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-   -   Cape Town Runway closed again - the debacle continues (https://www.pprune.org/african-aviation/171164-cape-town-runway-closed-again-debacle-continues.html)

propdriver 22nd Dec 2006 19:31

FACT Rwy 19 departure
Departing off FACT, rwy 19 ,just past intersection "C" these days feels no different than departing off Kinshasa 06/24, feels like the undercarrige is about to be ripped off, what is ACSA thinking???

Shrike200 23rd Dec 2006 03:21

Yeah, it's pretty bad.

"V1", BANG, CRASH, ^%&$%*!!!!, "ROTATE!" (shouted to be heard over the crashing noise from the undercarraige).

unstable load 25th Dec 2006 15:31

Should there be a catastrophy at FACT due to the state of the runway it will be the airline involved that gets to be burnt at the stake no matter how long the runway has been bad. The legal costs alone would be horrendous, and as it looks like a fat chance that ACSA will pay up then the airline will need to.

After all, if it was that bad then why did they land???

Surely then it is time for the AIRLINES to stand together and boycott FACT instead of just talking around the issue.

I am not trying to be flippant here, I will be flying into Cape Town in a few weeks and I don't want to be on board the plane that does crash, if as this thread is pointing out,it is inevitable.

This is a symbiotic industry..... I trust you pilots to get me home and in return you guys trust people like me to keep your planes serviceable. We all put our asses in the ATC's hands, and then with any luck our luggage will have been correctly loaded and will arrive unmolested.....

I know I will need to put on my teflon coat now, but we do need to have faith in each other that we are indeed looking out for the common good. If ACSA won't pull their finger out then someone needs to do it for them.

Rant over, feeling better now.:{ :{ Sort of:ugh:

B Sousa 25th Dec 2006 18:38

UL, not a rant but pretty much right on the money. Airline driver knows the runway, lands and has problems its Pilot Error. Someone is gonna have to show he has a set and tell the respective Airlines to bring on the heat.

unstable load 25th Dec 2006 23:01

Sadly, seeing as this is such a small world it will need to be someone of independent means or a very soon to retire bod that would dare to display a set that shiny and big.

Still, we live in hope!

BTW, have you heard anything more about the hullabaloo surrounding the recently grounded firefghting hooeys in Cape Town??

JetPark 28th Dec 2006 07:43

Hmmm, had cause to drive a long-range bizjet in and out of FACT last week and aside from the runway issue that plagues ACSA there, the handling of international bizjet flights through immigration procedures is a total nightmare at that place. UGH!!! It drives me crazy, thank heavens for the boys at Signature - at least they take some of the pain away but sjeez that Airport needs rto get its act together. I HATE using it after 15 hours in the cockpit!

Deskjocky 28th Dec 2006 08:24

ACSA has proved their incompetence time after time- from the parking chaos in Joburg to the runway debacle in Cape Town, lets not forget the environmental catastrophe they have wrecked on the area around ORTIA. Just tends to reinforce one’s view that all they really care about is building more retail space- the fact that they are running an airport seems to definitely be a secondary concern.:ugh: :ugh:

JetPark 28th Dec 2006 09:40

You are SO right Dj - wish my business had a Balance Sheet like theirs though!!!:rolleyes:

Deskjocky 29th Dec 2006 09:03

No Question JP, could not think of any other business fleecing...errr I mean generating such phenomenal returns- imagine for a moment what they would get done if they were actually competent!!:eek:

unstable load 29th Dec 2006 19:25

Originally Posted by JetPark (Post 3040010)
Hmmm, had cause to drive a long-range bizjet in and out of FACT last week and aside from the runway issue that plagues ACSA there, the handling of international bizjet flights through immigration procedures is a total nightmare at that place. UGH!!! It drives me crazy, thank heavens for the boys at Signature - at least they take some of the pain away but sjeez that Airport needs rto get its act together. I HATE using it after 15 hours in the cockpit!

Know what you mean. I was on a ferry up to Malabo from there and it took and hour just for the bus to arrive AFTER it had been booked the day before, then the guy actually got lost trying to get us to the right door at immigration!
This from Swissport, no less!

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