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Old 11th Dec 2001, 02:38
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I do appreciate your point of view.
Unfortunately have to disagree.
A greater pool of qualified pilots would mean (theoreticaly) that the truly able make it to positions that require a greater level of talent.
You are absolutely correct when you say that initialy US pilots are paid less, in fact I am led to beleive that accross the board they are paid less. This being in a country where like for like wages are higher in general.
This is no bad thing as I feel that pay in the upper bands is extremely over inflated.
Pilots indeed have a very high degree of responsibility but have been put on a pedastal in this country far too long.
However I have been reading the thread started by Billy the Fish 2 and understand that Ryan Air and probably others also pay very little in the first few years.
I think most people would rather come out of their trainning with a 20.odd grand debt than a 50 grand debt and this figure only gets worse the longer it takes to pay off. (Sorry to state the obvious).
I do think though that your opinion on ground school courses being subsidised in the way hnd/hncs are is a great idea.
How about going one step further and making the atpl exams a nationaly recognised examination acheivement so that should a trainning pilot leave his field he leaves armed with an HND type qualification or higher.
As for the rest hopefully we can agree to disagree.

Joe bolt. Sorry to go off on a tangent but I did state I wasn't sure were you are going with this thread. I can't imagin many if any occupations that require 50 grand trainning costs that an individual is directly liable for.
Yes I do have an axe to grind, a very large one. I appologise that I have spouted off in you forum.

[ 10 December 2001: Message edited by: twinkletoes ]
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