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Old 2nd Sep 2011, 14:06
  #165 (permalink)  
Worrals in the wilds
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It will be interesting to see how governable Australia remains after the New Labor experiment at state and federal level has run its course.

It'll be governable in the same way an accident site is manageable. Situation? Casualties? Rescuables? Unavoidable losses? Ugly all 'round and bound to be a fustercluck.

As for states, ours is easy. It's broke. Absolutely frigging broke. Call anyone you know in any state department and the answer is the same; 'We'd love to help but there's no money. You'll just have to sacrifice the koalas '. A fine predicament for the Sunshine State that's full of mines and happy fruit like pineapples and bananas.

That's what years of Labor and equal years of dysfunctional opposition brings. I blame both sides equally, because I firmly believe that Queenslanders would have thrown out the ALP years ago IF there had been a viable opposition. There hasn't been, so the ALP have limped along recklessly spending more money and stuffing up more departments through partisan senior appointments and grovelling middle managers.

Now the Flood Report's out and guess what, Bligh; You ed it Big Time! All the TV crossovers in the world to you in your moleskins aren't going to trump the footage of the Wivenhoe less than a metre below the fuseplug walls. Have you read about what happens with a dam overtop, Bligh? Have you read the uncensored version of the Dam Operating Manual where it talks about how Australia's third biggest city would completely lose its CBD and several inner suburbs to a wall of water and debris, how the power, comms and sewerage infrastructure would be destroyed beyond reapair, how one million people would be left with a few days' water that was in the pipes and absolutely nothing else? The inquiry did you a favour and nikko penned the contentious bits with the nasty fatality type stuff in the interests of 'counter terrorism'. Isn't that nice? Do you realise how ing close it got or did your flunkies hide that from you in the interests of 'warm and fuzzy'?

Have you read about the impact of twice as much water as Sydney Harbour hitting Brisbane at speed plus the debris from the dam wall itself, and we're not just talking about rubble but big friggen boulders and chunks of concrete? You nearly cost the cities, guys. You nearly destroyed Brisbane and Ipswich through your ineptitude, lack of foresight, lack of balls/ovaries, policital motivations (We Believe in Water Conservation because the Courier Mail's Bogan Response Unit tells us to ) and sheer inadequacy as leaders. You couldn't even spend New Year's Eve in Rockhampton when it was devastated by floods because Joolya sent you an invitation to the Sydney Fireworks. No floods there, never mind that one of Queensland's bigger cities was underwater and might have enjoyed some fireworks and celebutards too.

It didn't happen and you have the gall to pat yourselves on the back for the "Flood Response" that came from ordinary citizens while you were posing for the ing cameras. Then you had the gall to means test donations that were made in good faith so your feral supporters were covered and wage earners were left high and muddy. If I had ever known what was going to happen to the Premier's Flood Appeal fund I would never have advertised it on Jetblast. I would have suggested (as wiser and more cynical posters did) that donations should go to Vinnies or the Salvos where political mileage is not such a priority.

Anyway, rant over but to comment on your State level New Labor, I fing hate them. I hate them more than any Queensland government that has existed in my lifetime, even more than Joh who was likeable in a mad uncle kind of way. I hate them because I believe that they fiddled while Rome flooded, because they appointed their little mates to positions of power regardless of competence (throughout the public service in health, legal, envrironment, libraries and countless other important areas), because their ineptitude nearly destroyed the two cities and most of all...because they don't even have the decency to admit to it and still gob off on the telly about how great they are.

You may have already gathered that .
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