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Old 2nd Nov 2012, 10:25
  #6 (permalink)  
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Fort Fumble, Spin, FAA, Willyleaks and 'two heads'

Israel is far more important to the USA than Australia yet they failed to convince the FAA that they should be given another chance. I wonder what Australia said that convinced them?
That is easy. The spin doctors and lawyers came out and dazzled the FAA with an array of circus tricks. High level talks took place, pony pooh commitments put to paper and spreadsheets including allocated funds to improve Inspector training and other assorted smoke n mirror tricks were used.
The FAA came back, were bedazzled by the 'robust looking measures' introduced by CASA' then walked away happy as a politician at a trough! They walked out the door, allocated funds were shifted, training scaled back or 'diverted' elsewhere and so the cycles goes. It is nothing short of a game, a game that has been played well for eons by those ingrained for decades in Fort Fumbles walls.

The FAA bollocking is nothing new, and Willyleaks published material a lot of us already knew, however back in 2009 mainstream media was not interested. Their attention was on all those Rollers continuing to break over at the Rat. Why do you think the FAA came out sniffing around in the first place? Getting the picture? Putting the puzzle pieces together finally dear friends?

Indeed Fort Fumble is losing it's cloak and dagger secrecy, the game is being exposed and hopefully the Senators will continue to apply the blowtorch, otherwise this whole joke will end in tears and a big smoking hole.

Tick tock

P.S Shhhh. Don't tell Blackhandi, he still thinks everything is a conspiracy and that would include Australia almost receiving a downgrade.
He is like Toto - Clicks the heels and goes to a happy place!

Just for Blackhandi:

Last edited by gobbledock; 2nd Nov 2012 at 10:28. Reason: Tripped over Dorothy's slippers
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