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Thread: ATSA Licensing
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Old 15th Sep 2003, 07:42
  #24 (permalink)  
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Niknak –

I shall reply to your points in turn –

Firstly, (and most importantly), let me state categorically that I personally do not want to be issued with any licence just because I am an ATSA, or an ATSA LCE/OJTI. I support the concept entirely from a safety and standards perspective only. The issue of a licence should be the tangible evidence that the holder is genuinely capable of doing a particular task/function, in a safe, conscientious and efficient manner, and by use of the annual Local Competency Examination , he/she will, and can, be expected to do so each time they turn up for work.

As for “extra grades for extra responsibilities”, I have (as have many of my counterparts) been training new staff, and taking part in validation Boards since 1993, and have never received one single penny for any of it – unlike my ATCO counterparts. Nor have I received any formally-recognised training for it – it has never been offered. A licence should not be issued just because I/we undertake this function – as I have already said, the licensing issue is all about SAFETY and the constant provision of it, in whatever part of the operation one works in. The payment for such tasks is an entirely separate matter, but will be an important one when it comes to finding personnel to take on the additional OJTI/LCE tasks if licensing is implemented.

With regard to “buck stopping” – I should think that most ATSAs can recall incidents where senior ATCOs have made ATSA-related decisions, only to see it blow up in their faces. It is very rare for an ATCO to ask the advice of an ATSA about anything operational – it is just assumed that, as an ATCO, they must know as much (if not more) than the ATSA. Do senior ATCOs know better? On ATCO related topics, a definite “yes” – ATSA issues? – not a chance! If you once were, as you say, an ATSA , then you will know this to be true. I have no problem with ATCOs making operational decisions – but if they directly involve, or have an effect on the operation of the ATSA function, then it would be prudent (and polite) to first ask for an opinion from those best placed to give it – the ATSAs themselves.

As for your comments about “Company perks” – at my place of employment, excluding UKATTS, the ATCO grades DO receive additional benefits which are denied to the ATSA grades. This has been, and continues to be, a considerable irritation to those so excluded – after all, are we not all batting for the same side?

“Parity with ATCO pay grades” – pay scales were not specifically mentioned – please read it again, for I fear that you have misunderstood. The implication was that we, as ATSAs, are not on a “par” when it comes to anything that the ATCOs are privy to, and I then highlighted the Company perks, plus put-downs (in the professional sense) and lack of support as examples. These are, admittedly, separate issues from the licensing, but would also play their part if/when it came around to finding staff to fulfil the additional tasks which licensing would create. However, there is no reason whatsoever why we ATSAs should not be afforded the same level of professional acceptance and courtesy by others employed within NATS ATC, and we should also be allowed to share in the rewards (perks), whatever they may be.

With regard to lack of visible support from ATCOs for the ATSA licensing issue - you might like to consider the possibility that your colleagues don’t actually want to be seen to be taking sides with the “opposition” – nor do they want to fall out with us, because we all still have to work together, don’t we? And this website is not as “anonymous” as you would like to think. If, unlike yourself, they do not wish to air their views in public, perhaps they might take the trouble to engage in a little sensible debate with their ATSA counterparts at their own Station/Centre?

Finally, with regard to “hard done by, petulant outburst, chip on shoulder” - when debating an issue with anyone, never resort to making direct derogatory personal comments about the opponent – you do not know them personally, and it only indicates to all and sundry that the perpetrator of said comments has nothing constructive left to say. (happens far too often on Pprune, as it is).
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