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View Full Version : Aircraft noise characteristics.

22nd Aug 2003, 20:12
hi there. I am an Approach controller in SA and I am busy researching noise abatement. Aircraft are put in 3 different noise categories. Anyone know where I can find a list of these categories, and if possible which aircraft type fits in which./ I have been told that each aircraft will have the category/phase in there manual but surely someone has collected this info and compiled a list. any help will be appreciated.

23rd Aug 2003, 08:20
Have you tried contacting the CAA at Gatwick? There are several Noise Monitoring Units around the country and I suspect they will all send information to the CAA.

You could start by trying this web-site:UK CAA (http://www.caa.co.uk/)

I found
This (http://search.caa.co.uk/query.html?charset=iso-8859-1&ht=0&qp=&qt=aircraft+noise&submit1=+search+&qs=&col=aandocs&col=caaws&qc=&pw=555px&ws=1&la=en&qm=0&st=1&nh=10&lk=1&rf=0&oq=&rq=0&si=0) through the search function!

Best of Luck,


25th Aug 2003, 20:50
I will be happy to answer any questions you have.

Every airport has a different way of "catagorizing" aircraft for noise. :ok:

26th Aug 2003, 01:51
Check out this FAA directive...

Mind you though, it has a list of about 100 pages with aircraft types and the 'stage' they have..


Good luck!!


26th Aug 2003, 23:48
Thanks for the great link, you have saved me a lot a work.
Thanks again.

27th Aug 2003, 21:44
I responded to your private mssg with that link. Did you not get it? :sad:

1st Sep 2003, 23:24
thanks 747, i didn't check my private messages till today, but thanks for the help.