on Cape Town control centre???Good,Bad or Ugly?

29th Aug 2003, 00:45
Anybody have any info on Cape town control centre?
Have you had personal experience of it?
What would a general view of Cape Town be??

11th Sep 2003, 14:49

Don't have any info on Cape Town centre, but a friend of my father's (who hails from Durban, SA) informs me that Cape Town itself is probably one of the nicest places to go in South Africa. He also states that although there are some social problems, it would be nothing on the scale of Jo'burg for example.
In fact, he drew many comparisons between Cape Town and Dublin, except of course that the surrounding countryside in Cape' is supposed to be breath-taking!

When you're heading out there, treat it like you would any other stange city: a healthy measure of respect and care until you get to know the lie-of-the-land!

Good luck with the Rating! ;) :cool: