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Old 17th Mar 2003, 22:23
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I agree with Robin and Looney, well put both of you

Cards on the table, I am one of those horrible hours building Instructors who doesn't give a sh*t about my students or care at all about my standard of teaching....not

Sorry, rant over but I do find it slightly offensive that because I'm hours building some people assume that I'm not professional in my approach to instructing...what a load of BS.
Yes I am hours building
Yes I am looking for a commercial flying job
Yes, all my students are aware of this
No I will not take students up in unsuitable conditions in order just to get an extra hour in my log book
As instructors we regularly fly with each other to check each other out, and iron out any inconsistencies/errors

I fully intend to continue instructing if possible when I finally get that commercial job. I took up instructing as a method of hours building because I wanted to do it, wanted to give something back, and instil my enthusiasm of aviation into others. I could have looked at para dropping, banner towing, or Aerial photography but chose to instruct. Ultimately I want to instruct with an airline but that is a long way off yet.
The other reason I took up instructing was to improve my flying, not simply gain free flying. I looked at my instructor, his approach, professionalism, ability and thought to myself, I want to be that good.
I'm certainly not there yet (and I now realise he wasn’t either), I still make mistakes, but I'm learning and getting better every time I fly.

I like to believe that through a professional approach I instil enthusiasm into my students and instil that same professionalism into them.
In every profession you get those that take it seriously and give their best and those that don't. I work in IT, which is probably a classic example of this. Changing the system will not change that.

On the contrary I believe that by changing the system and dumbing down the instructors you risk dumbing down GA in general, lowering the standard of students which is ultimately to the detriment of GA. If it is made easier and cheaper to become an amateur instructor then more people will do it unpaid just to get the free flying...is that really what we want to achieve? Also, echo’ing Robins comments, we then run the risk of having the partially sighted leading the blind!! Leave instructing professional, its not perfect, but it’s a darn sight better then the alternatives.

As it is, PPL's can instruct albeit with CPL theory knowledge. I'm sorry, I don't want to offend anyone here, but the only people who I have heard complaining about studying for the theory exams are those that would struggle to complete them. I’m not claiming to be mastermind, but lets face it, the ATPL theory exams are not exactly rocket science are they, and if you can’t hack them then I really don’t think you should consider instructing either.

I do agree that maybe the FI course ought to be changed to include more focus on teaching techniques, and possibly be more stringent on the minimum hours requirements and have a more challenging entry test similar to the CPL skill test, but that’s about it. Personally I’d also get rid of this revalidationl by seminar nonsense and make an instructor revalidation with an examiner compulsory (yes I know it puts the cost up but it would help keep us on our toes).

I have to also disagree with excrab's comment about saying instructional hours shouldn't count. Apologies excrab,no doubt you are far more experienced than myself but I think that is a ludicrous suggestion. Although much of the time I am not actually hands on as the student is flying, I am watching him/her like a hawk, whilst maintaining situational awareness, looking out for other aircraft, monitoring the radio, planning ahead for the next part of the lesson and generally trying to ensure that he/she doesn't kill us. But I guess that really shouldn't count for anything and doesn't improve my ability or airmanship qualities in any way, nor will it benefit me when I finally work in a multi-crew environment.

Anyway, apologies for rambling on, and please no comments regarding any smelling pistakes etc, it's been a long day and I am shattered. I realise I have echo'd Looney/Robins points just less eloquently, but if I re-write what I have written I'll probably tone it down too much.

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