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-   -   DURHAM TEES VALLEY AIRPORT - 4 (https://www.pprune.org/airlines-airports-routes/260239-durham-tees-valley-airport-4-a.html)

ConstantFlyer 21st Feb 2008 21:24

Was flying outbound on a trip from NCL on Tuesday around lunchtime when a Thomsonfly 757 diverted in from MME. Subsequent tannoy announcements told passengers to go to the front of the terminal for the coaches to take them to "Teesside" airport.

I then came back today on the Wizzair from Warsaw (which seemed about three quarters full), but was surprised to see "Teesside" again on the departure board and my boarding card. On landing, the cabin crew announcement welcomed us to "Derr-hamm Teesside airport".

Still some work to do, then, on the rebranding.

paarmo 21st Feb 2008 23:10

Why bother.

ryanair1 22nd Feb 2008 05:25

i love that response. So appropriate!!

onion 22nd Feb 2008 09:50

Yeah just don' say Teesside when your meant to say Durham Tees Valley and Durham Tees Valley when your meant to say Teesside when your in the USA. You'll get some funny looks and the comment that such an airport doesn't exist. Yet when you get it right they know where you mean. Generally I have found that those staff in American airports near a computer want the response of Durham Tees Valley and those no where near a computer want Teesside, it can be quite embarrassing when you get it wrong.

ryanair1 22nd Feb 2008 15:57

is it me or did that not make any sense at all?

like the earlier comment, why bother?

onion 22nd Feb 2008 17:20

Ryanair1 yes my comment maybe a little muddled, but I was supporting the idea that the re-branding of the airport was and is pointless. With regard to my earlier comment about the fog and management I think it was valid, as other post on here were talking about the fog.
If your moaning about pointless comments look no further than your last post, that was pointless.

Evileyes 23rd Feb 2008 22:06

Recent ground handling posts may be found in the Ground Handling Forum: http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=315045

jamier 24th Feb 2008 22:04

Whats with globesham? Delayed flight in tonight from Alicante, seems to be no flights tomorrow atleast before 18:00. With the aircraft sat on the ground all that time its racking up bills?

We need a decent outfit here thats going to run a full program and most importantly on time flights!

my uncle has just cancelled his flight with globesham and rebooked with ryanair for his flight to alicante.

sunshine79 24th Feb 2008 22:15

I was just about to post the same thing. It was delayed 2hr 45mins. Anyone know why? Im on the verge of changing my booking for next Sunday, and booking EZY from NCL, at least I know I'll be on time. I flew on GSM a couple of weeks ago, and I was delayed then. Why is it that the MME-ALC is always delayed on a Sunday?

paarmo 29th Feb 2008 12:49

DTV (or Teesside as we locals still call it ) has always followed the crowd and has often been late in responding to trends. As a result we now find ourselves with a shrinking customer base rapidly heading towards a large light industrial estate and housing estates.
What is needed is a new direction to put the airport in the public's vision and set trends rather than follow them.
The problem of course is finance and the measurement of returns on it.
Small scale investment in minor works can easily be recouped on very small passenger growth.Such small scale works for example a temperature gauge showing temperatures at the airport and current temperatures at the dozen or so foreign destinations which the airport connects to are gimmicky but have a huge revenue stream avaialble through advertising on the electronic boards used for it. After all everyone going to a warmer clime wants to know how much warmer it is than chilly Teesside. A live web cam on the web site showing flights arriving and passengers disembarking ( everyone and don't deny it loves looking a a web cam ). Live streaming on the website of approach radio. I think the CAA may dislike this but after all everyone who watching the aircraft around the airport is listening to a scanner which is not illegal and I think the CAA may not win any legal battle to dissuade airports from doing this.
There are many other areas which can be approached from a different angle and innovate but I fear that the Management has a sorry can't do attitude rather than the yes we can do attitude to push forward into the future and grow rather than shrink.
Just a few thoughts from an outsider.

groundhand 29th Feb 2008 13:45


Some interesting thoughts but how does this improve passenger numbers?

Temperatures of destinations = "huge" advertising revenues; err no, advertising revenues are aligned to exposure.

Web cam and streamed tower radio. Would this really inspire people who currently do not use DTV to go out and book a flight? Might be nice for the spotting brigade but I'm not sure that many people spend their lives watching web cams - maybe I'm wrong.

Invest yes:
DTV has to persude passengers who currently go ex NCL, DSA, LBA and HUY that DTV has something to offer; something over and above what's on offer elsewhere.

Maybe taking a hit on car park revenues (free or VERY cheap parking) would generate additional passengers and some of the cost being offset by addition dwell spend within the terminal; maybe some form of promotion linked to other leisure facilities in the Teesside area (food, fitness, sun cream etc.) that would be redeemable if flying from DTV.

Hitting the potential passengers before they make their flight choice not advertising to them oince they are within the terminal.

DTV would do well to go back to being MME, stop trying to link with Durham and getting out and talking to the industry and their potential customers.

onion 29th Feb 2008 14:49

Groundhand all what you say is right but the big thing missing here is that you have to give the airlines something as well to bring the routes in. Maybe something like no landing fees for an extended period (I know it happens already but im talking increasing the amount of time the offer is on for). We've seen it before that people will use a service, but it take time to build it up, especially at MME where the airport puts very little into advertising a route outside of the airport itself. Giving the airlines an incentive to stay just a little longer could of seen routes "take off". Other ideas could be the airport blocking routes that are doomed to fail from the start to protect the name of the airport. For example Gatwick 6 times a week was never going to work, where as a smaller aircraft twice a day is better suited. Or the Brussels that left to late in the morning and arrived back to late, I'm sure if that service left an hour earlier pax numbers would of been higher. I know there are other influences at work, but common sense seems not to exist in the higher managment at MME.

Paarmo scanners are illegal, it just something they don't generally enforce.

paarmo 29th Feb 2008 22:13

I think that onion and groundhand are sorry can't doers rather than yes we can do this.
The whole idea of innovation is to generate enthusiasm not only in passengers but first and foremost in the carriers to and from the airport. The cheap flight carriers are all innovators and belatedly the newly formed Tui and Mytravel/Thomas Cook conglomerates are starting also. The thing that stands out to these people is the ability and the wish to take on board new ideas. The idea of cheap car parking is very good but if the routes are not available to the passengers then the car park will stay empty.
As an aside the banner adverts on a moving LCD display can easily generate £25,000 per annum on a six advert one minute cycle. Airports are sexy and exciting places to advertise your company.
Web cams raise the profile of any business and hits are recorded worldwide with advertising revenue paying for it also.
Live streaming of approach radio is more problematic as it requires specific permission from the Secretary of State. No airport has ever applied for permission so it is unknown what the answer may be. However, any refusal can be challenged in various Courts and who knows in the present Information Free Society what the outcome may be. I am sure that commercial partners could be found to fund any applications and appeals because if it is successful then the sky is the limit for any radio streaming provider.
If you don't try something different you will be sitting in a car outside of a Tesco on this site in 10 years time.

onion 29th Feb 2008 23:11

Paarmo i'm not a sorry can't doer.
If you have read my post you will have noticed a few things. Firstly you mention enthusiasm from carriers, does my comment on extending the cheap landing fees not apply to this?
Secondly have you thought how much a court case would cost if an application for streaming of approach radio was turned down? Even if you won it would cost thousands.
The best way forward for MME now is investment in infrastructure airside coupled with a concerted effort from managment to target airlines that 1. Will provide sensible timetable, so you can actually fly to places like Gatwick, Dublin and Belfast do a days work and come back all on the same day. 2. Operate routes with a sensible sized aircraft, Ryanair is an example of a carrier not doing this (I know its not Ryanairs fault as they only operate one type of aircraft). Unfortunatley MME cannot at the moment provide enough pax for even a daily Dublin yet not so long ago when the aircraft was 50+ seats smaller they actually flew 10 services a week to Dublin (I know it went back to 7 eventually) but the point is now with Dublin bein less than daily people actually travel from LBA or NCL when they would normally of used MME. The figures on the Dublin support this. The ideal sized aircraft in my opinion for MME is between 70-110 seats.
The problem is that the managment at the airport haven't got a clue, I ve seen it first hand. They haven't invested in the place. Yes you may say that the terminal frontage has been changed etc but there has been very little real investment in the place. Alot of people including myself thought Peel would be good for the place, many said "I'll believe it when I see it" and so far these people are right. I'm very disappointed.
Unfortunatley the hard working and very proffessional staff at the airport are being lead by a small group of 'headless chickens' and no amount of LCD advertising screens, approach radio streams and webcams are going to sort that out.

CentreFix25 1st Mar 2008 09:19

Get real, MME are not going to go to court to get permission to broadcast approach radio!
Moving LDC display - how long is that going to take to pay for its self.
Cheap parking combined with cheap/Loco flights = not very much income for the airport.
Where will the money come from to subsidise, and attract airlines?

skyman771 1st Mar 2008 10:46


Unfortunatley the hard working and very proffessional staff at the airport are being lead by a small group of 'headless chickens'
It's not often that I agree with your postings but on this occasion you have hit the nail on the head. Until Peel direct what resource they have towards DTV and support it with a new management team who have the required experience and skills, rather than the current team of pathetic abject failures, then I'm at a loss as to how DTV can do anything to combat the serious competition that threatens to undemine what services that are on offer.
paarmo 100% for effort !, but nil% for practicality & I must question your information sources, and specifically their relevance to DTV. New ideas are fine BUT one needs to get the basics right first. Advertising revenue in any format is directly related to exposure, pax first then look to them to maximise revenue from whatever concessions that can be put in place.
As for the approach radio, irrespective of the legality, how boring to have such blaring away, this must be one for the "reggies" who are the last to generate any revenue, save for the odd packet of crisps :sad:

DTVAirport 1st Mar 2008 14:00

I really hope the management of MME read these posts as is rumoured! It wouldn't harm them to know what the majority of people think about them.

SWBKCB 1st Mar 2008 14:16

"the majority of people"?? well, the majority of contributors to this thread...

Comments in here my be valid but hardly the regions major opinion formers.

MME needs to break out of the "chicken and egg" situation where airlines want to see passenger numbers but there are insufficient flights compared to the competition to attract the paying punters. Any bright ideas?

SWBKCB 1st Mar 2008 20:56

...and I'll have a pint of what he's on.

paarmo 2nd Mar 2008 22:00

Ah well .... lots of doom and gloom and total pesimism without anyone generating any new ideas. Everything which has been mentioned has been tried in the past and here we are now.
Roll on Tesco.
My first post did generate some interest though 11 posts in three days and nothing the 5 days previously.
Stand by for another controversial post when things go quiet again. I am working on some thoughts for the use of the barn which is the newish waiting area airside.

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