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Old 6th Jun 2012, 12:55
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So my arguement would be that the cost of keeping hold of its business is not cheap. Take the speculation re EI and the whole EZY move of LTN route, yes it was dressed up as not a tangible benefit, but my money would be with the idea that BFS had to sweeten the deal for EZY.
Probably true Bud, but I imagine the reductions are not nearly so drastic as one would imagine. It kind of highlights the variations in strategy in general between the BHD/BFS. BHD have gone for some reinvestment (plus they started with a newer terminal) plus they go for 'footfall' through said terminal rather than flight based revenue (All the airlines seem to fly for buttons if the rumors are to be believed - I can't imagine EI even being tempted if they weren't offered the big zero to come down)

BFS on the otherhand seem to try and consolidate what they have and try to ride out the storm as far as airlines go, new airlines just don't seem to be happenning. Terminal investment I think has been unavoidable rather than desired. Even so, If anyone has seen the figures for both airports, I would imagine BHD smiling less in the short term.

It will be interesting to see though when the economy turns, who has positioned themselves best!
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