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-   -   More resignations at easyJet... (https://www.pprune.org/airlines-airports-routes/93200-more-resignations-easyjet.html)

Breeze Block 26th Jun 2003 06:23

BTB, the tw*ts you refer to are the people who pay your wages! There are obviously some problems that your management need to resolve, but please don't always expect your salary contributors to be sympathetic.

Anyone in the service industry will tell you what a pain it is dealing with customers. It's reality! And, I'm sure that someone, somewhere, must have thought what a pain in the a*rse we all are at some time.

Chill out. We're all in the same boat.

kenoco 26th Jun 2003 07:21

You people have a saying in England"You pay peanuts,you get monkeys".

Final 3 Greens 30th Jun 2003 01:51


Your comments are highly intemperate and offensive to me.

during my cruise pa explained that they they had had a long tiring day
Customers perception are reality and if No Sponsor and others felt they were asked to clean the aeroplane, then they were. Frankly, why should your customers care about whether your crew had worked a long day? They are paying for a service and it's irrelevant to them, although I do appreciate your concern for your team.

I have heard a similar PA many times and have taken no offence, but there you go.

However, all the 'great unwashed' pay your employers, who in turn pay you and tour crew. If enough FD/CC annoy enough passengers, then they will find alternatives and your employers business will be impacted.

It may seem that the LCA sector is invulnerable presently, but those of us who have been in business for years know that success can be a tranisent experience.

BTW, it's not just the older pax who sometines don't like the way they are treated. My 8 year old son calls easyJet 'rubbishJet' and loathes the airline.

Why? Because the first time we used easyJet a few years ago, on the return leg, our flight was cancelled after we checked in and we were literally left to sort ourselves out. Fortunately British Midland had some seats left and I had a credit card. But some of our luggage was never returned, including the case containing my son's favourite toy.

Young enemies have long memories.

sparkymarky 1st Jul 2003 03:33

BTB might have put the case rather indelicately but I do think he has a point (and I speak purely as a passenger).

I never have a problem with being asked to help keep the aircraft tidy and CLEAN - whether it be Ryanair shorthaul or BA to Africa.

I'm often staggered by the sheer ignorance of many passengers who simply dump refuse all around themselves. They may be happy sitting in the middle of it but I'm not!

And we are not just talking budget airlines to the Costas. The business class sections on the GLA red-eyes to LHR sometimes look like the aftermath of the newpaper origami World Championships.

It's not just an airline problem, it's a societal one. We are living in a country populated by a lot of ignorant, rude, selfish people - many of whom couldn't spell 'self respect' yet alone show any.

Gypsy 1st Jul 2003 13:52

Mad Max. To quote from your post a few days ago -

"Ah now, let's see what we have here. A couple of peeps doing the mischief-making, a few other disaffected souls spreading misinformation/scurrilous scuttle-butt along with a balance of replies from the customers."

However later in that article, your reporting of the circumstances surrounding the 2 RFM's leaving does itself seem to be scurrilous and mischievious misinformation. You suggest that they went as their positons were scrubbed - so are you suggesting that the 2 were being made redundant in the recent purge?

I need your help Max because I'm just having trouble matching your post with other information in the company particularly a notice from VHP dated 12th June concerning flight ops management restructuring. With our open culture we don't want anything but the truth do we.

HackneyedHarry 2nd Jul 2003 04:53

A little advice for my friend Mad McMax:

I've known you for fair amount of time now and have regarded you as a friend in the past but I'm afraid to say you've finally lost the 'big picture' ( and the plot or crossed the line ) and I can longer sup from the same lsd bowl that is your desire. Promote EJ for all your might but don't lie and defame as you climb the ladder as it will most surely come back to haunt you both in your career and as an individual but more importantly it will hurt the company we have put so much time and effort into over the last five to six years.
You and I know that the two men in question were never going to be demoted, it was you. Indeed one of them had been made the acting FOM the day before he resigned. I had hoped that you were a man of higher beliefs and of a decent moral standing but I stand corrected and embarrassed. I am in no doubt that your new found credentials in the art of deceit and outright bull****ting ( please excuse the simplicity ) will be embraced by whats left of the EJ manangement but please do remember it's difficult to manage a workforce that has your number and that has little or no respect. As the remaining RFM show some courage and mettle, that is so lacking in easyland at present, and begin to try and correct what you and I know are the fundamental problems that belign EJ. You've made a major blunder and may I politely suggest you apologise to the gentlemen concerned forthwith or this will turn into your watergate.

Good luck to us all in EJ because it looks like we're going to need it;
the only RFM left wears leather trousers... Ah yes the road to success......

As Ever Harry:suspect:

Gypsy 5th Jul 2003 04:56

Well I think the lack of response from Max says it all.

Bobby Z 5th Jul 2003 09:59

What does amuse me is that the last time EZY were looking for
crewing / rostering staff myself and 4 others who were made redundant at the time applied for jobs at the big orange. 3 of us had even been on the bloody AIMS training course, 1 of us had been with AIMS pretty much since its incarnation !!
Aparently our applications got erm lost in the internal e-mail system ! A now collegue of mine who had the misfortune of spending a few months in toytown later told me that a certain Crewing head honcho doesnt like to employ anyone that me be able to do her job better.........................sad !

Don't expect (as we have heard) the c.v.'s will be rolling in again this time round !!

Not bitter, just a bit confused !


Priscilla Moonbeam 5th Jul 2003 18:23

Hello boys and girls,

Hope you don't mind a visit from someone who is not a pilot - although I did used to do quite a bit of flying before I was made Acting Chief Tooth Fairy. Now it's all meetings and battling with the Unions ... (the real Chief Tooth Fairy has gone very fat and can't fly at the moment).

In between organising all the teeth collections last night I was catching up with what's been happening in Pprune. I always read the easyJet stuff because I and my fellow fairies are always glad to see an orange tail fin in the night - we know we won't get run over, all of you being such excellent aviators (my compliments to the Training Dept).

I can see that being Acting Chief Tooth Fairy is obviously not half as much fun as being an RFM or an AFOM. Are there any more of these jobs about? Do you have to have an ATPL or would my thousands of fairy flying hours give me an exemption here?

Anyway, to cut to the chase, as we are all busy people (lot's of fairies off sick at the moment so the rosters are all up the swanny) I just wanted to say that I was a little surprised at Hackneyed Harry's outburst and I'm not surprised that Mad Max hasn't dignified it with a response. If HH was one of my fairies I'd be calling him in for tea and biscuits. I can only presume that HH has made an error of judgement himself about something and is now regretting it.

Good luck with your new job Max and btw, all the fairies think you look dead cute in your leather trousers ;)

Priscilla Moonbeam
Acting Chief Tooth Fairy

Hap Hazard 6th Jul 2003 02:40

I thought that all these low cost operators were supposed to be well payed and FUN places to work......or at least thats what they told me when I attended one of their roadshows a couple of years ago

Gypsy 6th Jul 2003 04:57

Priscilla - you really are away with the fairies aren't you? Perhaps spending too much time smoking something dodgy.

HH seems to know what went on. Mad Max, who has become astonishingly quiet on this one now, was just a bit naughty with his post on 19/6/2003 and he knows it.

Edit - I think I made an error myself - having just read Priscilla's post again, I'm not so sure that Priscilla isn't just Max with a skirt on.

Priscilla Moonbeam 6th Jul 2003 05:21

Tut tut Hackneyed Harry, sorry I mean Gypsy - you obviously haven't realised that Tooth Fairies have a code of honour that prevents them from masquerading as someone else on Pprune.

We're not allowed to smoke either - it's bad for the teeth :}

Toodly pip,
Cills ....

Gypsy 6th Jul 2003 05:41

Nope - you're not doing very well today as you are wrong again old girl/chap. I'm definately not HH but I'm even more convinced that you're married to Max. Pretty quick of the mark with your second post for one so new to Pprune. Where's jmc man as well - another of your friends me thinks.

It would all be so simple if Max would just come back and put the record straight wouldn't it? Perhaps a little contrition even?

Mad Max 7th Jul 2003 04:34

The contents of my posts are factually accurate, end of story.

Hmm.....? I could elaborate on them, however that would be embarrassing for some people and I don't think that it would serve any good purpose.

Afraid I don't have much time these days for messing about on PPRuNe like I used to - informative forum that it is, sadly there is too much rubbish spouted to get too involved with it.

I don't DO "contrition" very well (especially if not culpable), but Passion....?? Now there's another thing! I'm still as passionately "up for it" as I was years ago and for that I am grateful. Like I said before I'm........."Still crazy after all these years!" (put your own tune to it).

Cheery Pie. Maximus Extremetis. :D :D :D

Fifty Above 7th Jul 2003 15:41

......so just to be absolutely sure we're not misunderstanding you Mad Max, the two RFM's management positions were redundant were they? You're absolutely sure about that? Because I'm going to ask one of them later, so if you've been telling porkie-pies I'm gonna have to tell everybody........

Gypsy 8th Jul 2003 14:04

Welcome back Max after your weekend with the fairies. I expect we're all getting a bit bored with this now so time to move on. On 19th June you wrote -

"Let's face facts, after the amalgamation of the two airlines, there were bound to be too many people employed to do all the necessary jobs so some would eventually have to go.

In respect of the departure of the two ex RFMs, well this is an interesting one - their positions were made redundant in a cabinet reshuffle which coincided almost exactly with their resignations. The fact that they are going to an airline with no aeroplanes (yet), that is starting up to operate from the HQ base of one of the most successful and aggressive low-cost operators in the world, is a brave move indeed! We wish them well, they are good blokes. The remaining RFM has now been appointed as temporary acting FOM and he's a good bloke too."

The disappointing bit is that in response to a thread with a potentially negative title for your company, your posting made the suggestion that there were too many people anyway and tied that with a hint that the 2 resignees jumped as they were going to be pushed. You know that this is not correct and that one of the 2 had been made Acting Flight Operations Manager a few days earlier, and that both resignations were positive career choices. Most companies would view 2 of their 3 Fleet Managers resigning to join a competitor as a bit of a blow.

I suppose this thread highlights the pitfalls of using pseudonyms for quasi management purposes. Anyway good luck with the new job. Regards to Priscilla and jmc-man but don't spend too much time talking with the fairies.

Mad Max 8th Jul 2003 17:41

Talking to the Fairies
I'm not the one who's sending emails to Fairies mate - think about it.........

Yours, Max. :D :D :D

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