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-   -   FTC has been closed down (https://www.pprune.org/african-aviation/123522-ftc-has-been-closed-down.html)

Bucket 20th Mar 2004 13:46

FTC has been closed down
After what many would describe as the inevitable, FTC has finally been closed down by bailiffs. Precise details a bit thin but they were trading and taking cash to the very end.

Very sad to see this school close; the last two years have seen it dieing a slow death. What is to become of it?

Senior management were rumoured to be on their way to London but the bailiffs seized their tickets. Anyone else know anything about the general situation?:ugh:

Rhodie 20th Mar 2004 14:27

After the Alpine buy / not buy - was an interesting wait to see what would happen... :confused:

Wonder who's next..... :(

Feel sorry for all the people who have paid and now stand to lose a whole lot - I hope there was no dishonesty and quick escape plan involved..... (re: air tickets)


gabu 21st Mar 2004 00:53

I thought FTC passed away 6+ months ago to be renamed brittania or britanic etc. after a management buyout, and the infrastructure remaining so they told me when I paid them a visit last october.

So just to be sure are you saying FTC or the taken over FTC have been shut down? As I was thinking of going there but obviously that stops the idea now.

Bucket 23rd Mar 2004 06:38

FTC has changed its name on more than one occassion so it's hard to put old and new into context; as I undertstand it the new company is the one that has been shut down.

JAA groundschool training was stopped some time ago and I know that the school were not able to pay their instructors regularly, a situation that has been going on for quite a while. Ground school students were paying the lecturers directly to overcome this problem.

What is known is this. For more than two years now the owners had erroded the staff morale to the lowest levels known. Promises of part time positions with turbine operators and link ups with NAC simply never materalised. Bills were not paid on time; the school telephones were cut off on more than one occassion and suppliers became aware that dealing with FTC meant long and protracted delays for payment. Student accomadation in the new house was truly appalling, a far cry from the purpose built block that FTC once used at Grand Central.

The arrival of the brand new aeroplanes was seen as light at the end of the tunnel but sadly that was just the debt train coming the other way. Management was known to be abrasive and non-customer orientated. One partner was legendary for his rantings and ravings that could be heard down the office corridors and into the other classrooms and ops room.

Wether by design or by default one of SA's finest schools has gone the way of the Dodo, to no suprise of those who worked there or their clients. Are the previous owners going to start something new and repeat the same fiasco again. How sad:(

banner boy 23rd Mar 2004 09:55

If the phoenix rises---shoot it!
I once was proud to say that I had the privellge of instructing at FTC at the ground school, and even got banned from pprune for doing a selling gig. (Naive at saying come to me and I'll assist -- type thing).

After a small legal wrangle I finally got paid some pennies that were owing, only to be told that I would never work in the industry again. Beware the prophets of doom, for the fickle finger of fate can turn on the simple movement of a hand. ( Whose quote was that anyway)

Only four of us were JAR rated at the time, or Brit CAA accepted by Atlantic to do the JAA ATP/CPL ground school at the Time. I met some great guys and girls, and I hope they benefitted from the long sessions we all endured. Where did it all go wrong??

The ground school, as a stand alone, would have endured Hiroshima itself. We were a close knit group, with the usual gripes, but with the course content, structure and knowledge base. But "across the road" things like rent and photo copier contracts weren't being met. Then came salaries and the rest--- is well history.

To Mr J, thanks for the dammnation to hell, but I'm sure the humiliation of being escorted from the building by armed police officers, after being locked in your office, in front of a lot of former students of FTC, is a far greater damning than I have had , or will ever likely have to endure.

Shame on you if you fool me once, shame on me if you fool me twice.

If I ever hear of a reserection of the phoenix, I will be sure to tell.

sk8erboi 23rd Mar 2004 14:27

That is the best news for aviation training I have heard in a long time. They were a disgrace to flight training, both in terms of customer service and safety. I hope they never are allowed to start again, however I feel they may. Rumour has it a school is starting run by ********. Beware, this is the same *******who was so involved with FTC. Anyone seeing the names ***** or ****** should never go near them in relation to flight training. It could cost you dearly.
From a JAA point of view when will the CAA take note of the flow of complaints and actually atop this woman setting up again.

**** = Unless these names are in the public domain you should not place them here. !

Flying Boat 27th Mar 2004 16:53

Beware the financial vampire may have risen
I notice that the latest CAA schools info has not got FTC as a school, but Global Flight Training (Pty) Limited with the same address. The Email is to '[email protected]'

I assume the call should go out to all, beware they're back!

If they are new management, not Vicky or Guy, perhaps they can tell us all.


They have moved to Rand, as reported by Birdlady on this thread:


birdlady 29th Mar 2004 19:14

FTC - the good, the bad and the ugly
Hi everyone!

Everyone who hates FTC - give a big shout out loud. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! What can I say I just completed my ppl with them and finished two days before the school shut. Still waiting for my test forms to be signed by the lovely MS lady Buxton. I have heard from the horses mouth myself that they are opening a new school in Rand. I have to say the only reason why I stayed so long was because of the instructors. All a bunch of top blokes excellent standard of training when we could get the aeroplanes = Mr Trevor i have to say a big thanks on that note - always pushing names around for moi.

OOOHHH Banner boy you have just made my year - Mr J being escorted out of the building by armed officers. I would have paid good money to see that. I was actually there that faithful day - sorry I missed that one.

Again a big shout out loud from those who hate FTC. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Birdlady

King Red 30th Mar 2004 07:11

Well chaps, it was great working with you all at one of the finest training institutions around till about 2 years ago.

Lets go forth and remember, if any job, business proposal promising even a paying seat in an A380 comes along and the initials V or J are anywhere to be seen, run at 100 miles an hour, in the oposite direction that is. Sorry but experience prevails.

Any old students, ex instructors, ex staff etc interested in a final drink (wake) at a venue in JHB at a date to be arranged please reply to the forum and lets get a plan together. Need to keep as many friends in this industry. The invite excludes only two people.

banner boy 1st Apr 2004 13:37

The Wake
I am available for the farewell drink or seven for the Wake of the ill fated FTC. Advise when and where. There like a bear.

silverknapper 1st Apr 2004 16:33

If only I could make it guys, unfortunately will have to make do with one in the cold UK.
I would be very dissapointed if they were allowed to just start up again. Surely someone at the CAA and JAA must take note of this?
Reminds me of a joke:anyone hear of the JAA approved school where no-one passes skills tests first time, oh and the owner is the examiner?!

Tubbs 1st Apr 2004 17:09

Perhaps we should book Earl´s Court for the UK wake...did the Polis ever catch up with Mr T, our fat friendly red-faced representative?

God bless Guiseppe´s, RIP

GormanInkarnati 2nd Apr 2004 17:10

I have waited so long to hear something this good!!

Proof that there is a God!!!

Africa is a tough country lady VB.... maybe you should go home??

As my good friend from the movies would say - Yipee ka jay MOTHER :mad:S!!!!!!

126,7 3rd Apr 2004 07:10

I rented FTC's C210 several times a few years back and the aircraft was always in goog shape. One of the best C210s available for hire and fly.
The staff was also always friendly and helpful. Looked like a good solid company to an outsider like me. Have to add that this was 5-6 years ago.

Longdrop 6th Apr 2004 04:11

While I had heard of a few problems, especially regarding their UK representation. I thought these guys where going to be ok, with new aircraft being injected into the fleet, JAA affiliation and from what I heard, great ground school. I can’t help but think that it’s sad that this school went under, at some stage they must have been serious about what they where doing. South Africa is well known for the standard of their training and for a while FTC was at the forefront, this sort of thing doesn’t do the industry any good.

I hope nobody got burnt.

birdlady 6th Apr 2004 10:32

Hi everyone

The drink sounds great - let me know where and when. It does pay to keep up the contacts. :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok:

African Drunk 6th Apr 2004 15:03

Was john knowles still working there?

King Red 6th Apr 2004 15:43

Keeping up the contacts (drinks)
My mate John pretty much saw the light and kicked it in towards the end. At home with his daughter. Much better place to be. Really good chap and deserves much better.

Glad to hear that there are folks out there wanting to keep up the contacts. Good move in aviation.

Should we set a date, time and venue?

Thursday, 29 April 2004
19H00 (local)
Baron and Farrier (Midrand)

Spread the news, lets see how many fellow rock up

Peter Nielsen 6th Apr 2004 16:17

re. ftc reunion
I desperately need to get in contact with FTC. If anyone´s gos at number or an adress please let me know.

silverknapper 6th Apr 2004 16:26


You mention the JAA groundschool but I would have to disagree and say it was an absolute disgrace. Out of 8 Guys who started in Jan 2003, only 1 has completed it. The notes were an absolute joke, done - like everyting else at FTC-to the cheapest possible level.
However I believe it was once an excellent school, and it is a shame to see it in this state as it's potential was incredible as a JAA school in terms of climate, cost. A/C etc. If only Jackson hadn't got near it and basically strip it of cash - into the now infamous Isle of Man account.
Interestingly was speaking to someone at the local club who contacted them for a quotea short time ago - and they were more than willing to take the full amount up front! hmmmmm


Peter Nielsen 7th Apr 2004 13:53

Does anyone know how to get in contact with the school. I just completed/ passed all my subjets and thought I was on my way to Minrand.... Please let me hear. Or mail me at [email protected]

birdlady 7th Apr 2004 14:41


Just for interest sake - John Knowles is working at Lanseria Flight Centre. I actually flew with him today cause I wanted to convert onto Cessna's. Top Bloke

Peter if you want to get hold of Vicki try her on her cell. Your not guaranteed to get throutgh but I suppose its worth a try. 0832298328. Hope that helps.

King red, thursday 29th sounds great. Will see you there and will spread the word.


Flying Boat 7th Apr 2004 20:07

Wish I was in SA, but unfortunately in Blighty.

Glad John got out, agreed top oke.

Vicki wanted him to pay for landing fees at Lanseria and other transport costs when he landed at Lanseria due to GC being closed to VFR (no IR procedures) in 2002. He would have got a bollocking for cancelling the lesson, typical example of their attitude.

Have 6 Castles & 2 packs Billtong for me.
Toast the demise of the last 2 at the top.

Are the Scorpions interested? I was convinced they were doing the VAT as well as the customers.

Have a good night.


yambat 8th Apr 2004 06:27


Yes the school was at one time very good, certainly one of the best around. I have been reading with much sadness about the demise of the school, there were good people there. Hard to believe that the management (such as they were) can get away with this and so many lose so much, sad to say it 's certainly not a first in aviation.
Good luck to all the instructors and of course the many students.

I was intructing at the school back in late 90's, will try to join you all on 29th. I will spread the word to get some of the guys and gals from that time there .


silverknapper 8th Apr 2004 10:01


Have you had any luck? What was your problem? You sound desperate.


Peter Nielsen 8th Apr 2004 12:11

Don´t really know if I have a problem at all. I´m new here at pprune and got a little worried about my CPL when I saw the comments here. I have no regrets when i think of my time with FTC. I´m planning to go to SA in two month time and hope I´ll leave the country with a JAA-CPL.
By the way: why is it that everyone in here is anonymous - I´ll never know if I I´ve met you at FTC


silverknapper 8th Apr 2004 14:25

What did you do at FTC?
I don't think you'll be getting that CPL from the posts here to be honest.
Also heard today from a CAA CAAFU examiner that the JAA approval is being removed from any further ventures - anyone confirm this?


Flying Boat 13th Apr 2004 21:57

Good news for Europeans, bad for SA
I checked the latest UK CAA list of JAR approved Training Establishments.

Not one is in South Africa.

FTC & GFT (Global Flight Training) are not there, did the UK CAA listen?

Now is the time for some good schools to try, CFA (Midrand) or 43.
I understand they are good, not personnal experience, however, CFA were always helpful towards FTC overseas students.

Good Luck to all the ex FTC instructors and desk staff.

Have a lekker drink, all those going for the gathering.


birdlady 24th Apr 2004 11:06


I just wanted to share a very interesting piece of news that I received yesterday. Apparently Ms B's school in Rand is now fully functional. Not sure what it is called but will find out and let you know. They have all their old aircraft - KFF, UCT, LMI etc and apparently Ms B has tested one of the JAA students last week. Has anyone else heard anything?
:{ :{ :{ :{

Peter Nielsen 25th Apr 2004 13:43

ms B
I have tried to get in comtact with ms. B several times to ask wether or not she´s got JAA CPL approval but without luck. And I´m fed up with FTC and all the irrisponsible people there.

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