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-   -   FTC has been closed down (https://www.pprune.org/african-aviation/123522-ftc-has-been-closed-down.html)

Peter Nielsen 7th Apr 2004 13:53

Does anyone know how to get in contact with the school. I just completed/ passed all my subjets and thought I was on my way to Minrand.... Please let me hear. Or mail me at [email protected]

birdlady 7th Apr 2004 14:41


Just for interest sake - John Knowles is working at Lanseria Flight Centre. I actually flew with him today cause I wanted to convert onto Cessna's. Top Bloke

Peter if you want to get hold of Vicki try her on her cell. Your not guaranteed to get throutgh but I suppose its worth a try. 0832298328. Hope that helps.

King red, thursday 29th sounds great. Will see you there and will spread the word.


Flying Boat 7th Apr 2004 20:07

Wish I was in SA, but unfortunately in Blighty.

Glad John got out, agreed top oke.

Vicki wanted him to pay for landing fees at Lanseria and other transport costs when he landed at Lanseria due to GC being closed to VFR (no IR procedures) in 2002. He would have got a bollocking for cancelling the lesson, typical example of their attitude.

Have 6 Castles & 2 packs Billtong for me.
Toast the demise of the last 2 at the top.

Are the Scorpions interested? I was convinced they were doing the VAT as well as the customers.

Have a good night.


yambat 8th Apr 2004 06:27


Yes the school was at one time very good, certainly one of the best around. I have been reading with much sadness about the demise of the school, there were good people there. Hard to believe that the management (such as they were) can get away with this and so many lose so much, sad to say it 's certainly not a first in aviation.
Good luck to all the instructors and of course the many students.

I was intructing at the school back in late 90's, will try to join you all on 29th. I will spread the word to get some of the guys and gals from that time there .


silverknapper 8th Apr 2004 10:01


Have you had any luck? What was your problem? You sound desperate.


Peter Nielsen 8th Apr 2004 12:11

Don´t really know if I have a problem at all. I´m new here at pprune and got a little worried about my CPL when I saw the comments here. I have no regrets when i think of my time with FTC. I´m planning to go to SA in two month time and hope I´ll leave the country with a JAA-CPL.
By the way: why is it that everyone in here is anonymous - I´ll never know if I I´ve met you at FTC


silverknapper 8th Apr 2004 14:25

What did you do at FTC?
I don't think you'll be getting that CPL from the posts here to be honest.
Also heard today from a CAA CAAFU examiner that the JAA approval is being removed from any further ventures - anyone confirm this?


Flying Boat 13th Apr 2004 21:57

Good news for Europeans, bad for SA
I checked the latest UK CAA list of JAR approved Training Establishments.

Not one is in South Africa.

FTC & GFT (Global Flight Training) are not there, did the UK CAA listen?

Now is the time for some good schools to try, CFA (Midrand) or 43.
I understand they are good, not personnal experience, however, CFA were always helpful towards FTC overseas students.

Good Luck to all the ex FTC instructors and desk staff.

Have a lekker drink, all those going for the gathering.


birdlady 24th Apr 2004 11:06


I just wanted to share a very interesting piece of news that I received yesterday. Apparently Ms B's school in Rand is now fully functional. Not sure what it is called but will find out and let you know. They have all their old aircraft - KFF, UCT, LMI etc and apparently Ms B has tested one of the JAA students last week. Has anyone else heard anything?
:{ :{ :{ :{

Peter Nielsen 25th Apr 2004 13:43

ms B
I have tried to get in comtact with ms. B several times to ask wether or not she´s got JAA CPL approval but without luck. And I´m fed up with FTC and all the irrisponsible people there.

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