PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - General Dempsey Attacks SpecOps Group for Protesting Whitehouse Leaks
Old 6th Oct 2012, 14:45
  #77 (permalink)  
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I know it is a queer notion to some that I see Dempsey and Panetta allowing Uniformed Military Personnel to march in a Gay Pride Parade to be participating in a Political Event.....something that is clearly forbidden to Non-Gay Personnel and Non-Gay Events.....but I then I also see it as being quite queer that some cannot see the position Dempsey taking in the SOF guys (who are not active duty or reserve personnel but who are private citizens) protests as being forbidden political conduct because they used to be prohibited from political activities while they were in uniform.

Every one of you who have protested have done so because of my nexus of Homosexuals and political activities.....which unfortunately for you is a very clear example of Political Correctness combining with a Political Agenda to subvert existing standards of conduct re political activities by Uniformed Personnel.

As I have said repeatedly....it is not the issue of Homosexuality and the military that is wrong....it is the actions of Dempsey and Panetta in kowtowing to Political Correctness and wrongfully making a political issue of former Miltitary personnel exercising their First Amendment Rights to protest government action.

For those of you who are so blinded by things "Homosexual" that you cannot see the contradiction of Dempsey and Paneeta's actions to long established and CURRENT DOD policy (which if you had read well enough....you would know that the Gay Pride Parade in San Francisco was to be a one time only exemption to the policy) and that by allowing this exemption made mock of the very policy they cite as being the reason they object to the SOFA guys protest.

If you think I have assaulted someone's sensitivities about things Homosexual....that is your problem....not mine....as that clearly is not the case. I am protesting Dempsey's forgetting what he is supposed to be defending and am pointing out why I think he has done so.

The Regulations apply to everyone equally....at least the last time I checked they did. When we start making exceptions to the Regulation without changing the Regulation we do away with the one thing the Miltiary depends upon....that being a uniform administration of policy. Otherwise.....Hypocrisy rules and resentment occurs....which in a Miltary organization is the recipe for disaster.
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