PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Advice Please - about to start ATPL course
Old 7th Mar 2001, 21:53
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Post Advice Please - about to start ATPL course

I am about to embark on a JAR ATPL course (having previously been of sound mind and stable career).

A bit of advice would be welcome as i'm getting different answers depending upon whom i'm speaking with.

I have the following -
200hrs TT

I understand that to get a frozen ATPL I need the following -
ATPL Theory
plus of course my multi rating.

Now for the questions -

1. I don't want to be in debt forevever (actually come to think of it I am already!!) so I'm going for the distance learing/modular route. Who do you guys/gals recommend for the ATPL Theory - i'm currently looking at Four Forces and Bristol Groundschool. Bristol seems to have some good feedback, anyboy else care to put forward their recommendations.

2. Confused about JAR IR Course. I have been told that my IMC is an exemption for the 55hr course (reduced to 43 hours with IMC). Other schools are telling me otherwise and that to do the 43hr course I would have to sit the IR as a PPL (CAA rather than JAR??) and then do the CPL and convert to CPL/IR. Please help, v. confused on this one!!

3. Training Schools - I can't afford to take time off so i'm looking at doing the CPL and IR part time. I'm currently looking at Multiflight and Leeds Flying School as I can get to LBA in about 90 mins. Also might consider Humberside. I would really appreciate some feedback on these schools.

4. How much of a difference will it make to my future employers where my training was? Should I be looking at the bigger, well known schools for the flight training?

5. I was going to do the M/E at my local flight school but apparently you can do a combined CPL and M/E which has reduced hours?? The sort of prices i've been quoted are about £800-£900 additional for the M/E on top of the CPL price. This seems to make good commercial sense. Any reason why I shouldn't do this?

I think that is about it, but if you have any other help please feel free to pass it on.

Thanks in advance.

PS I'm 31, does anyone think i'm mad for doing this? Funnily enough it's my girlfriend that has pushed me into actually doing what i've been talking about for years.