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Old 5th Jan 2003, 05:30
  #45 (permalink)  
Willie Nelson
Join Date: Feb 2002
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I got pulled over on my motorcycle some years back now. On that occasion I was doubling a good friend of mine, and I can now say that I was speeding, not by a lot mind you, however this brought me some unwanted attention from the local constabulary. I managed to talk my way out of the ticket as he had no proof (he was right) as a matter of course however he did the customary random breath test.

I had not been drinking any alcohol whatsoever, no Lemon Lime and bitters, no old jamacian rum and raisin chocolate not pudding....

I had however just eaten a chicken and mayonaise roll, for which there was a lot of mayonaise in the roll. You could hav knocked me over with a feather when I was told that I registered 0.03 (When I had my provisional licence in New South Wales, Australia I was only allowed 0.02)

I had just recently gone back to school to study, and during this time I had studied chemistry. I learnt about the ethanoate ion and how (from what I remember) one end of this ion is exactly the same as the same end of the ethanol ion. the ethanoate ion is present in vinegar which is present in mayonaise which was present in my mouth at the time of the RBT.

I am no expert on this subject but I can only suspect it attatched to the potassium permangenate in the hanheld testing unit and simulated an alcohol content......I am not sure of this.

All I did was rinse my mouthout at a nearby tap and do the test again immediately afterweards providing a reading of 0.00. Much the same as you might do with alcoholic breath spray.

It wouldn't take any weight to court of course because the issue is too easily resolved, just thought I would add my two cents worth.

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