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Old 28th Jan 2003, 16:34
  #42 (permalink)  
High Wing Drifter
Posts: n/a
Feet Dry,

Do you get the feeling that Chuck enjoyed answering your question


I never felt particuarly comfortable staring up ahead just when my brain says "WTF are you looking up yonder for? You are about to hit the deck look down...now...please!" Anyways, I could grease my landings prior to and just after solo. They have gone off a little now but I think I have it sussed for then next time.

However, all these methods seem a little too mechanical too me. I suspect all these prescriptive methods serve to teach you how to land on your home runway but not at a narrower, uphill, shorter one with different features around-and-abouts.

I get the feeling that it will click soon. Is it like learning to use the clutch in a car for the first time? There is no text that can describe exactly when to do what, you just learn how and when so that it eventually becomes instinctive instinctive.

Actually, maybe it is a lot like a good golf swing - trust your instincts and hit the fairway, think about it and take a provisional

Anybody else concure with my limited observations thus far?