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Gunship 14th Apr 2005 07:01

Cape Town Runway closed again - the debacle continues
Maybe Cape Town Mayor must worry more about this incident than immigration officers doing their job :E

By Sipokhazi Maposa

Aircraft heading into Cape Town International Airport were forced to circle the city for about 90 minutes after the runway lights went out on Tuesday night.

The power failure occurred between 6.30pm and 8pm. Anxious friends and relatives milled around in the lounges waiting for their loved ones to land.

Some aircraft were diverted to George or Port Elizabeth, and some even flew back to Johannesburg. All the flights due eventually landed some hours later.

Airports Company of South Africa spokesperson Deidre Hendricks could not confirm how many flights were delayed by the power failure, but one caller to the Cape Argus said he counted seven planes circling the airport at one stage.

Hendricks said only the incoming flights were affected by what she described as "an electrical fault".

"At 8pm we were fully operational. No departing flights were affected. Only incoming flights were delayed.

"We still don't know what caused the power failure... we are currently investigating to confirm the cause."

Hendricks said as far as she knew this was the first time the airport had experienced a problem of this kind.

But another Acsa employee said in the past large dune moles had chewed through underground cables. It was also unclear why back-up generators had not kicked in when the electricity failed.
From the Argus

Solid Rust Twotter 14th Apr 2005 08:54

You mean the back up gennies supplying power at the Zagga Nagga Shebeen?:E

Not the first time either. A hospital in Gauteng had no backup gennies as they'd all been sold...:ooh: Hope that's not the case here....

tired 14th Apr 2005 22:59

Well, if them dang moles done chewed through the cables, then it don't matter how many back-up gennies you have, do it?!! :)

And if it was dem moles, they musta looked like well-done boerewoers afterwards. ;)

Gunship 15th Apr 2005 07:42

So is it the offiical version ?

Moles ? (It will not surprise me at all - they are damagaing little brats)

TMAguide 15th Apr 2005 08:15

It was a planned cut of power with "no effect to operations"......sound familiar? ;)
I am sure it made the parking lot a sight to see.....

Gunship 15th Apr 2005 08:32

Sad to hear the "Planned power cut " did not work according to plan.

But you guys know what. I have travelled a bit and I tell you for it's size the CT International (incl the NEW parking area) must rate as the best in the business.

I am a proud Saffer when I walk in / out of there - notwithstanding my serious concerns re security etc ...

Yes ... Bert I am serious - it is a nice piece of airport.

Shoot me down I will stand by that.


TMAguide 15th Apr 2005 21:13

Cape Town Rwy CLSD again
What ya know?:zzz: The rwy was clsd again...wasn 't the moles this time...twas the ass end of a MD82.... after the "car sized" ass end (that fell off on landing)was removed from the rwy, oil,nuts and bolts contaminated the rwy, luckly only one diversion....couple of holds though..touch wood it happened on landing...who knows.."NEXT TIME"?

Gunship 15th Apr 2005 21:20

Huh ? A MD 82 broken up his tail on landing ?

Which airline mate ?

126,7 15th Apr 2005 21:20

What happened and who's MD80 was it? Did they have a tail strike on landing? More info please!!!

Gunship 15th Apr 2005 21:23

Eisch 126,7 .. small minds think alike or what do they say again .. ;)

TMAguide 15th Apr 2005 21:24

One time....next time

Gunship 15th Apr 2005 21:26

Eischh .. everybody ok at least ?

What a bummer ..

TMAguide 15th Apr 2005 21:29

don't think the passengers even knew what happened...the rest inbound did though... saw a lot of Wolsley and Robin Isl....

126,7 15th Apr 2005 21:31

But TMA dude isn't too forthcomming with info either. What happened? Were they flying like cowboys or what? Tailstrike? Or just a very hard landing? Have seen videos of a DC9 doing a hard landing and the tail breaking off on account of it.

Gunship 15th Apr 2005 21:34

surely you guys could have put them in the hold over a more scenic area like Vredenburg or Woester ekse ;)

TMAguide 15th Apr 2005 21:35

126.7.... .. as far as I know it wasn't hard landing (????) I really don't know what happened.....time s'pose will tell....

G Ship.... hot day like today... clifton woulda been a better hold....

Gunship 15th Apr 2005 21:42

On Clifton there would be something else I would like to hold mate (except a cold beer) ;)

TMAguide 15th Apr 2005 21:43

and what would his name be ? :D

joking g ship.......

maybe u okes are wiser....but how the hell did that part of the MD82 stay attached til touch down....?:confused:

maybe u okes are wiser....but how the hell did that part of the MD82 stay attached til touch down....?:confused:

Gunship 15th Apr 2005 21:49

We hoped you have all the answers mate ;)

TMAguide 15th Apr 2005 21:57

Hopefully our learned friends will fill in the missing spaces tomorrow ( after they have completed all their paperwork!!)


lekker slaap

Gunship 15th Apr 2005 21:58

I checked all the online newspapers ... niks not even Die Burger has a thing on it ... as you say till tommorrow mate.

Goeie nag en lekker slaap :ok:

Gunship 16th Apr 2005 07:41

TMAGuide from witch pub did you see dese fireworks mate ?

Nothing on any news ? :p

APR 16th Apr 2005 09:18

Read in the paper that it was 1Time.

I also heard that 1Time went off the runway at ELS recently! Anybody in the know about that?

Another rumour I heard was that a Nationwide flight nearly ended in disaster after landing on a wet runway with a 20 knot tailwind, also in ELS. Apparently it happened around the time when there was only 1 ILS working. So it must have been about 2-3 months ago.

Gunship 16th Apr 2005 09:20

Sorry TMA - I was sober last night and this morning ...

Did the tail moer af on landing or just a small part of it ?

Call me dof :E

josh sitanga 16th Apr 2005 09:29

Just chatted to a 1Time Engineer at JHB International.

What Hoggwash! The aircraft (MD 82) belongs to 1Time and is currently parked outside the hangar at JHB International with its tail off. It was NOT involved in any form of accident/incident. The aircraft is undergoing a normal, periodic C Check inspection and upon the inspection, the engineers discovered some corrosion, and removed several parts, including the tail section in order to remedy the problem.

The whole world would have known if the tail of any airpplane fell off on landing, no matter where in the world. Firstly its an immediate reportable incident as it would have been classified as a major structural failure. The CAA, the FAA and the manufacturers would get involved, and surely the newspaper spies would have been all over it like a rash.

So if the alledged incident happened at CPT, why is the aircraft not at CPT, but parked outside the hangar at JHB Int?

My guess is that some dude saw it with its tail off at JHB International and posted it on the pprune. Come on guys, get serious! Or maybe the "poster" is in the employ of the opposition?;) :ok: Don't scare those loyal 1Timeist now! By the way, does the green cow carrier also not fly MD's?

TMAguide 16th Apr 2005 09:45

:) Perhaps it was an illuision...but the "tail cone" (the back piece) came off....oil and bolts contaminated the rwy....which was clsd...caused 2 diversions....many holds...ATC incidents where filed....but hey....maybe my whiskey was stonger than expected....:p

josh....not employed by opposition...I am a BIG fan of low cost airlines....have a mate who is a captain at 1time.....:ok:

Gun....the whishkey was good for me last nite.....wasn\'t whole tail that came off....I understand twas the "cone?" at the rear....

Gunship 16th Apr 2005 09:51

Josk mate I happen to know TMA and he is a guide dog in disguise - so no worries mate - although he loves the well known brands and that made me worried last night.

I see REAL ORCA is online ... let's hear it from my old friends mouth (and the opposition)

hey it is a rumour network after all :E

Cheers out to the pool for a swim .. 34 Degrees and climbing :cool:

josh sitanga 16th Apr 2005 09:54

TMAguide, nothing so serious will allow an aircraft to depart again for JHB from CPT, should your observation have been the case or correct. The engineer assured me that nothing, and I mean nothing, was wrong with the aircraft and what they're doing to it now, is purely routine.

I'll ask my mates down in CPT to check with ATC what caused the runway closure (if any) but alledgedly it was not the MD82.

Goldfish Jack, where are you my man? Got any news?

TMAguide 16th Apr 2005 09:56

Please do Josh.....I love appologies!!:D

I would also like to know exactly what came off.....

Gunship 16th Apr 2005 09:57

Me think TMAguide is old Fat GoldFish's boss ;)

TMAguide 16th Apr 2005 09:59

Saturday CAPE ARGUS.........

Part falls off jet
April 16, 2005

By Staff Reporter

An aircraft coming in to land at Cape Town International Airport yesterday lost a part which fell off and hit the runway. The Onetime Airlines aeroplane landed safely but several other flights were delayed while staff cleaned debris from the runway.

Attempts to find out exactly what part of the aircraft had fallen off were unsuccessful. The airlines was investigating the incident.


TMA 1.....Josh 0
:D :D :D

josh sitanga 16th Apr 2005 10:07

TMAguide no worries and well done with your search in the Argus. At least now ol Gunzzzz can't blame you for having tooo much of the good stuff!

How is the wx and the "head" this morning in good 'ol CPT? During my odd visits to CPT, I have noticed that the ATC there are trying hard to be efficient, though sometimes they are not. They stress a lot I've noticed. 5 airplanes on the approach, and the guys take strain!

I see in the SA Newspapers that the Police and the public prosecutors are now drinking more due to work stress and that has resulted in a lot of problems like amnesia, insomnia, irritability and in some cases even loss of libido and infertility. Man, I hope that you CPT ATC guys will not suffer that way as well due to work stress. Infertility is a big problem my man! How will my brothers be able to pro-create if they're put under such stress? Come on Thabo, don't let my brothers suffer so much. we NEED to keep Azania populated! Viva!:ok:;)

TMAguide 16th Apr 2005 10:14

you gotta understand...its a stressful job Josh.....we gotta keep worring about where we gonna get the next bottle from coz we ain't gonna get 'any' anyway....:D

I've worked a few places...and like with everything...you get all types....some ATC's can be extremely busy with 2 planes....others seem cool and collected but have a turtle head protruding....its one proffession with many characters.... (some that can't spell too....)

head hurts a little today...CT lekker wx...off to rugby later....GO STORMERS....

Goldfish Jack 16th Apr 2005 11:04

Hey Josh what u drink??

SPoke to my colleagues and it was a red MD82 at Cape Town - they saw it actually come off. It is designed to come off quite easily as it is part of the emergency exit system at the back of the aircraft. Dont ask me how it works but luckily no-one was injured and after a few delays things got back to normal.

So we take strain with 5 aircraft. mmm like some pilots who take strain when met observce 1/8 cloud at FL400 and they want to divert around it. Just remember we are all human beings and it takes time to build up experience - maybe a new controller on the job when you last arrived in the Cape. now about student pilots, if you want to think that you are all experts and expect the same service level from each and all ATCs. No-one is perfect and we are all trying our best.

Hey TMAguide - hope the stormsers win - hell enough pilot bulls have sent me SMSs. I dont need reminding........

Guns - saw the friendly whale during the week - he is well fat and fat and full of fun. Had a drink or two with him and Sker and he is also well and sends regards


Goldfish Jack 16th Apr 2005 11:09

Planned power cut as TMAguide says...........

Why do they wait until the busiest part of the day to do this work and not at 0400am like they should. Did n't want to spend money on overtime, so now they got a bill of note from the airlines to claim back the fuel wasted, etc etc

RESULT: The airlines now getting together to tell ACSA when they can do their maint work.

Gunship 16th Apr 2005 11:15

Hey GFJ - good to hear from you matey :ok: I knew I will get you out of bed calling you a fatty :p :p :p

Pse send me sker's contact details mate - we have a reunion coming up :ok:

Wel done TMA ... 1-0 to you :ok:

Gunship 16th Apr 2005 11:17

Has it got to do with the company doing construction there ?

I know the MD very well.

ANVAK 16th Apr 2005 11:22

Yes it was the 1-Time MD-82 and it was a rather strange sight to see it pull into the bay next to us minus the tail cone. Even funnier were all the technical types standing around scratching their heads, watching the cone arrive from the runway on the back of a bakkie. Rather reminded me of that old poster with the train off the bridge and the subscript reading "Oh s..."
Runways were both closed for a while, one SAA -800 came close to diverting but 19 was reopened just in time.
They must have taped the tail cone back, later last night when we got back to CT the a/c was gone.

Goldfish Jack 17th Apr 2005 04:36

Acsa Does It Again !!!!!!!
We have been informed by ACSA that THEIR ILS (yes ACSA owns it - we do not) on runway 01 is UNSERV UFN!!!!

Dont ask us what the problem is, but the weather is achanging and we are entering the FOG season. Isn't it amazing that these things break when we need it most!

They have also told us that it will be u/s UFN. We expect it to be returned to service about 30secs after the first intercontinental longhaul diverts one morning to FAJS due to no ILS at FACT!

Please do not direct your anger at my colleagues but rather at ACSA and they can be contacted via VHF 122,65 (aka APRON office). We really have no idea what is wrong and how long it will be off. In the meantime you can get the VOR/DME plate out and expect radar vectors to that approach ( even better ask for a visual approach - much easier)

Seriously though, the time has come for someone at ACSA to be accountable for all the ':mad:'-ups recently at Cape Town International. How they can win awards and they have no reliabe ILS and no reliable runway lighting system...............

Oh well I suppose it is Africa....................... Time for IFALPA to get involved and start blacklisting the airfield. It is sorely needed.

ATNS goes to great expense to upgrade their equipment to handle the anticipated increase in traffic and all ACSA does is ensure that nothing is reliabe and works properly (or even better at all!!)

We are trying but we need your help out there to put pressure on ACSA to come to the party........

Solid Rust Twotter 17th Apr 2005 06:27

There's a post on the Avcom forum regarding ACSA but I don't think it specifically mentions this problem at FACT..... yet.

Agree with you about that. They spend piles of our money making sure the duty free shops are in a position to make money from the passengers, without giving any thought to the fact that passengers won't be frequenting those businesses if they can't get to FACT.:rolleyes:

Bet you the fees haven't changed to reflect lack of service....

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