PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - June 14th: Spanish ATC situation at the European Parliament
Old 14th Jun 2011, 11:01
  #5 (permalink)  
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@Daermon ,
I appreciate your correct tone and idea to democratically discus it.

It is only my thesis, that closed systems i.e. those where labor market is not open for free competition is more vulnerable to accidents/incidents.

Also it is important to emphases that it is not enough to "declare" open market.
It is important to do it so, on adequate way.
....yes, you have right ,as a citizen of EU to apply for job, but .........

also, my thesis is that Spanish ATCOs, were made first mistake. They accepted somewhere in the past,around '99 agreement, to sell free time for money. All problems after that point is just logic consequences.

At latter stages both employer and employees found all "advantages" of such genius agreement. It was cheaper for employer not to recruit new ATCOs and pay old ones more for "overtime" and for employees to accept a little money "gift" to work overtime instead of recruitment process.

system that kills newbies is more than vulnerable and has no chance to survive on longer run.
And when it happened, in Spanish case because of World Economic Crisis, than problem arose immediately.

And of course as in any other case, Spain as a State is not in position to loose battle between ATCOs and ATC system.

Politically or not, millions of tourists means more to Spain than a few hundred overpaid and greed ATCOs.

Spain as any other southern European state is more vulnerable to political turmoil ,and if something is not appropriated in Sweden or Holland, it doesn't mean the same in Spain or any other Southern state.
And this fact is everything but unknown for us living at South.
Contract is worth nothing ,if boss think so.

and now, we have some Spanish ATCOs probaly at their mid 40s ,who remember even Franco era, that they are surprised how government react.

honestly I will be "impresed" if something like this happens in Norway. But in Spain, my country is also included on that list,it is "business as usual"

And the main cause, is there is no free labor market.