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Jamex 22nd Nov 2007 17:41

Sabian Air
Anybody got any info on Sabian Air at Rand Airport? What kind of operator? What is pay like? What fleet? Anything about the owner? What type of person is he? Any news/info would be greatly appreciated.

SAASFO 22nd Nov 2007 18:58

Try this one: Sabian convinces an aircraft owner (to remain nameless) to paint the Sabian Air name on his aircraft and pay double the going rate for hangerage. Then charters out the owner's aircraft for a flight to some game farm. The pilot (Sabian's) leaves the aircraft parked on a slope for the day and the fuel valve in the on position. All the fuel flows into one wing. Pilot starts one engine but could not start the other and could not figure out why. Sabian flies out a Baron with an engineer to see why the engine won't start and to bring back the passengers. Realises that engine won't start because there is no fuel in the applicable wing. Sorts it out and flies the aircraft back to Rand.

Here's the best part: Charges the hapless owner for the Baron and the engineer's cost to fly out and recover the aircraft and also does not pay him for the flight to or from the game farm.

The owner naturally removed his aircraft from Sabian as fast as he possibly could.

So what was it you wanted to know about Sabian Air??

Jamex 23rd Nov 2007 05:48

Thanks SAASFO. Was asking as I was approached by this company, of who'm I know nothing, to utilise my aircraft for charters. Any info is most welcome as I was considering it. Do you have any specifics, such as names I could contact? PM me by all means. The info will remain confidential.

Goffel 23rd Nov 2007 06:56

Before you even think of putting your A/C out for them to use, pm me.

The guy is a down and out con artist.....yes, a CON ARTIST.

Ask all the guys still waiting for their salaries....always an excuse not to pay them.

They do not have their own operating cirtificate and are piggy backing off someone else's which is a very dubious way in how they got onto this AOC....(I do believe that there was some help by certain members from CAA, yes CAA).

The guy that owns Sabian air has a PPL, but is able to fly a B200 with 4 bars plastered on his shoulder and nothing gets done about it...(sorry, forgot to mention, that is with paying pax, but claims that it is Part 91).(Oh, forgot, CAA are tooooo busy with other things to do anything).

They do quotes for people, tell them to deposit the money into their account, then they tell the clients that they were under quoted, and must pay the rest in......Oh, but you cannot have back what you deposited if you dont like our new terms.

He bought a partnership in a B90 and then told the bank that he was the sole owner, got the A/C financed for 100%, never paid a cent back...(yes, I have seen the paperwork and the signatures, and can put you in touch with the legitte owners to varify this..Oh, and the bank as well).

Have you ever graced the skies and heard a Sabian call sign....how they ever got this right is a mystery....Oh I forgot.....they have some help.

And now there is a rumour, (A RUMOUR), that they are allowing a certain individual from CAA to open her Cabin Safety school from their premises at Rand...(Mmmmmmm, nudg nudge say no more)....(and what do the so called managers at CAA say to that....sweet Vokol...I wander why?????????.

Al you have to do is ask people at Rand about these guys and you will have all your questions answered.

But then go ahead and give them your aerie as this is only a rumor network.

Goffel by the sea.

barry700 23rd Nov 2007 08:01

I was one of the poor people who got sucked in the info is true regards the no concern for the owners, and the conning of the people. BE WARNED STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!:{:=

pointer41 23rd Nov 2007 08:08

I say name and shame the b@st@rd(s)!!! Aviation can really do without those unscrupulous leeches who can do nothing more than commit fraud and on top if it, wreck safety!:yuk::yuk::yuk::sad::sad::sad:

This is a forum to serve the aviation community, 99% of whom, I believe, are there to add value.

Fliterisk 23rd Nov 2007 08:14

Heard he bought a bunch of Queen Airs, made them look like Kings (round windows etc)... got caught out, some clients unhappy....

The owner has lots of connections though.. in this business its not what you know but who. Not just in the CAA but "reputable" company's in SA - from banks to AMO's, charter co's... and and and.

Jamex 23rd Nov 2007 11:10

JEEZ...Goffel(by the sea)!! These and the others are serious allegations and one needs to carefully check them out. Just had a call where someone else has told how he got burned by this guy and proceeded to tell me the exact scenario you just sketched. Cross-checking and verification works again! Thanks guys, this is what I needed to know but had actually hoped for positive info. Sabian paint a very convincing picture, even told me they have two part 135 and one part 121 license! Long story attached as to why they find it necessary to do business this way which is where the stall warning light started flickering, hence my post. When talking to the Sabian guy again I will be armed with the info and will certainly post his answers, if he has any! ANY further info please post or pm me.

Jamex 23rd Nov 2007 11:46

I was at Sabian's hangar at Rand. Three Queen Airs (with round windows-thought at first they were Kingair 90's!) and one Kingair 90 in hangar all without interiors and various panels missing. No-one working on them at all and no tools or equipment in sight and, judging by the dust, no-one has touched them for some time. Also a Seneca without windscreens and a Baron airframe with foreign registration and no engines, avionics or interior. Wonder what hapless foreigner was taken there! The Seneca and QueenAirs as well as the Kingair were all in white with Sabian Air livery. The place looked unused with oil and dirt on the floor. Went into the offices which are very sparsely furnished and met a VERY good looking blonde who seems to be running the offices by herself. As I said before, I was told they have two Part 135's and one Part 121 and now she added they have scheduled routes too but declined to tell me where and when and there were no licences on display that I could see. Also, the door leading to the street ie. the front entrance, was locked from the outside giving the impression there is no-one there. I got access to the hangar from the airside as the main hangar doors are open. There was a brand new Merc S500, registration Sabian1, as well as a brand new Porsche in the hangar. Apparently there is also sometimes a very late model Ferrari(red-naturally) inside the hangar. Spoke to some people at Rand who told me these people have been known to sell three half-shares in various aircraft! There really does not seem to be anything going on there and the TCAS is now warning! My suggestion to myself and anyone else? Fly the TCAS and avoid this company!

dnk 23rd Nov 2007 11:55

Did you get the blondes number?

jimmythegong 23rd Nov 2007 13:28

Be afraid........Be very afraid!
And you thought Al Capone was bad?

CALCULATOR 23rd Nov 2007 16:38

And what you have just read is the good info
Have heard really scary info on these fly by nighters.Owner has a PPL and flies fare paying pax around.CAA have tried for months to close them down but to no success!
They DO NOT have there own license or operating certificate and YET they fly around on a Sabian air call sign-explain that one?
There are serious money problems re this company,they owe us a packet and one very very well known DE instructor has been taken for 50K by these :mad:.STAY AWAY!!!:*

SAASFO 23rd Nov 2007 18:45

Is the DE CPC? I know they owe the airport over R150,000. But some really beautiful young ladies working there, so he has obviously done at least one thing right!

What's the connection with Jimmy G and son??

madherb 24th Nov 2007 06:42

CAA have tried for months to close them down but to no success!
Anyone at CAA drive a red Ferrari??? :E

Or maybe the examples of female pulchritude in Sabian's employ are suitably friendly to the CAA when required............... :mad:

barry700 25th Nov 2007 14:39

I have heard a year and a half ago Jimmy G sold his three queen airs to Allan Selkon To date he has not received his money, So yes he does have a involvment. But what is going on in the industry when a person does not pay his debt. Is this the same case as the R150 000 BEING RIPPED???

barry700 25th Nov 2007 16:12

Mr morality
The man has the morals of an amoeba!(Apologies to the good amoebas out there) If you want to hear some interesting stories, try talking to the panelbeating fraternity. I suspect he will never be able to go back there again.There are a number of people that are very pissed of with him in the aviation industry for his lack of morals. (Names and numbers available.) He has a long list of creditors that he refuses to,or cannot pay.If you want to lose money, on the other hand, this is the right peron to deal with!
Good luck to you...........

barry700 25th Nov 2007 16:20

I think this guy is great for the aviation industry, pity we do not have more out going hard working and industrious persons in the game:D

Flatdog 25th Nov 2007 16:39

I wouldn't touch Sabian Air with a barge pole and a health inspector stuck to the end of it! What a dreadful state of affairs.


Jamex 25th Nov 2007 18:41

Any info re the panelbeating fraternity and Alan Selkon? Any other industry he's screwed up?

ARENDIII 25th Nov 2007 19:44

BEWARE! I may join CAA sometime and I WILL come after you.
Not a threat-I PROMISE!

Desperate Wannabe 26th Nov 2007 08:02

CAA have tried for months to close them down but to no success! Anyone at CAA drive a red Ferrari??? :E

Yep, pretty close, CAA have not been trying to shut him down at all, he has a few minions in the Dept in his back pocket, as has quite correctly been mentioned, smoothing his way through.
I was present in company when he was loading fare paying passengers into the King Air that he flew down as PIC with 4 bars pasted on his shoulders, with his PPL licence, the call was made to a certain Part 135 inspector to get his butt out to Rand and stop the fiasco before it departed, his reply; "Ah, it's been such a long week, I don't have the energy right now, I will be there to confront him when he returns on Monday"
He was duely told, that should anything happen to the flight, we would hold him personaly responsible, to which he said OK he would call us back in 5 min, well still waiting for the call, and his phone was swiched off the rest of the weekend.
This corupt thieving ba:mad:ard is not alone on the take.:ugh::ugh:

MatchstickPilot 26th Nov 2007 12:43

Digging helps
The licence they piggyback on does have Part121 and Part135. I however don't want to mention names. :oh: It is always nice to hear both sides of the story and then the truth. How about it Sabian Air? Give us your side of these allegations.

I also heard from the engineer that worked on a certain Seneca mentioned (with fuel problems) that the fuel cross-feed had its plumbing back to front, so when the pilot tried to cross-feed, it tried to do this from the empty tank. This seems to have been omitted in the original story. In this case, you certainly can't blame the pilot.

unstable load 26th Nov 2007 16:36

BEWARE! I may join CAA sometime and I WILL come after you.
Not a threat-I PROMISE!

Well, judging by what I've read here you look like a perfect candidate.

Desperate Wannabe 26th Nov 2007 17:24

Also a Seneca without windscreens
This is because it has a sherriff's attachment order pasted all over it:D

There was a brand new Merc S500, registration Sabian1

This is the the level of deceit we are talking about, that is no S500 much less new, it is a facelift and badge job on a much lowlier and older model.:* FACT

madherb 26th Nov 2007 17:40

it is a facelift and badge job on a much lowlier and older model.:*
Does this perhaps apply to the ladies as well?? (For 'badge' read "b@@b") :E

Desperate Wannabe 26th Nov 2007 18:16

Madherb:D:D:D:D, sharp as a tack, that is affirm, you hit the nail on the head. They didn't always look like that.

Biggles of Africa 27th Nov 2007 05:14

This is like from a movie, it is hard to believe that someone can operate so far outside the law and not be brought to book, that is why there are checks and balances, surely?
I think there must be another side to the story, C.A.A would never allow this, that is what they are there for.

Shockwave Sam 27th Nov 2007 06:02

Well CAA-UK or FAA would'nt allow it but not so sure about the SA CAA!!

LJP 27th Nov 2007 07:41

There never were modification applications made to CAA for the round windows. Reskinning the left and right sides of the aerie does not constitute structural work according to the Sabian powers that be

Swedish Old Man 27th Nov 2007 09:33

B@@b Job

Too bad your girlfriend hasn't got ones like hers! Aren't you jealous??:eek:

Swedish Old Man

JetPark 27th Nov 2007 09:41

Oh, so things are finally catching up with this so-called operation. What a bunch of :mad: they are. I had some minor dealings with them - jokers of note and to be avoided.

Certainly cash only! Short arms and deep pockets!:rolleyes:

Swedish Old Man 27th Nov 2007 11:03

Well, I have flown for Sabian Air for quite some time now and I can tell you that they always pay me upfront for every flight. I dont even have to ask!! At the moment, this is the best cmpany I have ever worked for. I am of the beleif that some of you have nothing better to do than to badmouth this company. You should be ashemed!

Desperate Wannabe 27th Nov 2007 11:23

Not going to take that bait, :ok:

Captain Perelli 27th Nov 2007 11:49

To Jimmy The Gong
Al capone is MILD in comparison to you!

Have you attached any circuit breakers to HOBBS meters lately?
Sold and "low time" aircraft as a result thereto?

People DIE because of you! You are a disgrace to the aviation industry.

Danmar 27th Nov 2007 12:01

Jimmy The Gong
I can only agree with Captain Pereli... Thanks for :mad: me into buying one of your aircraft! I could help but hear you baosting on how you rolled the Sabian Piper Chieftain! Glad they canned you!

4HolerPoler 27th Nov 2007 12:04

Oh, this is priceless - the deceit continues.....

For any of those who were wondering, our new joiner Swedish Old Man's registered email address is [email protected]

Oh, the ignorance of some!


AAL 27th Nov 2007 12:10

Good one 4HP, even without the confirmation there could be no doubt. Probably the gentleman in question himself.

JetPark 27th Nov 2007 12:25

:D the comment made by swedish old man was soooo obvious - in so far as origin of the writer is concerned - it is a laugh a minute.

FatFrank 27th Nov 2007 12:35

"For any of those who were wondering, our new joiner Swedish Old Man's registered email address is http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthr...06b83edb6e2ee3

Oh, the ignorance of some!"

No way, what a t@sser, :yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk:

Well caught, you should play for England:ok:

4HolerPoler 27th Nov 2007 12:50

Just for the record, both Captain Perelli as well as Danmar also work for Sabian.

Or, at least are registered with sabian.com email addresses.


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