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Old 27th Sep 2012, 19:42
  #206 (permalink)  
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Quote: "There is little chance that Milbland will change his position on Heathrow, and he is so dull that he is unlikely to do a Kinnock on election eve, and you'll never catch him calling anyone a Pleb, even if he is to paternalistic academic elitism what Mitchell is to Toffs."

What is his position? No one knows, but it could easily change.

Quote: "How do we know what he is?..I have heard him say what Cameron and Osborne have done wrong, I have not heard his plans for, well anything..

With Ed on the third runway..It will be aye or naye, depending on who asked the question."

Exactly,but then he doesn't need to, yet.

Quote: "BTW..Why Cameron did not go it alone is beyond me...Wilson led a minority government, and won the following election, with ease."

Have made the same point many times, a lack of experience maybe, a failure to learn from history more likely. More recently, Steve Harper, the Canadian Conservative prime minister led three minority governments before achieving a majority.

Quote: "It's not impossible that UKIP will have some say in the forming of a government."

It's unlikely that they will win any seats, they don't do the work at grassroots level and, unlike the Greens and the Libdems, they haven't learned to "target" specific councils, seats, etc..

Their only way of influencing the election result will be by taking disgruntled voters away from their traditional parties, especially
Conservative voters over broken promises on the EU, allowing marginal seats to change hands.

Quote: "Maybe: It only takes for UKIP,Greens/BNP, and all the other odds and sods to gain a few seats, to make out government on a par with Greece.

We are in a coalition now, what's next I would not like to guess, maybe Cameron austerity will pay dividends..I doubt that without growth.

Cameron puts a chap in charge with sympathy for a third runway, then promptly says - no definitely not. We know Clegg does not want one, that's why Cameron dare not say he does.
Ed..i am not sure he knows there is a problem.

I still thing there will be a 3rd runway at Heathrow..probably Cameron will dismantle our nuclear deterrent and abolish the House of Lords, to get Cleggy to agree."

Won't be a Greece style election result, we don't use proportional voting, good job!

There will be a third rwy, but not at the expense of a nuclear deterent, or the House of Lords.

Quote: "At the end of the day the government whoever they are, will have to either agree to the third runway, or a brand new airport.

We can't afford a new airport, so a third runway it is, or London and the UK will miss out big style."

Exactly, there would also be customer resistance from to a new airport.

Quote: "Senior military commanders have privately questioned whether Britain needs to maintain its current level of nuclear deterrence when the country's ageing Trident submarines are decommissioned.

Nick Harvey, the former defence minister who until September had responsibility for the Government's nuclear capability review, said officers had expressed reservations to him about both the costs and the benefits of such a deterrent."

Harvey's a Libdem so what do you expect?

The reason the nuclear deterrent stays is: prestige, prestige, prestige!

It means a place at the top table and a seat on the UN security council. It means punching above our weight.

It's needed more than ever now, the world is far more dangerous now than in the cold war.

Last edited by Fairdealfrank; 27th Sep 2012 at 19:43.
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