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View Full Version : cockpit intercom and standard call out

25th Aug 2003, 16:52
hi gentlemen
me the young chinese 738 F/O again
i am gona go to boeing to do a custmer's flight with the test pilots of boeing. But in my everyday flight i was useing chinese to do the intercom with my CAPT, so dose the standard call out. i do have a training manul of boeing which gives me some about the english call out, but that is not enough. beside this, my friend told me that the call out is quite diffrent in diffrent country. such as
the "N1,flapup speed" they caling "N1 BUG UP"
the "1000' to level off" they calling " 1 to go"
i am bit worry about this and wana do some prepare to improve this.
i was wondering whether any gentlemen here can give me some information in english about the cockpit intercom, the standard call out and the check list challenge and respons. aprriciate in advance!

26th Aug 2003, 08:43
Call-outs are different at different airlines. Each airline has their own "taylored" flight manual and training program approved by the aviation authorities.

For example, my airline doesn't say "One to Go," or "A Thousand To Go," but "Flight Level three-six zero for Flight Level three seven zero," etc....

We don't say: "Postive Rate, Gear Up," but "Positive Climb, Gear Up."

We call out: "Two Hundred Above Minimums, One Hundred Above Minimums, Minimums..." in IMC conditions. But in VFR conditions we don't make those call outs."

We always call out: "Out Of 10,000 Feet AGL." Some carriers make that call out of 10,000 Feet MSL.

Some airlines call "power levers" "thrust levers."

Some airlines set altimeters to QFE, some set them to QNH.

Different airline cultures, different phraseologies. :cool: