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Old 12th Sep 2012, 07:57
  #772 (permalink)  
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The winners will be rich incomers, the poor hard worker will pay dearly to keep the noise down in leafy Richmond.
Why so? In employment density terms, an airport is not terribly land-efficient. If LHR was turned into a technology park, a Silicon Thames Valley, there would be many times more jobs there.

And if you say that these will only be high tech jobs, well that is not strictly true, but this is another problem that the government needs to face up to. The original Silicon Valley was a huge employer of low-tech jobs, until they shipped them all off to China.

But the export of jobs to the East is a government policy, and so the government holds the keys to blue-collar employment as much as they hold the keys to a new airport. But you have to ask yourself why it took a British Labour party to open up the country to unlimited imports manufactured by Chinese slaves, so that all the manual jobs in the UK could be destroyed. As I said before, the upper escallops of the Labour Party did not give a f*** about British workers or the Labour Party's supporters - all they cared about was their grand scheme of pipe-dream social engineering. That, is where all your blue-collar jobs have gone to.

You will note that in the Iraqi and Syrian conflicts there have been muted calls for sectarian segregation and establishment of separate mini nations - to which the BBC has responded with a steely silence. Why? Because the big dream of the Labour Party was not 'jobs for the workers' or a 'bright future for Britian', but 'pan ethnic multiculturalism' - rammed down your throat with threats of the PC police knocking on your door if you objected.

Unfortunately, the BBC's and the Labour Party's pipe-dream has crumbled into dust in Iraq and Syria (and much of North Africa), and they are now desperately plugging their ears and shouting 'La, la, la...'.

Face facts, Skippy, the keys to employment and prosperity are with a government's grasp, if only we had a government and prime minister who liked the UK and its people more than they liked their pipe-dreams.

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