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Old 20th May 2016, 16:08
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As a new pupil to this comment “market place “,…I would like to address , ( on my first attempt to have a whinge or draw attention to what I think needs looking at ) :-- the possible failures in planned cabin evacuation by certain airlines. Since I travel “down the back “ a lot now following retirement 12 years ago from the F/D I have become more aware, not only of the shortcomings of a presumed smooth evacuation, but also of the vain and arrogant ( if that’s the right word ) assumptions by passengers themselves who dress totally inadequately for their air journey.
I am looking at some who are so fat they can hardly get IN to their seats, never mind get out of them, And others wearing those dreaded flip-flops which can only spell disaster for them and the people they hold up as they try so desperately not to hurt their feet when they lose them or have to walk eventually on some sharp and even hot metal after the impact or runway evacuation. They should be made to wear the proper shoes for the job in hand – i.e. travel as safely as possible !
I also note the growing number of foreign cabin crew who can hardly speak audible English ( have you always understood their tannoys ? ) and who leave quite a doubt in my mind sometimes about their agility and efficacy in getting us all out ! I saw a hostie on board a certain Irish airline the other day and I reckon she was no more than 4ft -6 inches , if even that , ( head and shoulders ...just... above the headrest as she passed by ) and built like a stick insect. Can you imagine that one getting a Fatty out of his seat and urging him through the emergency window ? I don’t think so ! I dread travelling on these cheap and cheerful economy airlines now especially if I’m stuck in a seat A or a seat F and I’m in between emergency exits . I look up through the long cabin and can easily imagine the disaster unfolding , as everyone panics and bulging overweight/obese pax try desperately to squeeze their way out past everybody else,- probably reaching into the o/head locker first, as well !! ( look what they’re like when the aircraft comes on stand ) I’m thinking ……………“ if anything goes wrong on this one, Sonny, ( -- despite all the presumed perfect training )—youre not gonna get out , Boy …!! " The CAA and the airlines need to take another long look at more safety parameters and the potholes here when dealing with a full house cabin, and put to the test more stringently, these well founded anxieties, unfortunately evolving, while in their rush to “pack ‘em in” and just make money. Otherwise the hindsight will be too late to save lives.. ……
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