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Old 4th Apr 2012, 07:34
  #9 (permalink)  
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Chapter 1.

Are you sitting comfortably, then I'll begin.

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away there was a wonderful system of managing the fun enjoyed by all, funded by the caring, conscientious, all seeing , Benevolent Dictatorship (BD) which protected the mysterious, but fantastic island paradise.

The poor, but honest, happy peasants had found a great sport (aviation content approaching), flight, powered by magic and belief, provided a method for crossing the vast distances between parties, country pubs, bar-b-ques and B&S balls; 'tis rumoured the odd wild spirit even found their way into the odd Nurses home. (Even in paradise, miscreants).

As always, in paradise there must be an evil element (no story otherwise). The Grand Vizier (GV) craved power, hated parties and the like, decided the best way to achieve his dark ends was find those without enough magical power to take wing; and, through devious, dark means brought them together in a dank, dark rat infested fort. Here with lobotomy, castration and other foul calumnies, he wove the fell magic of the Safety Spell.

The GV designed, developed and evolved several varieties of creature, which were all for one purpose, to pave his road to the dark, unhappy world he so craved. Once the dark work was completed, he persuaded the BD that all this 'flyin' about stuff could hurt his dearest, happiest subjects. So, reluctantly the BD allowed a limited amount of 'Island Specialists' (IS) to make sure that no one got too badly banged up. (Being a kind, soft hearted type).

This one action allowed Safety Mumbo Jumbo experts, legal Voodoo wizards, policy Hoodoo specialists; and, the dreaded Double bubble in toil and trouble from the three witches of iniquity. This led to Fairy stories from legal eagles; mumbo speak from the jumbo specialists and free madness assessments from the master of smoke and mirrors. The worst being the “Your delusional – off to the dungeon with him”. Of course, the recipient of this dire pronouncement could not argue; no, twas the dungeon or the desert.

At first, the happy peasants accepted the IS advice and all was well, for while. Then a mysterious sickness came over the jovial, tolerant BD.

Suddenly - darkness was loose on that wonderful, mysterious island, far far away.

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