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-   -   Insulting Nigerian Aviation on Pprune (https://www.pprune.org/african-aviation/309109-insulting-nigerian-aviation-pprune.html)

ZAZOO 21st Jan 2008 21:33

I see this thread is still up and running, and also noticed Arik Air colours flying here too, my they must have paid a bundle for this space, or our moderators just feel it looks good on this thread.

Mr Moderators what has Arik Airlines got to do with Balewa's thread please?

This is a shame:*

Be like say me I don commot pprune ooooh, cos this one don pass me, I think I get the point now, guy's make una lef this place for them them.

Goodnight Danny was a pleasure.


GroskinTheFlyer 21st Jan 2008 22:40

I wish we all had better things to do.

surely not 22nd Jan 2008 04:39

Well after 4 days off, and not spending all my time on the Internet I feel I have to respond to Jamex and his attacks on me.

I note your good advice to friend Balewa and can only wander at your own agenda. He starts the stone hurling exercise every time and every time you feel compelled to jump to his defence! Why is this?
Read my first response again Jamex as you obviously didn't read it properly the first time. I said very clearly that I thought his approach as laid out in his opening post, was wrong and likely to inflame not heal any rifts. Hardly defending his position is it?

You correctly guess that my skin colour is white. So what? Does that fact have some special meaning to you? I don't give a toss about people's race, colour, religion, social standing, job or similar benchmark. If I like a person I like them as a whole not for some superficial reason. You are white, same as me, but I doubt we'd become close friends because from your posts on here I don't think we'd get on.

Why does someone need an agenda to comment against you? Are you following an agenda when you comment?

You complain about people using the 'racist' comment at the drop of a hat, yet it is you that has brought my skin colour into the argument, no one else has. You also say you are proud to be a white South African. Why can't you be proud just to be South African? For whatever reason you bring skin colour and race into this topic as frequently as Balewa. In my view you are both as wrong as each other to marginalise things in this way.

Nigerians are well aware of the faults in their country. They have to suffer them daily at work and at leisure. Why should this stop them from getting upset when people start to denigrate their country and people with terms of abuse? I am sure you would react strongly if someone started to call Jo'burg a hell hole, yet there are signs up at junctions warning it is a car jacking black spot. I was warned about 'spark plugging' and never to leave anything valuable visible on the seat of a car. The hotel I stayed in was robbed by armed gunmen...........and no it wasn't in a rough area, it was in Fourways.

However I wouldn't condemn South Africa in the same vitriolic ways that you and a couple of others condemn Nigeria. The Nigerians on here acknowledge that their country is far from perfect, what really upsets them is the tone used by others when highlighting and exaggerating the problems.

I won't be troubling you on the mobile as I feel it would be a waste of money. PM's on here will suffice.

Jamex 22nd Jan 2008 12:49

Surely not, surely you did not read nor understand my post! The issue of race was brought up by Balewa but needless to say you are right about one thing and that is you and I could never be friends! Because I dont agree/like your posts so therefore you made the statement. Also your confusion regarding who starts what is clear to all.

VSB via OL 22nd Jan 2008 18:14


Nice cast - good hook, and now (45 posts later) still reelin 'em in!!!

Congratulations, you must be proud:rolleyes:

LongJohnThomas 22nd Jan 2008 19:13

Jamex and co...
I see that you derive pleasure in being a wind up artist.
Unfortunately, some of us on here have better things to do than sit at our computers waiting for the next post that attracts our displeasure.
It is also quite unfortunate how you tend to show your complete ignorance here.
You know they say, its better to be quiet and thought a fool, than open your mouth and prove it!!!!!!! I have not called you a fool mind you? Only called you slightly ignorant, just for reminders.
I find your comments very repulsive and bearing in mind you and your type caused the other thread to be closed, i wonder why the MODS have not put you on the back-bench yet?!
You strike me like one of those who think that being white makes you more special than the rest of the world?
Here's news mate! You have another thing coming my friend!:ugh:
You would not last a day in an all white country if any such thing exists.
Your views are myopic and border on a total lack of any intelligence whatsoever.
It makes me wonder where and how you were educated? Maybe, you went to night school, or maybe flying airplanes is the one other thing they could get you to do since you failed mentally to prove otherwise.
It does not take brains to be a pilot, just brains to be a good one.
Obviously, i see that you fly just like how you talk and feel about yourself; Crappy and having an inferiority complex!!!!!!:ugh:
If you have nothing constructive to say on here, look for overtime mate, and keep yourself busy.
You are abusive, rude and cheeky to say the least, and i think someone needs to tell you to look in the mirror and reflect, you may just see whats in the rear of your trousers.:D

mr bojangles 22nd Jan 2008 21:49

Mr Belewa I send you a PM, and no reponse!!!

Everyone is saying that Belewa alweays playing the race card, the fact remains for those of us on the spectators box that as much as bad as it may look Belewa is correct.

Just as what they say about Nigeria is true the fact is South Africa is and remain a racist country.

My experiences there with my black west african collegues is terrible in the aviation community.

Stop this discusion that he is racist or alweays play the racist card, he says it the way many know it and know it but do not want to talk.

You do not have to be a racist to tell the racist that they are racist!!!!!!!!

prospector 23rd Jan 2008 07:37

"it makes me wonder where and how you were educated? Maybe, you went to night school, or maybe flying airplanes is the one other thing they could get you to do since you failed mentally to prove otherwise"

What a thought provoking statement. the thought being to try and see any sense or meaning in this verbal masterpiece of unadulterated ordure..

Soji A 23rd Jan 2008 08:12

boys boys,
please call your selves to order...this is supposed to be for professional pilots and not wannabe professional pilots..
what is all this country bias????
A nigerian attacking Ex-pats....Balewa...i do feel your pain but the thing no matter how much they insult and chat rubbish bout Nigeria, we still put bread in their mouth...if they felt so bad about Nigeria, why don't they try flying to Sudan or Somalia?? or better still their own countries????
You attacking all expats in Nigeria is not justified because their are a handful of expats who actually love their Job and do their Job with all fairness...
on the same hand, its funny how every body ranks all nigerians as fraudsters, would it be justified to call all south africans racists??? since apartheid was reigning there until recently? will it be justified to call all americans murderers? since their president decides to invade sovereign country's and cause havoc all in the name of WMD that was and never will be found??
i do respect what was said by NDB17, Shrike200...
look at this forum for crying out loud??
can u ever find this kind of thread in another region???
Chuks? whats ur beef with Arik?? ur making unfounded allegations....
just because someone has decided to do something good, it has to be stolen money?? thats negative stereotype...for your information the amount projects arik have going, no one has declared the amount of money involved stolen yet in nigeria..(except Abacha)..lol.. its called loans brother...
Metro Man, do u know the funny thing about this scams your accusing Nigerians off? the victim is as guilty as the perpetrator cos he is greedy and looking for a qucik buck but no one ever thinks of it like that...

Abeg jare, please let us drop our diffrences and think of ways to improve aviation in Africa and stop making empty threats...
please ehn....:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I.R.PIRATE 23rd Jan 2008 09:15

Mr. Bojangles, this is a truly gifted statement:

"Just as what they say about Nigeria is true the fact is South Africa is and remain a racist country."


It has to be true. 45 Million black folk from SA, prob another 10 million from the rest of africa, 3 million whities.

You are dead right, SA is an extremely racist country.:D:D:D

As for the generally negative perception of Nigerians, perhaps you guys would do well to explain to your "ambassadors" lurking in other countries, that they are playing a major part in promulgating (passing on / keeping alive) this perception.

johan_jnb 23rd Jan 2008 13:30

bloody hell people... i might as well have joined a political ranting and raving forum for this kind of :mad: in threads.

clear to me a lot of 'chip on the shoulder' and 'knee-jerk reactions' here. hitting the nerves with some good points, totally missing the point on others.

the thing is that whatever you say about africa, it still remains a fantastic place to live in. It's got it's benefits and charms no doubt about it.
I'm south african and travel quite a bit on the continent, yes, even to Nigeria!:D I've seen and experienced my fair share of good and bad.

face it, the problems in Africa will never be solved, that's human nature :(

but then again i also see these same problems (racism, murder, crime, corruption) in Europe and the good old UK.

Can it, bin it, sleep on it.

Sir Osis of the river 23rd Jan 2008 14:35

Just popping out for more pretzels and another g & T.

AlternativeProcedure 23rd Jan 2008 15:32

surely not,

Excellent post. As ever, the voice of reason in this place. LJT like you said, some of us have better things to do. Try not to let the South African white racist brigade wind you up. They think things are not going well for them in SA aviation because of BEE, they actually dont realise its because of their sickening racist attitudes to other fellow Africans. This problem is gonna be with them for a long while, its in their up bringing and as such they simply cannot rationalise the concept that non white Africans can be right sometimes. Dont waste your time with the drivel you read from this crowd of thugs.


Shunanny 23rd Jan 2008 15:57

Just what we needed...more paprika to the goulash:ugh:

mr bojangles 23rd Jan 2008 16:07

Mr prospector cest vous L'ordure! :rolleyes: et croyais moi mon education n'est pas un question!!!

Alternate Procedure if that is the situation, then why is the English accepting them into the United Kingdom. Many are coming there to say they are in bad situation in South Africa and the british give them entry and then a passport. I know many of them in london who are doint that, who have nothing good to say about the english, all they want is take advantage of the system, and this deprive the decent people.

I R Pirate I am arriving in Lagos in febuary to fly for a very good airline with a reputation of over 40yrs and believe me with a contract no other airline in europe or the middle east would offer me, and it is not a Nigerian fraud. So if ever u in lagos PM moi and I we can share some wine together.:ok:

RobinB 24th Jan 2008 12:55

:eek: Hey guy's n gal's - try this one for size. Read through all the posts within this thread and remove the words "always" and "never". Once done, we'll probably be nearer the real situation.

Remember, "history teaches us many things, but we never learn from them." and Pobody's Nerfect:p

One piece of logic I'm trying to figure out - if "us South African's" are so "imperfect" as many intimate on this thread, how come we have +- 9 million illegal immigrants from NIGERIA, Zim, Moz, Angola, Kenya, DRC, Zambia etc etc etc. flooding into SA ? Many of whom live under conditions that are, in my opinion, most unsattisfactory to say the least.

I read with interest many comments from those who "claim" to have "the answers" and back this up by comments such as "I know MANY people who......" - in reality that word "many" means, in REALITY, less than the number of digits one has on both hands.

One of the reasons why this stance is taken is that the human psyche cannot deal with "large numbers" when it comes to things relating to people or events or nature (contemplate the size of the Universe). Our brains cannot cope with the quantity aspect. However, we can become emotionally "devistated" when dealing with "single issues" - for example, compare your emotions of 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazi's against the dissapearence of Madeline McCaine. The genocide in Rwanda against the assination of Benazir Bhuto. Jo Stalin and Chairman Mao together were responsible for more killings than WW2 in total - makes you think, right ?

So when I see posts like "you are ALL racist" - one does not even blink, as opposed to (in this example) "white South African Ppruners are racist", elicits comeback comments and a "forum war" of note.

So, back to Nigeria.......

have fun...... :hmm:

PS, cricket, anyone ?
PPS: Interesting read Balewa, what ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria

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