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Old 18th Aug 2014, 22:22
  #2185 (permalink)  
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Baffled, bewildered and embuggered.

Sarcs – good show, again. One thing (amongst the many) which intrigue me is the apparent breach of TSI 24, seems to me it's writ large but gets pushed aside with focus on 25 and 26, even the inimitable Aherne side steps the issues. Applying the Creampuff Cock-up v conspiracy theorem is a tough call on this little episode; lets have a little look-see at what was 'in the bag' before the rip, tear and bust boys got busy. Had CASA played a straight, 'low key' bat, there were gold stars for all.

a) The new MoU and AILU could have had a pre launch test run; to smooth out the kinks. ATSB come up with a CSI, CASA white hats go to work. TICK and gold star and no skin loss.

b) CASA then quietly acknowledge that there were some minor 'oversight' issues, the FOI responsible had been 'tuned up'; they were working on the revised fuel rules and were awaiting industry feed back; they had modified the 'operator' problems and the flight crew had been tested; and, in fact, proactive, deep dish safety culture was breaking out all over. Happy as Claggy, high fives and gold stars all around.

c) The crowning glory - ATSB could have produced a learned briefing on 'safety equipment' and new knowledge on 'ditching survival'; the CSI would have been vindicated, a new spirit of cooperation established and all would be rosy in their garden. High fives and gold stars all around. Bravo; etc. Great return on our safety investment.

So WTF went so horribly wrong with the preordained, carefully planned hatch, match and dispatch of Pel Air? Got me beat. So, while we wait for the next Sarcs chapter; I'll entertain us all with a fairy story. Now, are you sitting comfortably?, good, then I'll begin.
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Once upon a time (back in the day) in a land far, far away lived a King who had formed an alliance with a powerful Emperor to ensure that his modest kingdom had powerful allies and access to wealth; required to ensure that his little kingdom remained secure. For a while the little kingdom flourished, new trade routes were established and lucrative contracts with other states were negotiated and generally life seemed pretty good. Then came the day of 'the report'; a wet bedraggled minion had inconveniently been rescued at sea, telling tales of a great storm that had swamped the Kings vessel, which was now lost to the depths.

Well, mostly in those distant times, the loss of a ship or two was to be expected and ordinarily, this would be of no great concern to the King; but the timing was inconvenient. There were other matters of great import which depended on safe transportation and the King needed to make certain that this little, insignificant incident didn't upset those matters. So, he sent for the Grand Vizier (GV). The King understood that it was within the power of the GV to make this little incident disappear; unbeknownst to him was the total lack of subtlety with which the GV ran his bailiwick and the creatures he employed to do his bidding.

King – "Look here GV, there are some important matters of state which are delicately balanced and the Emperor is starting to ask difficult questions about financial matters; so I need to have the loss of the 'Nightingale' smoothed over, quickly and neatly; can you do it?"

GV – "No problem majesty; I've got just the man to do it, we'll blame the storm and the Captain; that only leaves the busybodies over at the Mariners Trust to deal with; but they are under control with a new contract so we'll see to it, and you will owe me one – deal?"

So, they shook hands and the King put it out of his mind. The GV disappeared to his dungeon lair, brooded on the puzzle for a little while, then sent for one of his trusted creatures from the Golden West Mafia (GWM) crew. It had been the GV 's habit to recruit his henchmen from the GWM, no past GV would have them in the building, but they suited the GV just fine as they seemed to understand his little ways. The Deputy Grand Vizier (DGV) lumbered into the chamber, wheezing and looking furtive, but eager as always for mischief and gold.

The GV explained the situation and asked who was the 'best' man for the job. The DVG seeing a chance to foster and promote his own clan rumbled "I've got just the man GV, I'll send him a carrier pigeon directly".

GV - "Excellent, I have to take a little trip to the holiday island of Lubby-Loo for a while; so, get this done and watch the shop, there's a good chap".

Now, as it happened the DGV had three of four of his own clan he wished to assist up the ladders, but there were some snakes to beat down and the little game of hide and seek the GV wanted suited his dark purpose, very well indeed. After much thought, a plan was hatched, the pigeon despatched and (as they say) the rest belongs to history. Or should have, however..

The DGV plan was cunning; subtle and effective, but the DGV had underestimated not only the naked ambition of his hand picked clan members, but their inability to resist a soap box and that the plan would only survive until it was handed over. Second and third agenda's were quickly generated and this, as history will show was where it all started to go pear shaped..
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is a thread of long pages; and I believe Brother Sarcs has a little MTF, so I'll stop here and, if you're good, you shall have the rest of the tale, tomorrow..

Sponsor; the IOS chapter for why bother with fiction when the truth is more bizarre. a.k.a. TOAST (Totally Obfuscated Agenda Stories and Tales).

Toot toot.

Last edited by Kharon; 19th Aug 2014 at 05:36.
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