African Aviation Regional issues that affect the numerous pilots who work in this area of the world.

Fake ATP's

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Old 10th Jun 2000, 18:23
  #61 (permalink)  
The Ant
Posts: n/a

That Scotsman "McClain" sure seems bullet proof, worst he believes himself to be untouchable and has said so to many a Captain he has flown with. He believes that he suffered for the struggle and the ANC now owe him, therefore he cannot be fired. This is the type of individual that the new SA government is going to build the renaissance upon!!!!!
This is someone who swanned around embassies all his life, did his Comm in Ethiopia and has an American passport. Those ANC cadre's who were imprisoned in SA jails, had their genitals electrocuted and were beaten every night would just love to hear somebody who was wined and dined every night saying he 'suffered for the struggle'.
One must not forget the Anton Richman comes from a long line of lawyers who assisted the ANC during the days of apartheid and he is running Flight Operations on the same basis.
Old 12th Jun 2000, 15:03
  #62 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Is this the first stage of a disease that afflicts a number of other African countries? I'm talking about those who will sell an ATP to a foreign PPL holder for a mere US$100-00 or other suitable amount. Methinks we're in deep organic fertiliser if this is the case.
Old 12th Jun 2000, 16:46
  #63 (permalink)  
The Guvnor
Posts: n/a

Skybiter - I'd say yes.

Happiness is a warm L1011
Old 21st Jun 2000, 22:09
  #64 (permalink)  
The Ant
Posts: n/a

All is quiet! Surely not, anybody heard anything?
Old 24th Jun 2000, 00:27
  #65 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Announcement of Public Hearings on Issues Affecting The Aviation Industry
22 June 2000

Following up on allegations of fraudulent practices concerning air transport pilot licence examinations, the Board of the Civil Aviation Authority established an Independent Review Panel (IRP) to inquire into and report on its findings on these allegations and associated issues.

The Panel will be chaired by Advocate Vincent Maleka. His co-panelists are two aviation experts, Captain Deryck Leathers, President of the Airline Pilots Association of South Africa and Mr John Morrison, Chief Executive, Airlines Association of Southern Af rica.

The terms of reference of the Panel are:

to review the internal investigation carried out by the Civil Aviation Authority into the allegations of examination fraud in order to verify the correctness or otherwise of the findings of this investigation;
to consider new evidence;
to make recommendations to the Commissioner for Civil Aviation; and
to review the CAA procedures for issuing licences to assess the threat of fraud in these procedures.
Public hearings will be conducted from 09:00 - 16:00 Monday 26 June to Friday 14 July at AFSA House, no 4 Protea Place (off Fredman Drive), Sandton.

The Panel appeals to any person or potential witnesses with information relating to these matters to contact Mr Ramushu of Matlala Incorporated on telephone (012) 342 5128; cell 082 378 3946; fax (012) 342 2219 or e-mail [email protected] in order to co-ordinate a time and date to give evidence at the hearings.

The fulfillment of the Panel's objective will contribute to continued safety of aviation in South Africa. The Panel seeks the co-operation of the public and all interested parties to make sure this is achieved.

Cut from CAA-SA website.
Old 28th Jun 2000, 07:57
  #66 (permalink)  
Ag-cat 650
Posts: n/a
Red face

as of 27/06/2000 the news 24 web page carries an article that reports that a warrant of arrest for Trevor Abrahams and other CAA staff members as well as three SAA
pilots has been issued,00.html

Old 28th Jun 2000, 14:54
  #67 (permalink)  
The Ant
Posts: n/a

I read a similar report in the Star newspaper this morning, though no names were mentioned. Nine warrents of arrest were issued, 7 for pilots and 2 for CAA officials.
Old 28th Jun 2000, 22:49
  #68 (permalink)  
The Ant
Posts: n/a

The 8 o'clock news had footage of Themba McClain entering court this morning after his arrest. What more is required to have him dismissed from SAA?
Reports from the independent review board indicate that there could be as much as 50 pilot's involved in this. I imagine a lot of very nervous individuals are sitting out there at the moment.
Old 28th Jun 2000, 22:49
  #69 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Greetings from the South African Game Reserve. Hallelujah - Something is happening!

Just watched the SABC 8 o'clock news and What is the main news? - TREVOR ,THEMBA & Cronies have been arrested and appeared in court today. They have been remanded in custody (where they belong anyway - probably comparing notes with Boesak) until 6 July for further court hearings. Warrants of arrest have been issued for 4 more persons involved in this scam.

My humour has improved dramatically!!! How about yours?
Old 28th Jun 2000, 23:20
  #70 (permalink)  
The Ant
Posts: n/a

The wheels of justice might be slow, but it is good to see that they do turn. Hopefully this will clean up the whole business and we can put it all behind us. This should also be the final straw for Themba, though there has been no response from SAA on this matter. ALPA-SA have not made any press statements either. It will be interesting to see the responses from these two organisations. ALPA-SA are in the unenviable position of probably having to defend them as they are members.
Old 29th Jun 2000, 00:41
  #71 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Think they're going to get what they deserve?

I'm not holding my breath. Chances are it'll be the usual whitewash and sideways promotion that those who are caught stroking the cat recieve as punishment.

SOP Political appointments: Reward the guilty and punish the innocent (and not just in SA. Read the Dununda and Godzone threads).
Old 29th Jun 2000, 10:21
  #72 (permalink)  
The Ant
Posts: n/a

The question that is now begging to be asked is, how is it possible for these guys to have passed their ATP flight tests? Themba was unable to pass it within the airline, yet Anton richman gave him R10 000 and voila, he returns with an ATP!!!!!!!!!!!
It is rumoured that Robbie Robinson gave him a very quick 20 minute flight test and then passed him. Whether it was Robbie or somebody else, a genuine flight inspector would have picked up the candidates lack of knowledge. There is obviously inspectors who need to be questioned in this regard.
Old 29th Jun 2000, 11:11
  #73 (permalink)  
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SAA maintains that the 3 "suspects" are properly licenced to fly as co-pilots. Yeah right. Then how come one of them is sitting, or rather was sitting until yesterday in the right hand seat of a B747 when an ALTP is required for that position - Legality? Skipper rests for 3 hours and this chap is " in charge" Oh Boy. ALTP exams include 1 or 2 B747 related subjects which this chap would of couse now have no knowlegde of.
Old 29th Jun 2000, 17:11
  #74 (permalink)  
Goldfish Jack
Posts: n/a

Well things are happening.

I just hope there is no cover up and that justice is seen to be done. I feel for all those youngsters that have struggled, at huge financial expense, to get a comm and then an ATP and done is HONESTLY and struggled to get a job. I take my hats off to them.

I wonder what SAAFI has got to say about one of their members (?) giving out an ATP in such a case. Maybe this is also one for investigation.

Looking forward to SAA and ALPA's response to the arrest of their members.
Old 29th Jun 2000, 20:29
  #75 (permalink)  
V1 Rotate
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SAA cannot hide behind the comm. licence vs ATP. Once you are the holder of an ATP you no longer hold a comm. or a PPL. So If their bright new buttons held fake ATP licences they were actualy NOT licenced at all! When it all comes out what are ICAO, the FAA etc going to have say about that? SAA using people who my be politically correct but no qualification for the seat.
V1 Rotate
Old 29th Jun 2000, 22:00
  #76 (permalink)  
Capt Gadget
Posts: n/a

The following is an excerpt from report titled CAA chief faces week in jail

"The three SAA pilots handed themselves over and were arrested.

They are Zambian citizen Themba Nathaniel McClain, 33; Similo Charles Sali, 38; and Issama Dominicus Nombo, 42. "

In the last SAA recruitment ad I saw, it was specified that applicants must be SA citizens.
Is the Scotsman a Zambian?

Old 29th Jun 2000, 22:46
  #77 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

To quote SAA chief - Quote "In the case of the three first officers, the matter at hand is not a
safety issue-because the ATP license is not required for their first officer
position. But it is clearly an integrity issue." Unquote.
One wonders if he is aware that one of the 3 was actually a co-jock on B747 where a ATP was required to occupy that seat and one of this co-jo's responsibilties was to be PIC when the P1 was resting. As was previously mentioned, this chap then, did in fact have no licence. What are the legal ramifications of that, if something went pear-shaped on board.
Scary huh!
These guys are operating in our airspace.
Old 30th Jun 2000, 01:38
  #78 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

According to The Star newspaper, SAA spokesperson Madelein Roscher said that First Officers/Co Pilots in SAA is not involved in take-offs or landings. Nobody was in danger at any time.

What a joke? They are obviously misleading the public and try to cover up for not doing anything about the 3 jail-birds. That was until the police got involved.

"That is probably why Capt's in SAA is well paid - they have to do all the work. The co-pilots also become Capt's by getting a ATP licence AND by looking how its done by the Capt."

PS. I also did'nt know that Themba was a Zamboon.

[This message has been edited by Anon (edited 29 June 2000).]
Old 30th Jun 2000, 12:23
  #79 (permalink)  
The Ant
Posts: n/a

If a guy is found guilty of cheating on his ATP, it makes no sense to accept that he legitemately passed his comm, or that his hours in his logbook are genuine!!
Yet this is what SAA are saying!!!!
A little bit of spin doctoring.
Old 30th Jun 2000, 13:03
  #80 (permalink)  
The Ant
Posts: n/a

Anton Richman has continuously been protecting Themba McClain, despite overwhelming evidence that he should be dismissed from SAA (Disciplinary problems, AWOL etc...) Yet he chose to shelter him. Surely Anton must be questioned by the police as to why he chose this path, is he not hiding something himself????

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