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Old 9th Feb 2002, 13:12
  #24 (permalink)  
Grandad Flyer
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I cannot believe that all you guys spent that much money without doing a lot of research first. If I was spending that kind of money I would want far more info from the school on career paths of past students, pass rates, average time to get licences, etc. I would want hard facts from all the schools.. .Also, I cannot believe you only listened to the salesman! Its a bit like going into a Skoda garage and asking them what car to buy. They tell you that the Skoda is the best car you will find. So you hand over your cash. I think not. But that is just what you have all done at Oxford. . .Before I ever set foot in an aircraft I did so much research. I sussed out early on that Oxford was not all it says it is. I searched out airline pilots and asked them about the industry and how hard/easy it is to get a job. I asked them about reputations of schools. I found out what you need to stay current.. .Nowhere in Oxford's contract does it say they will find you a job. Even the most basic research will throw up the fact that aviation usually runs on a 7 year cycle, and having just had a very good period for new pilots, it was bound to turn down again. What happens here usually happens in America a year or so earlier. Anyone reading the paper could see what was happening. . .Who said that getting high marks in your written exams or being one of the best on your course will help in getting a job? . .Who said that having an OATS CPL/IR would make you a cut above the others? . .Certainly not the industry or anyone doing recruiting.. .OATS are very good salespeople, obviously. There are some very gullible people out there.. .I looked at all the schools, the different courses and routes available and chose my own route (modular).. .I planned a way of keeping current and building hours at very low cost, both before and after my CPL. I planned what I was going to do after getting my licence, in order to have enough money to live on (no rich parents unfortunately).. .I started trying to make contacts and keep up with what was happening in the industry.. .It was very obvious to me that 1000 hours and a frozen ATPL were the minimum paper requirements, and the rest was down to getting an interview and performing well at it. . .If everyone has the same qualifications and experience then it is the person they are looking for.. .Anyone, rather than billowing in your own misery, think laterally and try and figure out what to do next. We are at the low end of the 7 year cycle which means there is only one way to go. This summer will see airlines starting to recruit again, and it won't take long before all the redundant pilots will have got jobs again. . .However, the recruiters are looking for licence, hours, and currency as well as motivation and determination.. .So make 100% sure you are current. Forget the fact that you have gone to OATS, it is totally irrelevant. Even if you were the best student. According to OATS. So what? No-one is interested.. .And start doing your research into airlines. Find out everything about them, what experience levels they have recruited at before, what their fleet is, what their future plans are, have they ordered more aircraft, etc.etc.. .Then you will have the research and knowledge behind you to get yourself an interview.. .Also make sure your CV is as good as it can be.. .Good luck.
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