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crewmeal 22nd Mar 2003 07:01

Wrong homesick - Cabin Crew Management is now in place and working away at training courses.

Main Cabin Crew interviews will hopefully commence at the end of the month, followed by immediate training. These Crews will be selected from experienced people. They will also be salaried and allowances paid accordingly

Further interviewing will take place through Wynnwith during April/May so there are enough crews ready intime for the A310 operation.

[email protected]

if you need anymore info please email me

Bye for now!!

homesick rae 22nd Mar 2003 14:09

crewmeal...this is from a conversation with wynnwith...therefore i am not wrong...don't shoot the messenger!

Africanhope 23rd Mar 2003 09:56

Has anyone got ACTUAL CONFIRMED DATES from company for starting the ops ??

crewmeal 24th Mar 2003 07:58

Hopefully the 737 operation will commence April 27th SL's independance day.

homesick rae 25th Mar 2003 14:30

No interview dates confirmed as yet.

Keep the info coming please!
Crewmeal you seem well informed! Thanks for the updates!

Africanhope 29th Mar 2003 15:56

Signed !
Sounds good with start up in April, but again. Has anybody actually SIGNED a contract and got some FIRM - CONFIRMED info.


Gunship 31st Mar 2003 20:27

Well after a bit of negativity re the amounts of pax on SNA and SN Brussels I am glad to tell you the seat occupancy rates has increased from a 50 to max 60% last week to FULL this week.

Most probably Easter has to do with it ?

rentaghost 1st Apr 2003 23:46

SNA flights from / to LGW were NOT full!

Gunship 2nd Apr 2003 22:07

I pressume ...
Rentaghost ... I pressume you sit in the front of the Monarch plane.http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/smildeck.gif

Sad news as we had to leave an urgent pax there as the local SNA ticket offices said : " Sorry FULLY BOOKED"

For interest sake (and to ^%$ up the travel agent) how many pax was on the flight Rentaghost ?



PS: Nightstop for a change - the beers are very cold this time of the year :) and you are invited


--- 4th Apr 2003 22:59

The company are experiencing delays regarding the A310 and B737 purchase.
it will takes approximately 3 or 4 weeks......:eek:

Gunship 5th Apr 2003 07:07

Now if I have ever seen a good logger name / username _ _ _ !

Well done you are hiding mate :)

Heard tonight ECO AIR is still trying to start up on SL Independance day ... will try and get the latest "gaf" on Monday...

Africanhope 15th Apr 2003 15:47

Again, are there any crews who have actually signed a contract, got a confirmed date of operation other than "sorry, we are delaying again" ???

crewmeal 16th Apr 2003 18:12

I know that the negociations with the brokers concerning the A310 & B737 are almost completed. When that is all sorted then the offers will go out in writing and the key people will be in position.

The compound has been completed and is ready for occupation.

Wish I could say more, but I am short on info as well. Keep hanging on in there!!

Africanhope 17th Apr 2003 15:50

Crewmeal, you seem to have some kind of information regarding accomodation and B737/A310. Where/who did you get those info from ??

homesick rae 17th Apr 2003 23:13

Crewmeal...notice that the CC training positions were advertised until VERY recently, yet the agency told me they had gone about 3 weeks ago!

All I will say to the start up is Inshalla!

Good luck!

crewmeal 18th Apr 2003 02:56

homesick - recruitment is on hold until the aircraft details are finalised. No point in promising positions until a timetable is put in place.

Africanhope - I work for the Company and am in regular contact with whats going on.

Any more comments and queries I will only be to glad to answer.

Africanhope 18th Apr 2003 04:34


Regular contact with whom ? Winworth who handles the contract or Capt Pappas who is supposed to be the head of operation ? And what have they actually informed you regarding the operation ?



You work already for the company ? What is your position ? Are you paid for your job or being promised pay ? If you work for the company you would (should) have more info (firm)??



You are working (as you mentioned) for "Eco Air" ? Is it with Winworth (Julia) or direct with Eco Air (Capt Pappas) ?


Thunderball 18th Apr 2003 19:56

Good to see that the empowering concept of healthy anonymity is alive and well in this forum!:D

crewmeal 20th Apr 2003 00:27

Africanhope - as this is a forum I will not be mentioning names or positions that people have got in the Company.

Suffice to say that the hic-cups have been down to finding the right aircraft without being shafted by some of the brokers that are around. Believe me for the same type of aircraft the quotes, terms and contracts vary considerably. Also some of the 737's that have been seen have been below standard and not what we are looking for.

If you really need to know whose who of the Company at this stage call Wynnwith. I am not at liberty to reveal who has what job on this forum. I am trying to give a positive update on what's happening regarding the start up. I'll continue to update when I get more positive news.

Africanhope 20th Apr 2003 17:38


Appreciate that you try to come with positive news.

Regarding brokers, you are problably correct in that some are worse than others, could be though that the brokers want to see some cash on the table before leasing out the aircraft's considering previous history of this area !!

About who (mention of names) is arranging the upstart of this new airline, I can't see that is a problem, it is a straight forward question ! This is not a CIA or FBI operation :cool:


Gunship 20th Apr 2003 18:02


SNA was NOT full

What about an answer mate ?

Crewmeal et al

Latest from here : No ECO Air - No Operations on / before SL Independance Day (next week) - things this side sounds very quite ... very ...

Send me the details of the "finished compound" and I will send you details and pics if close to me.

PS: There are about a 100 "finished compounds" so as close as possible.

Anything else I can assist?

Weather : best of the year now. Very hot but clear days - Harmattan is basically gone. We had one storm on Monday (first of the season) and BEER is ICE Cold (as ever) ;)

Africanhope 21st Apr 2003 03:46

Crewmeal and Gunship

Are you going to share the info regarding "finished accomodation" here ?


Gunship 21st Apr 2003 03:58

If ..
... I had it I would have given it to you baby .... sorry song playing in the background :suspect:

crewmeal 21st Apr 2003 20:21

Gunship - not too sure where the location is but suspect its the old Swiss complex that has been done up. Hopefully will be able to come out and have a reccky sooner rather than later.

Fraid the boat has been missed regarding 27th April. Am still waiting for more news but am busy working from home.

Africanhope - Nope no names til I get the ok from those concerned.

To be honest I feel its a case of 'when' - not 'if' as to when it all happens.

enigmajet 23rd Apr 2003 17:53


Hello folks.

Have been told that the company is still waiting for the correct a/c.
And the delays will continue until the correct craft is found.
I have not been given a time scale which is very frustrating.
Has anyone got more definate news or updates?

BTW. Gunship

Did you get a chance to get a few pic's of the compound that Crewmeal was talking about?
If you can it would be greatly appreciated. And when we get down there, I'll bring some carlsberg for ya.

Gunship 23rd Apr 2003 19:46

Latest from Freetown
Ok boys and girls looks like you will have wings soon ....

I must phone my contact in an hour and he will give me FULL details but he definately said they are inspecting the aircraft soon ...

Re the "OLD SWISS COMPLEX" .. there are many , many old complexes so I phoned my very dear friend the Swiss consolute. He also ows a lot of properties here and he knew nothing about it. So a bit more info and I can take 100 pics for you guys but I need more info. :{

So in an hour or two I might come up with some better news ... what I could hear was good anyway ! :ok:

Cheers and brgds,


PS: I drink crates of those stuff called Carlsberg :}

and PS: I fly out Fri night for 2 weeks back to SA so make it snappy boys ..

rentaghost 24th Apr 2003 01:15

Can anyone please confirm...

1. This is a NEW 'start-up' operation?
2. It is not linked with Sierra National Airlines / SNA?
3. What the actual routes are that they are planning to fly?


crewmeal 24th Apr 2003 16:57

Guns - as far as i am aware its a Swiss engineering complex set in 28 acres with 2 - 3 swimming pools. Thats all the info I have apart from its nearly ready

Gunship 24th Apr 2003 19:47

Good News
Ok guys ... more good news.

ECO Air's AOC was approved.
They also have ECO Travel and ECO Marine under their controle.
Main investor is the Harding's .. not the Minister it was clearly told to me ... :suspect:

They are sending up a team to the UK to inspect 2 x B737's.
Rumour has it from "FAST AEROSPACE" :confused:

Latest : start - up date .. June 03.

I hope the best for you guys but look at my other thread re the SNA / Monarch rumour !

Never heard of a 28 Acre Swiss Complex / Compound like this guys ... my Swiss friend is not available now but I have phoned friend and foe and nobody knows about it. PM me an address please - I will help where I can but I am at the end of the road with that one ;)

Where the Swiss consulate lives is a 4 Acre complex with 3/4 houses and ONE Pool ! :8

Will keep you updated as I leave on SNA tomorrow night.


Gunnsss ..

Gunship 25th Apr 2003 20:07

No response ?
Sorry boys and girls - can not wait any longer. I have a suitcase to pack, beers to drink and board my flight to UK - then SA.

The Swiss dos not know about the Swiss compound?

The rest sounds all good.

I will be back in 2 weeks (but will follow the thread) and if you have more info - will take the pics for you guys and get all the info.

Best regards,


PS: My number in UK on Sat / Sunday +44 77 32 84 77 51 and / or +44 780 360 9221

Cheers .... hik ..

enigmajet 27th Apr 2003 07:00


Hey gunns.
Hope you enjoy the two week break.


Is there any chance that you have any more information about start dates or any other information relating to the start up of Ecoair. Or at least info that you can share with the rest of us?
Best regards.

crewmeal 27th Apr 2003 19:03

enigma - nope I have no more news - friad I do not know anymore than guns has posted atm.

As soon as I hear anything I will post asap!!

Still remaining confident though

digna 28th Apr 2003 18:20

crewmeal thanks for the updates we are so hungry for news that we can eat any thing .thanks once more gunns looking forward to try the beer there but tell me guys is it time to think of the intervews what kind of people they are looking for? and are they planing a well recognized airline that will gain the customer and keep them for long or is it just another carrier that give you a seat and a meal thanks again and bless you both.

Africanhope 2nd May 2003 05:39

Is no news good news ?????

digna 2nd May 2003 07:08

better than some !!!!!!

crewmeal 2nd May 2003 17:05

As I see it - a lot of cash has been invested so far. Rather than rush into things like a bull at a gate, let the money be spent wisely instead of loosing like some carriers do.

The main obstickle is out of the way and that's gaining the AOC. Lets all be patient and hope there is some news soon

If anyone wants to message me about anything please feel free to do so.

--- 11th May 2003 01:05

no news= bad news?:(

Gunship 11th May 2003 12:51

I had a mail from my friend in SL.

He said all is still online. Apparantly the "Harding" boss / investor is right now in Europe busy with the acceptance checks on the aircraft.

Sorry delayed in SA .. should be back in SL by next weekend and can inform you guys better then.

Good luck and best wishes .. :ok:

homesick rae 11th May 2003 14:15

ta for update sir!!:D

Africanhope 11th May 2003 18:34

Heard they are searching for a/c but get denied because they don't put the money up front (want credit) but no one in their right mind would lease a/c to that part of the world only with promises of payment ?

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