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Gyro Nut 18th Nov 2007 07:49

(The Department of Labour says) Kulula says Blacks are Non-swimmers
From News 24:

Kulula: Blacks can't swim
by S'Thembiso Hlongwane
Johannesburg - Black people cannot swim. This is the reason domestic airline Kulula.com has given the department of labour for not hiring black people.

The department's Thembinkosi Mkhaliphi could not say how the company had substantiated this reasoning and referred further queries on the matter to Comair, the aviation company that operates British Airways and Kulula.com in South Africa.
Comair spokesperson Glenda Zvenyika declined to comment on Saturday.
The JSE-listed company is the first business institution to be hauled before the labour court for noncompliance.
"Our intention in the next two years is to deal with the top 100 (JSE) listed companies," Mkhaliphi said.
He added that the no-frills airline would appear in court on Tuesday for failing to adhere to the Employment Equity Act.
He said Comair was required to file a notice of intention to oppose and an answering affidavit by close of business on Tuesday.
"If no intention to oppose and an answering affidavit is filed as required in the notice of motion, the application might be heard in the respondent's absence and an order for costs might be sought against the respondent," explained Mkhaliphi.
He said if Comair was found guilty the company would be ordered to pay a fine of R900 000 and the costs of the application.
Sapa reported that the South African Chamber of Business welcomed the move but said government should be considerate and guard against damaging its good relations with business.

Romeo E.T. 18th Nov 2007 08:58

I trully hope this isn"t an official statement....PR department is gonna have to be very busy with damage repair after this.

oompilot 18th Nov 2007 10:01

As usual, probably a statement taken out of context but anyway.
Why is it ok to say white men can’t jump, if the majority can’t they can’t. Never heard an outcry about that. The majority of black people inherently are bad swimmers. Look at the make up of swimmers at the next Olympics event. Why must we then hide from blatant truths?

dnk 18th Nov 2007 10:05

What a nightmare....

18left 18th Nov 2007 10:25

As usual, probably a statement taken out of context but anyway.
Why is it ok to say white men can’t jump, if the majority can’t they can’t. Never heard an outcry about that. The majority of black people inherently are bad swimmers. Look at the make up of swimmers at the next Olympics event. Why must we then hide from blatant truths?"

You never heard an outcry about whitemen cant jump beacause,no one has complained about not getting a job because he cant "jump",so this are two seperate things.

I also think we have to differentiate between black people cant swim,and black people cant learn to swim.

I dont see how been an olympic class swimmer can be the requirement for working in an airline,my local swimming instructor is as black as shoe polish,and my kids have learnt to swim quite well in his competent hands!

I definetly agree the white race excels more in competitive swimming just like the blacks in 100M, but i strongly believe that if the object is just to learn how to swim,any race is quite capable!

777Contrail 18th Nov 2007 11:18

The SA CAA requires that aircrew must be able to swim.

Just like it requires that a pilot must be able to fly.

Now, if you can't swim, you can't be employed.


If you want to be employed by an airline, and you have the pasion to fullfill your dreams,


Stop blaming others for not employing you, while you're not lifting a finger to make yourself suitable.

Aviator 81 18th Nov 2007 14:50

Is swimming a new requirement in South Africa
Hi!! guys,please all of you or most of you who get to visit this site are pilots and fil some of you who agree with what Kulula is saying is just pathetic.When I myself used to train in South Africa I felt the racist comments that where said about Black Students in the flying school.What Im trying to say is that this problem does not really start in Kulula,it prevails in Flying Schools.
Instructors(some mind you) till now still pass this racial comments that Black People cant fly.If swimming now is a requirement to get into a Airline like Kulula,then Airlines like Kulula are downgrading the standard of flying in SA.Where is the Black Empower issue ended,or Kulula.com didnt get to know about something like that.Really guys,some people need to be educated about this.Some of us who still visit SA to come renew our licences get to visit this organisations,just to take a peek,I offered jobs,just because of our experience.They forget about colour or where you come from,they dnt even ask you if you can swim.
Or maybe Kulula is trying to open Sea Travel,but that does not mean Black people cant swim.Anyway,I hope the issue of black or white really stops.It really destroys what the Rainbow Nation is trying to get out of.

oompilot 18th Nov 2007 15:20

18left, the statement was intended to draw a comparison in the generalization of races, I never said swimming or jumping must be a requirement to fly in my previous post, although anyone with more than 18 brain cells would agree that swimming should be. This statement was a generalization about black people as was the white men can’t jump statement. To make it easy for you, the point I was trying to make was, why is it fine to generalize when it is positive or against white people but unacceptable when said against black people.
Anyway get real, now we must teach these people to swim and give them a job. How good a swimmer would this person actually be who began his swimming carrier at lets say 20 years of age.
As for the swimming couch you have, so be it, you also get 1 in a hundred white men that can run. Look at the line up at the Olympics next time, every now and then you see a pale male in the 100m.
Who knows maybe you have just found a candidate for Kulula, tell him to apply.:E

Metro man 18th Nov 2007 16:26

I was told that when Virgin Nigeria started up they employed some Nigerian girls as cabin crew, who all claimed on the application form, to be able to swim as was required.

When the time came for them all to jump into the pool for emergency procedures training, they all sank. This overwhelmed the life guards who only expected to rescue the odd one or two.

Seems they lied to get the job :hmm:

Prehaps there is a reason for having to be able to swim after all:E

muschixxl 18th Nov 2007 23:09

I´m a B L A C K cabin crew instuctor in europe: able to swim, read, write, talk.

I´m so fed up with all the predjuces about my skin colour.

Ever experiencend a CRM?

missingblade 19th Nov 2007 02:17


The reality is that a lot of cabin crew lie on their applications about their ability to swim. Not just in Africa but in Asia too. It is a cultural thing - people don't swim much in some of these countries. Can't tell you how many times I had to fish cabin crew out of a pool.

That being said - to use this as an excuse for not hiring people is pretty pathetic of Kulula/Comair. Many South African companies are forced to give their employees all kinds of extra training to get them competent - due to being forced to hire affirmative action candidates - so I don't see why this airline cannot give a few swimming lessons.

beckers 19th Nov 2007 03:57

Comair would be very foolish to make a comment along these lines especially because they are about to be taken to court. Please read the articles carefully, you will see the comment comes from someone in government not from Comair, I believe it is attempted smear campaign.

Secondly, from what I can see is that the transformation in Comair at the moment is strong and aggressive. The requirement to be able to swim, is one laid down for cabin crew by the CAA, it does not apply to Pilots, ground staff, call centers etc. The swimming requirement features on the recruitment requirements for cabin crew on all airlines. I think this whole article should be taken with a pinch of salt as I believe it is irresponsible and out of context journalism.

B200Drvr 19th Nov 2007 06:13

Agree with Beckers, Stop going off on a tangent about racism etc. This statement was made by the government. Comair is the only airline that offers swim training for potential crew. The bottom line is that if you cannot swim you cannot get SACAA certification to work as a Cabin crew member.
If you caanot pass the test (even after training) You cannot get the job!!!!

AAL 19th Nov 2007 07:17

It is very sad that race is again being brought up as an issue, in aviation in South Africa. This 13 years after the establishment of our so-called rainbow nation.

It is also sad that black people continue to play the racist Black Empowerment card around every corner, and deny the existence (and rights) of fellow white South Africans. Our black aviation brothers in the rest of Africa should also not feel too complacent, there are also strong undercurrents of xenophobia in South Africa - dont be delussional - you are not as welcome here as you might believe.

As long as this BEE policy dis-enfranchises white's and their rights to a living and doing an honest job in South Africa, nobody should be surprised about the acrimonious backlash from white South Africans.

We either have a democracy - or not!

RSQ 19th Nov 2007 08:23

Pretty much well said AAL
Colour of the skin is not an issue here, but as usual, the government makes it one! It is a pity that black people are often referred to as non swimmers, but it is sadly true. I spent some time in Mozambique teaching fishermen to swim, as you would find these guys 3 clicks out to sea in a leaky dugout with no ability to swim, while attempting to bail out their dugouts.
Cabin crew are required to swim to earn certification. If they stated on their application they could swim, chuck 'em in the deep end. If they can swim well and good. If they cannot swim, and their application said they could, fire them as they lied on their application,and there is no onus on the company to train an employee who has lied. Now with regard to skin colour, does it really matter? Does the company have any obligation to train anyone to swim in any event?
I would tell my staff who could not swim - Boet (or sussie as it may be), you are grounded till you can swim, call me when you can. :ugh:

vref+10 19th Nov 2007 11:42

Agree with B200Drvr
The ability to swim is a legislated requirement laid down by the SACAA. Next,I suppose, airlines are going to be prosecuted for not hiring people as cabin crew because they're blind, deaf, confined to a wheelchair etc. etc.

Certain jobs, because of the safety implications inherent in them, involve a certain amount of discrimination when recruiting candidates. I'm certain the ability to swim is required of white candidates as well. I just wonder if Comair/Kulula would pay for swimming lessons for white candidates?

If not then they can be charged with discrimination on the basis of race, which runs counter to our Constitution. Discrimination applies both ways, not only white towards black but black towards white as well!

vref+10 19th Nov 2007 13:11

SA Discrimination
Too true! Was thinking of a South Africa as based on the constitution, not the reality of one being turned in to a pigs ear by ignorant, self serving polititians who couldn't be trusted to run a spaza shop.

muschixxl 19th Nov 2007 21:03

Out my experience nearly 20 years in aviation:

1) A few pilots did not allow black cabin crew to enter the cockpit- accepted by the management (year 1992 european airline)

2) It turned out to be big issue among some pilots, because of I´m coloured as I was promoted into a cabin safety trainer in my former company (year 2000 european airline)

and I could name a few other not so nice experiences.......

I totally agree if cabin crew members beeing refused to be employed, if they are not qualified/ none swimmer, e.t.c.

I just want to say: Don´t judge a book by it´s cover

reynoldsno1 19th Nov 2007 21:17

I was told some years ago that black people have shorter tendons than white people, which is the reason that they tend to be more muscular since the contraction of the muscles is more efficient. Since swimming tends to rely on the extension of the muscles, then black people are not genetically disposed to being 'good' swimmers. I have no idea if this is true or not, and have no objections to being shot down in flames but it always appeared to be a plausible explanation....:hmm:

Solid Rust Twotter 20th Nov 2007 04:57

Sounds like a crock to me, but then I'm not a geneticist or whoever worries about things like that. I reckon anyone can be trained to do anything and it may be merely a cultural barrier that needs to be overcome, rather than a physical one.

We're supposed to have gone beyond all that crap. If you can't get in on merit, changing the standards to facilitate the selection of unsuitable candidates is not going to do the long term future of the company any good at all.

Metro man 20th Nov 2007 05:44

If you can't get in on merit, changing the standards to facilitate the selection of unsuitable candidates is not going to do the long term future of the company any good at all.
Correct but it's standard practice unfortunately if you need to get the numbers up for a particular group.

BTW If an unsuitable person messes up it is the employers fault for purpously employing someone incompetent in order to discredit other members of the same group. :rolleyes:

Jamex 20th Nov 2007 06:21

This in Legal Brief today.

"Comair asks for more time to prepare papers
Comair is seeking an extension to file papers to the Labour Court over its alleged breach of employment equity laws to allow its lawyers more time to prepare, Comair CEO Eric Venter said yesterday, according to a report on the FIN24 site. ‘Because this is the first time the Department of Labour has done an employment equity review and court case, our senior counsel recommended that we spend more time reviewing the documents,’ said Venter. It also submitted a letter of demand to the Minister of Labour asking that the department stop issuing what it believes are inaccurate and defamatory statements. The matter has not yet been set down to be heard in the Labour Court, said Venter, adding that if it supplied all the information required in its answering papers, the matter may not get that far."

Good luck to Comair on this one. They have indicated in other media that they intend opposing this matter all the way. I am still debating the wisdom of opposing at all. It may be better to come to some sort of amicable agreement with the Dept of Labour and settle the matter out of court. Interesting times could lie ahead should Comair win the case as a precedent will then have been set opening a can of worms for the ANC government. There are other companies on the Labour Dept "name and shame" list who are waiting to see how this pans out. If in Comairs favour there is likely to be a rush to go the same way. This matter is then likely to go all the way to the constitutional court as the highest court in the land. If Comair should win that round too, then my bet is the ANC gov will change the constitution. The implications of this is that AA will be enshrined in the constitution forever. In the unlikely event any other party wins an election in the future they will have to win by a 2/3rd majority before they will be able to address the AA matter at all.

chuks 20th Nov 2007 08:32

Now I have read everything!
I remember a WDD (Wet Dinghy Drill) with some non-swimming Nigerian indigenes. Well, fitted with a life vest they were required to go in the deep end feet-first and then pull the toggles, when they would come bobbing up again. Sorted, sort of. I don't know exactly how much use they would have been to the pax but at least I wouldn't have been kept busy trying to keep my crew from drowning.

We did give very basic swimming lessons to the cabin attendants, so that they could at least dog-paddle. Isn't that good enough to qualify as "swimming," or is it so that people from South Africa are uniquely terrestrial and non-aquatic?

oompilot 20th Nov 2007 09:41

Me thinks this is an airline not prepared to sacrifice safety standards in order to satisfy politics and in some cases greed.
I would rather fly Kulula knowing there outlook on safety and law then for example engine jettisoning Nationwide.

KlitserKlits 20th Nov 2007 09:45

Hehehe, great, I love it ......:}

BALEWA 20th Nov 2007 09:58

well well well, here we are again!

vref+10 20th Nov 2007 10:01

Aircrew Swimming
Let's keep in mind that no one has suggested that crew need be 'Olympic qualifier' standard swimmers. However, the fare paying public, as well as your fellow crew members, have a right to expect that you will at least be in a reasonable position to firstly, help yourself and secondly, be able to help others should you survive the initial ditching.

It's also up to the individual to ensure, when applying for a job that you want, that you can meet the minimum qualifications and standards required. This holds true for all licensed aviation personnel be they flight deck, cabin or maintainence!

No plots against anyone, merely the application of internationally acceptable norms and standards in order to ensure the highest possible level of safety for all.

RSQ 20th Nov 2007 10:35

Olympic qualified swimmer
I remember looking at the regs a few weeks ago for my wife who has aspirations of becoming an airborne waitress on our machine, and I think the regs required the cabin crew to be able to tow a passenger 10 meters. Most of the pilots I know would be on the point of an MI if they had to swim 10 meters in clothes towing a clothed pax!
My point being, not only do they have to swim, but they have to take care of the pax as well.
Hmmmm - so we have somebody not used to swimming, just survived a ditching IN THE OCEAN - where there are waves, now expected to make their own way to a raft and tow a pax?....... makes one think...................

If anybody who has done ditching training thinks a dunking in a pool approximates this they are insane. I happened to be on the beach when the Ethiopian 767 ditched in the Comores and was on the wreck trying to extricate people from warm calm waters....... almost ideal conditions, and that didn't work too well............

Afriviation 20th Nov 2007 12:54

Fact of the matter Comair has broken the law, It's called the Employment Equity Act. It's being broken by every Aviation Company in South Africa mostly in the employment of Technical Staff, Cabin Crew and Pilots. Thumbs Up to the department of Labour for FINALLY DOING SOME THING ABOUT IT. The fine should be in the hundreds of millions enough to drive these racists pigs out of business.

nugpot 20th Nov 2007 13:42

The fine should be in the hundreds of millions enough to drive these racists pigs out of business.
And then all the previously disadvantaged, aquatically challenged can drive between cities using the safe taxi alternative.

It's being broken by every Aviation Company in South Africa mostly in the employment of Technical Staff, Cabin Crew and Pilots.
Thank heavens for that. The alternative would be to break the Aviation Act by employing unqualified people because of their skin colour. I know which law I prefer to be broken.

EchoMike 20th Nov 2007 13:55

Exercise in multi-dimensional stupidity.

Swimming ability is a legitimate part of cabin crew qualifications, for reasons stated above. Olympic ability isn't required, but it would be nice if the cabin crew were an asset instead of a liability in case of need. This statement is not emotionally charged or race-biased (or it shouldn't be).

Wrong way: "Blacks can't swim." Result - uproar, hatred, discontent, lawsuits.

Better way: "Candidates shall be able to demonstrate ability to swim 10 meters towing another person." Simple statement of requirements for the job. There are other legitimate requirements, read, write, speak and understand English (for instance), lift XX kg, and so forth.

Kulula will soon find themselves running remedial swimming exercises if they cannot get enough staff, and applicants will know what is required before they start (and can go learn to swim in advance) - fair play all around.

As to this being "cultural" (previous poster mentioned that Africans and Asians are not into swimming), this may be a survival mechanism. The "enthusiastic swimmers" in some of these places may wind up eaten by crocodiles or contracting various loathsome water-borne diseases, and thus quickly remove themselves from the gene pool (sorry). There are places where you DON'T want to go into the water - period - so if going into the water is that dangerous, where's the motivation in learning to swim other than to be able to get out of it as quickly as possible?

Simple situation, handled appallingly poorly.

Best Regards

Echo Mike

(Who can just barely swim, but I cannot fly at all, so I have to use an airplane to help me, then it works quite well, thank you.)

B? 20th Nov 2007 13:59

Afri, 5 April 2006:

Well Checked the Sunday times and Comair is hiring cadets from the previously disadvantaged groups. Well Done Comair.
Afri, 20 Nov 2007:

The fine should be in the hundreds of millions enough to drive these racists pigs out of business.

Trawler 20th Nov 2007 14:18

Fact of the matter Comair has broken the law, It's called the Employment Equity Act. It seems to me Comair will be breaking the law if they do employ these candidates. For wishing the goverment impose a huge fine that can bankrupt the company and in so doing render jobless some fellow black people seems shortsighted to me.

I.R.PIRATE 20th Nov 2007 16:17

No one has yet come up and quoted any Comair person as saying what has been alleged. This is just a good example of spin, by the Govt (owners of some competition) , by playing the race card, they know they can get the usual soap box warriors on the bandwagon, and help tint the 'public' perception.

remember also what sells newspapers.

Soap Box Cowboy 20th Nov 2007 17:22

To say "blacks cannot swim" Absolutly wrong, we had a lad from Sierra Leone, couldn't swim, but after a year of training and practice he was up to compete with the white boys, got an award for his dedication and perseverance.

I heard a story once that blacks are WORSE SWIMMERS becasue they have thicker skulls, hence the need to use more energy to keep heads above water. I thought this was the usual racist bull as was the case in a report conduted by the US goverment as to why African Americans are unsuitable ase pilots due to the ze of blood vessles in the head and difficulty in compensating for preasure differential.

Now the US stuy was bull, it pertained to the Tuskagee airmen, who have demonstarted their skill and hard work, and who I have had the honour of meeting personally.

On the other hand it has been prooven that Africans do have thicker bone structure in the skull, hence why I have seen an African fall off a Dump truck and get up and run after it and get on again, a Drop that would have felled manny of us white boys.

Why do I bring this up? Well simple really. The African needs to exert more of his energy to raise his head for a breath. Hence the limited amount of African olympic swimmers. They exell in other sports and in many factors due to enviormental and physical conditions are stronger and more hardy than us white boys. Ever seen a picture of the front line defence of an American Football team? (American Rugby for those you are un cultured) they are mostly black. They are big tough and mean and there is no way I would get between them. Just look at the latest sports ilustrated and you will see a great pic of the New York Giants pulverising a poor line man.

Now racial and physical elemts aside. I would like (in the extreme unlikly event of a ditiching in wich the before mentioned Ethiopian was involved. All cudos to the Captain, I think it has been the one and only and most sucessfull landing of a jet in history on water in given circumstances) That the crew be able to assist in a proper maner not below the standard of a life guard whilst in the water.

Race is not an issue, training is. The Captain of said flight was an African (see previous post on Africans Flying in Apartheid) Training is the key, qualified personel will make the diffrence. It doesn't happen often but once in a blue moon you will need that training, and I think in all fairness all flight deck crew should meet the same standard, after all once in the water doggy padeling around your wrecked plane you are still the Captain, the man in charge and the man who is responsible for all those who were on board.

The Captain is the end all of responsibility, he must be able to swim, load, fuel, serve tea and coffee. Becasause we all know at the end of the day the buck stops with us and we are the one's that have to sort out the Daily trials and dilemas be it due to a screw up on the ground or something going wrong in flight.

Lead By Example :ok:

AAL 21st Nov 2007 04:00

Dont understand the issue.

South Africa's economy is booming with some of the richest people in the country now black, and massive businesses now in the hands of black people.

To my simple mind all they have to do is launch a few wholly black owned airlines, employ all and only black crews and personnel, and set and maintain only the highest standards of service and efficiency (and price of course) and shut down those intransigent ones like Comair through fair competition and exceptional service levels.

After all South Africa has its national airline as a shining example of what its black population and business people are capable of, they can surely do that also with any similar private venture.

My humble advice is to stop bickering and get on with the job!

Fliterisk 21st Nov 2007 06:27

When I read this topic - the first one I burst out laughing!!!:D:D:D

It flies directly into the face of all our feeble attempts to try and avoid the predjudices which we each have of one another... we all have them - black and white but for goodness sakes, admit it!!!

Blacks Cant Swim, Whites cant dance, taxi drivers cant drive, indians always want to bargain, women cant read maps, PILOTS ARE WHINGERS ;);) ..... Boooooooo Frikkkkkkinnnn Hoooo.

Its just helluva funny...:E:E:E:E: Maybe because there is a certain amount of truth in the comment... :}

If its the law, its the law - the danger lies in categorising it by race group - I doubt that Kulula really said that anyway... but come on... why the big issue... both black and white should look at this comment and pi$$ themselves laughing at the "refreshing" comments. Political correctness if a crock - where has it got us?:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

Fact is, whites cant dance aswell as blacks, taxi drivers cant drive, indians are traders and do bargain, and hey, maybe pilots do whine?

Can blacks swim... well, some can, but then theres always the exception, but can they are a group call themselves swimmers....

Hmmmmm... let me think about it while I put my shirt over my big hairy back, grab my back of boerie, slip my comb into my sock and pour myself a brandy and coke... all the while watching over my oversized Toyota Hilux bakkie.... - do you know from what origin I am - you may be right if you said I hail from Britain!!!

LongJohnThomas 21st Nov 2007 06:39

"CONGRATULATIONS ! Although spelling and grammar are obviously not a strong point; instructor has an R between the 1st T and the U, and Europe has a Capital E"
I really don't think Pprune is an english class network.
If you intend to spend your time correcting errors, then i suggest you look elsewhere for that, not here mate!
The facts speak for themselves here, comments made were "politically incorrect" whether you agree with such a deduction or not!
Somethings, though true, can be sometimes taken out of context and this happens to be a typical example.
Judging by your tone and disposition, i gather that you're quite unhappy that the comments in response don't go down well with you, here's news mate?!
Live with it!
Everyone is entitled to an opinion here and that includes you and i.:ok:

I.R.PIRATE 21st Nov 2007 07:15

Yes, and these comments were made by the DEPT OF LABOUR for gods sake, not by Comair.

Very easy to take the legislation requiring crew to swim and collating it with the fact that the Govt (and owner of the opposition that is being killed by comair) deems them not to have the correct EE profile.

Cant you see that this is all cock-waving and posturing by a group (govt) under pressure from the free market economy that is supposed to be aviation in SA.

FFS people, you know when politicians are lying - because their lips are moving.

rumline 21st Nov 2007 14:10

Well put!!
Nothing like a little (not so) common sense...

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