PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Plugging laptop into 747 airframe power
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Old 25th Mar 2002, 13:12
  #7 (permalink)  
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Personally speaking, Eboy, I wouldn't let passengers with laptops go anywhere near those power points. They are used for a variety of medical reasons in flight. If you go messing with them, you may be putting the health/welfare of sick passengers at risk.. .. .Worst case scenario: If your computer equipment was faulty, it might blow the circuit breaker(s) in the Main Equipment Center. This is located below the main passenger deck and is not always the easiest things to access in flight. If a sick passenger was constantly using some kind of medical device at the same time you may end up killing him/ her in the time it takes to get to the CB. . .. .Sometimes a passenger brings his/her own medical gear for use during the flight... e.g. a ventillator (for asthma) with a suitable transformer.... A list of approved types is given to the passenger, but sometimes signals get crossed and the passenger brings the wrong sort. In this case, the passenger is usually prohibited from flying (or from using the device... and proceeds at his/her own risk). BTW, incorrect transformers make some really disturbing high pitched buzzing noises (as many can't handle the high frequency). Your laptop transformer should specify the range of frequencies it can handle, but this is, in no way, an authority to use it on an aircraft.. .. .As Jetboy says, the power points are provided by power from the Ground Service Bus which IS powered in flight (as opposed to the Ground Handling Bus).. .. .Be advised.. .. .Rgds.. .Q.