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NorthernCounties 16th Sep 2011 10:48

Great news passenger wise! Stn is proving again it can support double dailys, pull the finger out fr... Looking forward to see the annual pax number for this year. As for earlier references to business models CU, 75% lfs, aye sure bin that route... bloody amateurs.

Offtopic briefly - read the whole debate, it's absolute nonsense to state catchment areas dictate how successful an airport will be! Ldy has a far greater catchment area than snn, yet it doesn't have 3million pax. The only reason snn ever got so big was because of aircraft ranges and in the later years, airline inefficencies. Those in noc have nothing to fear, they've had to work to a budget, something those in snn don't have a clue about.

sawtooth 16th Sep 2011 11:36

Offtopic briefly - read the whole debate, it's absolute nonsense to state catchment areas dictate how successful an airport will be! Ldy has a far greater catchment area than snn, yet it doesn't have 3million pax.
Very true. The naysayers always cite the catchment in narrow black an white terms... "Airport A is closer to a city than airport B therefore airport A will be a success", GWY being another clear example.

Proximity to an urban centre(s) obviously lends a natural advantage, but it ignores many other factors... cost base, fare costs, parking ease, airline mix, route offering, travel convenience, aircraft type and reliability, proximity of other transport modes, not to mention the total population of the wider catchment in a very "unurbanised" region of Europe.

Then there's the Ryanair factor which is a a large draw in itself. Bet we'd be surprised by how many travel to NOC from the midlands and beyond the 1 hour compass circle for sun and other routes.

dublinaviator 16th Sep 2011 14:56

Originally Posted by cuthere
is a classic case of going off-topic.

Get over yourself buddy, I was only trying to answer the guys question (without derailing the thread). If others chose to jump on the "I Love Knock" bandwagon and go completely off topic, thats not my fault.

My reply was entirely in the context of comparing Knock to Derry, end of. So get off your high horse.

cuthere 16th Sep 2011 16:03

"Buddy"? You're a friendly chap aren't you? Do you know me? Seems unlikely, therefore I doubt I'm your "buddy".

Not true, Cork-Belfast was one of Aer Arann's most profitable routes and was very popular with business travellers, and if not for a lack of aircraft it would still be operating today. I also think Aer Arann could return to flying Cork-Dublin again and make money out of it, which they did for years before Ryanair came on the route.

I don't see whats so strange about it. See my post above, Shannon has a much larger catchment area than Knock, so if it were to bring down it's charges and offer similar incentives as Knock, then its inevitable that Knock would suffer
Derry-related? Highlights a pretty garbage business model in the case of BHD-ORK to me, and also YOU taking the thread off-topic....

Your (and other's) NOC V SNN chip should be taken to, I dunno, the NOC or SNN threads?



dublinaviator 16th Sep 2011 16:54

Read up a bit further buddy, Carnmanorlad was drawing comparisons between Derry and Knock and posing the question why can't Derry do the same. I was merely pointing out that Knock is just taking advantage of the high charges being forced on Shannon by the DAA, and that were Shannon to compete on the same basis as Knock, that Knock would only see marginally higher traffic than Derry.

So like I said, if others chose to go off on a rant and go completely off-topic, thats nothin to do with me. Alright buddy?:)

cuthere 16th Sep 2011 17:18

Believe me, I did read it all, and those minutes of my life will never be gotten back. Waste really.

So, in summation, NOC is taking advantage of poor old Shannon being screwed by the DAA? Pity them. That's almost like competition or something. Is that allowed? Perhaps you should go to the DAA (you may have a few buddies there) and complain, rather than discussing it on here with someone who frankly couldn't give a toss about SNN. Fair play to NOC, a model Derry (thought I'd bring the thread back....AGAIN) could learn a lot from.

dublinaviator 16th Sep 2011 17:29

From what I can see cuthere, you're not a mod, so who are you to be telling anyone what they can and can't talk about? So long as the discussion is related to Derry, which it was, then there's no issue.

So please stop embarrassing yourself and kindly sit down and stfu.:)

cuthere 16th Sep 2011 17:34

Now now. No need to get abusive. The smiley is wasted beside the abbreviation "STFU". I've been sitting most of the day, so perhaps you should've told me to stand up, which is what I'll be doing as soon as I finish this.

Go on then. Say something relevant to the thread "Derry/Londonderry". Any thoughts on new routes? What do you think of the August passenger stats? Do you like the terminal? How was your last flight out of the airport? Anything?

dublinaviator 16th Sep 2011 17:38

Do you think you own this thread or something? Anyone is free to post here whenever they like so get over yourself.

If you want to see other posts by me in this thread, go back and read all 104 pages yourself to find them.

NorthernCounties 16th Sep 2011 17:46

Yes post "whenever" you like, but generally you post whats relevant to the thread. Its just good forum-manship. Now please can we stop polluting this thread with this spat. Cu, please no further responses to da and you'll find that he'll fade away.

dublinaviator 16th Sep 2011 17:58

Wow you clearly have a reading deficiency. As I said above, my post was relevant as we were talking about the comparison between Derry and Knock, and anything I posted was in that context.

Its quite pathetic really that both of you think you have some sort of ownership over this thread that you think you can tell others where to go just because they're not part of the die-hard Derry Brigade.:rolleyes:

NorthernCounties 17th Sep 2011 09:52

According to oltonpete, bhx is now loaded for summer 12 with 4 weekly flights. The route is safe again it appears!

Stewart28 17th Sep 2011 10:06

I have noticed that Alicante has gone from drop down menu, does anyone else think that LDY might get a Malaga flight instead.

scodaman 17th Sep 2011 12:19

On the subject of Knock/Derry was listening to Highland Radio yesterday and Flybe had an advert on advertising a new flight from Knock to Manchester starting 30th September

Found it ironic with Flybe scrapping Derry and then using a Letterkenny based station (who's listeners would consider Derry to be their main airport) to advertise flights from an airport several hours down the road.

Amelia Earhart 19th Sep 2011 18:50

July stats are out and are as follows: (Total/Pax per flight/Load Factor)

STN 13349/166.7/88%
BHX 5408/150.2/80%
LPL 7128/132/70%
PIK 6609/122.4/65%
TFS 1304/163/86%
ALC 2537/158.6/84%
FAO 4598/164.2/87%
PMI 1428/178.5/94%
REU 1785/178.5/99%
MAN 2246/48.8/63%

Statistics for Aug 2011


The Alicante load factor for July / August was therefore 83.6%.

But this was a very short season and those figures suffered the overhead of the first and last (nearly) empty flights being divided over just the two months so it compares well against Tenerife and Faro *if* Ryanair would look past the headline figures which given their huge number of routes alas may not be the case.

Removing the first and last flights to/from the ALC base you get load factors of nearer 89%.

No reason to axe the ALC flight therefore and I hope the removal from the website is just due to the end of season but given last year's fiasco I'm no longer sure.

2009 Alicante announced,
2010 Faro announced,
2011 Tenerife announced,
2012 Malaga?

cuthere 20th Sep 2011 12:40

Malaga would be great, and I'm sure it would also prove popular. I reckon it will be a repeat performance with Alicante. I.e. it'll be announced during the Spring.

As a sign of how well CODA is doing this year, the LDY-STN route carried 89827 in total for 2010. So far this year (up to the end of August) it has already carried 86180. Long may it continue.

Amelia Earhart 20th Sep 2011 20:33

A few years back this route was carrying over 150K pax per annum when it was twice daily.

But it is like many Ryanair routes from LDY that suffer from inconsistent timetabling.

But perhaps better timetabling would require a base. Whatever was the point in all the runway, apron and terminal extension works?

ALPHA ECHO 24th Sep 2011 09:24

Haven't been on this site for a while but having read the last few pages let me say the following.
If that tin pot joke of an Airline Aer Arran ever attempt to put their Aircraft on a scheduled route out of CODA again, they are to be prevented at all costs. The Airport Board f*$%ed up big style back in February by not kicking them out of the airport back then.
They have turned a good route run by Loganair into a crap one (Little to do with the economic downturn or improved roads). They promised to base an aircraft at CODA, enabling the first flight of the day to operate CODA to Dublin which was essential if the route was to work. As soon as they got the PSO contract, they reverted to having the plane originate at Dublin.
The Pilots themselves seemed a proffesional bunch but their operations at Dublin are better suited to work in the circus. No wonder forward bookings on the fiasco (yes, that's right buddy, FIASCO !!) that was the failed attempt to start EDI and MAN service were low. Book with Aer Arran if you don't mind your flight being severely delayed, cancelled or flown via bloody Sligo!
In conclusion, Joke Airline who couldn't run a raffle. Glad CODA are FINALLY rid of them, they were a cancer on the place and have done serious damage to the Airports reputation.

cuthere 24th Sep 2011 19:15

Spot on AE. Well said.

speedbirdATC 25th Sep 2011 15:17

This afternoons MAN flight diverted to BFS due tech problems? Anyone have any more info on this?

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