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Gunship 12th May 2003 05:28

Africanhope that is sad news indeed.

When I left it seems like that was the last thing on their worry list.

But if you can remember I had my doubts to why they want to lease it straight instead of going through a deal that (for instance) SNA and the Egyptians (previously Monarch did) ? A package deal ...?

I personally think to have your "own" Aircraft on start up and to manage crew / pax / freight / and all the rest is a big tester if you are a small start - up airline ... or what you guys think ? :*

Africanhope 17th May 2003 05:32

Suddenly it went very quit here ?

Gunship 17th May 2003 09:37

Very quite indeed African Hope.

Maybe Crewmeal is already practising circiuts and bumps ;)

If all goes well with KLM to Amsterdam - London on Sunday evening from Cape Town and then SNA / Egyptians Monday from London to Freetown I should give you guys all the insider news on Monday night / Tuesday morning.

Cheers and best wishes for a scam - free Africa Airline :ok:

crewmeal 20th May 2003 16:47

Sorry guys - have been away on my travels so am waiting for more news myself.

It does seem that the bottom line is cash, and and when it comes everyone will want a bite of the cherry!

Have been assured the cash is on its way and when it does guess things will start to move pretty quickly

enigmajet 20th May 2003 17:09


Crewmael: Is there any news on aircraft?? Why has all the money dried up so early on in the start up phase, surely some genious has budgeted for slight hickups.
I usually have an optimistic outlook on things but that optimism is starting to fade rapidly with each month that passes!!
realistically is this opp still on the cards? O ris it dead in the water:zzz:

Regards Enigmajet.

crewmeal 21st May 2003 16:46

enigma - appreciate your concerns and I am in the same boat - still waiting for news. But still feel pretty confident about it all as do Wynnwith the agency. Itsa matter of 'when' and not 'if'

Maybe guns has more info as he is on the doorstep!!

Africanhope 25th May 2003 23:37

Enigmajet and Crewmeal, are you Flight Crew or Cabin Crew ?? I ask because i know that an african operation is starting up within the next couple of weeks. I in fact have the details for this operation.

enigmajet 27th May 2003 08:05


Well my good man dont be shy!! Are you willing to spill the beans?

BTW: I am flight crew.

--- 27th May 2003 20:26

in AFRICAN HOPE we trust:D

Gunship 28th May 2003 06:14

Update tomorrow
Promise you guys feedback tomorrow .. my contact came back from a trip to Guinea tonight.

Hope it is good news ... :ok:

Africanhope 28th May 2003 14:53

It is a A310 wetlease, so for the hopefull Flight Deck Crew, sorry. Cabin Crew ? Will know during the week ?

Will post more details shortly when I am sure they are correct. But for the wetlease, that is a fact.

Gunship 28th May 2003 18:37

Morning Latest
According to my contact the A310 wet lease is correct AND two x 737's.

He will be at DCA mid - day and give full feedback.

Going for luch with him and give you guys feedback afterwards. No drinking (Muslim) so will give sober feedback after lunch .. :E

homesick rae 28th May 2003 22:02

Anyone know what Wynnwith are saying about it? Crewmeal, can you shed any light from our side of the cockpit door?

enigmajet 28th May 2003 22:44



Hope lunch was good!
Are the 737's a wet lease deal as well according to your sources,or is it just the A310??
Appreciate the updates thanks a lot.

African hope

I have heard nothing from Wynnwith in a long long time!
I dont know if they read this or not but an occasional phone call wouldnt go astray. I take it that you are Cabin Crew, I'm afraid that I have no news on that front. Or on the flight deck front for that matter.
Still trying to keep the good side out!!:bored:

Africanhope 29th May 2003 01:59

I am flight deck crew.

Regarding the B737 I have no info !

As it is a wetlease Wynnwith (A310) they will have no say in that matter but maybe for the Cabin crew/flight deck B737 depending what kind of contract it is ?

Gunship 29th May 2003 04:39

Sorry ... lunch was F A N T A S T IC .. sorry no news .. he did not go to DCA .. only tomorrow.

Feedback coming .. vasbyt ... ;)

--- 31st May 2003 01:25

Wynnwith is not interrested any more in this projet :\

Gunship 31st May 2003 02:33

Also not such good news - SORRY !
Sorry guys .. I also do not have much other that they are still trying ... sorry my contact is really "high - up" and he is running into closed doors which is not good news I am afraid ... :mad:

Good news normally goes with Fanfare here ! :E

Gunship 31st May 2003 17:08

Better news ?
I hope I have a bit of better news today ...

"Bumped" into a guy last night over a few pints.

He mentioned that "all is on track" .. he mentioned the A310 but he spoke a lot about two 737's coming from America via the UK for inspection.

Hopefully Monday less speculation and something very positive for you guys !


Gunsss ...

Africanhope 2nd Jun 2003 02:51

Seemed that the A310 deal was on track and signed, but suddenly the company had no cash. Deal off again. Know for certain in a weeks time.

Africanhope 5th Jun 2003 15:49

Winnwyth out of the deal now. Interesting to see what happens now ??

enigmajet 6th Jun 2003 00:51


Hey Folks.

Has anybody heard anything back from capt Pappas yet??
Does anyone know anything about the 200's??

Crewmeal do you have any updates. Or is it still all quite on the western front!!.

crewmeal 6th Jun 2003 21:47

Have been out of the UK for the past 2 weeks so wıll get down to busıness on monday. So far I have left messages for people at ECO to call me but nothıng yet. That was 2 weeks ago.

As far as I am aware Wynnwıth have put the project on hold untıl such tımes as ECO decıde what they are doıng.

AQs promısed I wıll let the forum know (good or bad news) when I get ıt. Belıeve me I am just a mushroom as well!!!

Africanhope 6th Jun 2003 23:04

The news is that there "maybe" be some news in a few weeks time ?

Hope the best but fear the worst !

Gunship 6th Jun 2003 23:14

Sorry guys - after I saw the post I phoned all my contacts - not ONE answers (Fri Muslim Prayer day) and 5h1t next door In Liberia has everyone on the hind legs !

I will see my contact over a dop tonight or somewhere over rugby tomorrow !

B O K K E ! ! !

Gunship 14th Jun 2003 06:21

Latest .. I was there again this morning ... sorry guys there are not much hope now.

The one guy said .. ECO Air ... eischh (that is a Efikan form of saying ... sorry man but not going to be .. sorry)

Sad - really "feel" for you guys that has been held - up by these guys !

Maybe their 737's work out ?

Cheers and brgds,


Africanhope 18th Jun 2003 07:02

Believe this chapter is closed now !

Gunship 18th Jun 2003 07:06

NO !!! Do not give up ...

this is Africa bru ...

you never know when a plan comes together. I will go and visit again on Thursday. Fridays I have seen is useless (and it costs me money) as the question get's asked ... where is our Friday .. where is our Weekend ...

White = Money (so is the though here anyway)

Will still do my best to keep you guys updated !



Pervy Pilot 28th Jun 2003 20:00

I hear through the african aviation grapevine that Mr olu harding has done the disappearing trick owing thousands to employees, lawyers agencies etc. i also hear that he has had his ship impounded due to unpaid 'fees'.

So what of the airline now? was this all a big hoax to get people interested? Pilots conned in to sim rides at their own expense? Building up hopes of a career?

Mr harding certainly hasn't inspired any confidences in african aviation.

So will there ever be an airline to serve the people of SL or is it a pipe dream?

Comments please..........on a post card

Gunship 29th Jun 2003 13:00

To answer one of your questions.

Yes, Sierra Leone can definately do with another flight / airline.

I booked on an SNA flight 3 weeks ago and bought the last ticket.

Friday's flight was 20% over - booked. Monday with SNA is full. So I can just expect that SN Brussels should be the same.

Harding ... that is the name I mentioned quite a while back but he has NO relation to Prince Harding the Transport Minister :p !!! Or so they say but we know .... :E

Yip a big shame if it does not come off. :ouch:

clipboard 2nd Jul 2003 18:28

Guns my man, seeing that you are right there in the hub of it all, are you aware of the fact Sierra National Airlines has begun operating a wet-leased Airbus A310-304 from Egypt's Midwest Airlines on its London - Freetown scheduled service?

This replaces the agreement with Monarch Airlines which had been operating the service with a Boeing 757. So maybe you will be able to get a seat to Europe more often, golf bag and all, seeing that you can't play golf in Zim anymore!!!!!! Mmmmmm???

Forgot to add GUNS, that ECO AIR, a SL start up carrier has secured an AOC, and will begin operations soon. They will be using B737's initially, but will change to an Airbus A310 later.

Do you think there will be jobs for us in SL with all this civial aviation development? You should become a "recruiter" bru!

finnman 3rd Jul 2003 03:25

you are way behind the times the last flt on the a310 for sna was monday/tuesday
this friday i understand is a titan airways (uk operator 757)
dont know what happens after that
just keep your eyes peeled

enigmajet 3rd Jul 2003 06:39


Hey Crewmeal

Hows life? anything on the horizon??
Any news or signs of life, or are we hoping invain??

Cheers Enigma.:D

crewmeal 3rd Jul 2003 15:44

Sorry guys I have no more news for anyone. Everything is on hold and after chatting to various people it looks like its going to be a non starter for now.

Shame really as there has been so much effort and work put in by a lot of people.

As to pervy pilots input - I cannot comment - I hope its not true though!!!

enigmajet 18th Jul 2003 18:56


What happened to rule this start up out?
Why no response or news from Papas or Wynnwith?
Has anyone heard anything lately?:zzz:

--- 19th Jul 2003 00:57

no news for the moment
but A310 sim instructors requiered in london ????:\

Gunship 28th Jul 2003 14:32

Hope to bring you better news on my return.. 8 Aug. :ok:

--- 8th Aug 2003 23:39

gunship any news ????????

enigmajet 12th Oct 2003 18:07

crewmeal, Gunship, Anyone

Is there any movement on this one??
I have not been told anything by agency or anyone.
Any news at all????


crewmeal 13th Oct 2003 16:17

Sadly the whole thing has been one big con from start to finish. The agencies, lawyers, employees etc have been left owed thousands with no chance of getting their money back.

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