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Old 14th Dec 2002, 16:35
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Le clandestin cubain libéré sous caution

The Cuban stowaway (or nonpaying passenger or whatever) has been freed
from detention on CDN$3000 bond paid by the Cuban community.

According to the La Presse story "aucune enquête policière n'a été
déclenchée, ni d'ADM, ni de la GRC, ni du Service de police de la Ville de

You'd think that authorities would want to do everything possible to discourage
wheel well travel, including debunking this story. As things stand, it appears
to be only an immigration matter.

The temperature then drops and levels at around -4 deg celcius during the cruise.

timzsta, You refer to a 9 to 10 hour flight in a 747. The PPRuNe thread
whose link is in Airbubba's post refers to an 8 hour 747 Papeete-LAX flight
after which a stowaway wrapped in a blanket was pulled from a wheel well.
His inner temperature was 79F. The doctor you cite seems to have an actual
experiment in mind but the conclusions don't seem to match the evidence.
There was a lot of discussion concerning temperatures in the previous
PPRuNe thread.
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